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Created February 14, 2019 00:00
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import throttle from 'lodash.throttle';
import React, { Dispatch, SetStateAction, useContext } from 'react';
import WasRenderedContext from '../contexts/WasRenderedContext';
type Key = 'darkMode' | 'tasks' | 'email' | 'version';
type DarkMode = boolean;
interface TaskText {
leaves: Array<{ text: string }>;
object: 'text';
export const taskType = 'task';
export interface TaskData {
completed: boolean;
depth: number;
interface Task {
data: TaskData;
nodes: TaskText[];
object: 'block';
type: typeof taskType;
interface Tasks {
document: {
nodes: Task[];
type Email = string;
type Version = number;
type Value<K extends Key> = K extends 'darkMode'
? DarkMode
: K extends 'tasks'
? Tasks
: K extends 'email'
? Email
: K extends 'version'
? Version
: never;
// Force storage reset via key.
const storageVersion = 1;
const storageKey = (key: string) => `actualtasks-${storageVersion}-${key}`;
const setValues: {
[key in Key]: Array<Dispatch<SetStateAction<Value<Key>>>>
} = {
darkMode: [],
email: [],
tasks: [],
version: [],
// Initial values must be here because useLocalStorage owns them.
const initialValues: { [key in Key]: Value<Key> } = {
darkMode: false,
email: '',
tasks: {
document: {
nodes: [
data: {
completed: false,
depth: 0,
nodes: [
leaves: [
// Because autoFocus does not work.
text: 'Click me.',
object: 'text',
object: 'block',
type: 'task',
data: {
completed: false,
depth: 1,
nodes: [
leaves: [
// Because autoFocus does not work.
text: 'Then this.',
object: 'text',
object: 'block',
type: 'task',
version: 1,
const setStorageItem = (key: Key, value: any) => {
// TODO: Handle errors via Sentry.
// try {
localStorage.setItem(storageKey(key), JSON.stringify(value));
// } catch (error) {
// // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
// console.log(error);
// }
const setStorageItemThrottled = throttle(setStorageItem, 500);
const useLocalStorage = <K extends Key>(
key: K,
ignoreSetValue: boolean = false,
): [Value<K>, (value: Value<K>) => void] => {
const getItem = <T extends Key>(key: T): Value<T> | null => {
try {
const item = localStorage.getItem(storageKey(key));
if (item == null) return null;
return JSON.parse(item);
} catch (error) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
return null;
const wasRendered = useContext(WasRenderedContext);
// Initial value is the must for the React hydrate but only for it.
// @ts-ignore This must be somehow resovable without ifs, I hope.
const [value, setValue] = React.useState<Value<K>>(() => {
return wasRendered
? getItem(key) || initialValues[key]
: initialValues[key];
const maybeLoadValueFromStorage = () => {
const storageValue = getItem(key);
if (storageValue != null) setValue(storageValue);
const maybeMigrateLocalStorageData = () => {
// Migrate only one tab, other tabs will get it via storage event.
const migrationDoneSessionKey = storageKey('migrationDone');
const migrationDone = sessionStorage.getItem(migrationDoneSessionKey);
if (migrationDone === 'true') return;
const done = () => {
sessionStorage.setItem(migrationDoneSessionKey, 'true');
// // Example:
// switch (getItem('version') || 1) {
// case 1: {
// // const tasks: Tasks | null = getItem('tasks');
// // if (tasks == null) return;
// // tasks.document.nodes = => ({
// // ...node,
// // // change something
// // }));
// // setStorageItem('version', 2);
// // setStorageItem('tasks', tasks);
// break;
// }
// }
React.useEffect(() => {
// To override initial render data.
if (!wasRendered) maybeLoadValueFromStorage();
return () => {
setValues[key].splice(setValues[key].indexOf(setValue), 1);
}, []);
const syncLocalStorage = (event: StorageEvent) => {
if (event.key === storageKey(key)) {
React.useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('storage', syncLocalStorage);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('storage', syncLocalStorage);
}, []);
const set = (value: Value<K>) => {
setStorageItemThrottled(key, value);
setValues[key].forEach(setValueFn => {
if (ignoreSetValue && setValueFn === setValue) return;
return [value, set];
export default useLocalStorage;
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