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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Save steinbring/3bada7213a837feddec0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
No matter what the original width and height is of the source image, this function will resize your source file to a particular width and height of your choosing. The function preserves the original aspect ratio and then just adds solid bars on the top or bottom, if needed.
Description: No matter what the original width and height is of the source image, this function will resize your source file to a particular width and height of your choosing. The function preserves the original aspect ratio and then just adds solid bars on the top or bottom, if needed.
Author: Joe Steinbring (
Date: 09/12/2014
function imageResize($NewWidth, $NewHeight, $NewFilename, $OldFilename) {
// Get the details on the target $OldFilename
$ImageDetails = getimagesize($OldFilename);
// What's the mimetype?
$MimeType = $ImageDetails["mime"];
// What are the current dimensions?
$CurrentWidth = $ImageDetails[0];
$CurrentHeight = $ImageDetails[1];
// Calculate the scale to fit the image inside of the target dimensions
$scale = min($NewWidth/$CurrentWidth, $NewHeight/$CurrentHeight);
// What should the actual new dimensions be, based upon the calculated scale?
$CalcNewWidth = ceil($scale*$CurrentWidth);
$CalcNewHeight = ceil($scale*$CurrentHeight);
// Create new empty, new image
$NewImage = imagecreatetruecolor($NewWidth, $NewHeight);
// START: Make the background transparent
imagesavealpha($NewImage, true);
imagealphablending($NewImage, false);
$white = imagecolorallocatealpha($NewImage, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefill($NewImage, 0, 0, $white);
// END: Make the background transparent
// Read the file behind $OldFilename into variable
if($MimeType == 'image/jpeg'){
// It's a JPEG
$OldImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($OldFilename);
}else if($MimeType == 'image/gif'){
// It's a GIF
$OldImage = imagecreatefromgif($OldFilename);
}else if($MimeType == 'image/png'){
// It's a PNG
$OldImage = imagecreatefrompng($OldFilename);
// Resize old image into new
imagecopyresampled($NewImage, $OldImage,
($NewWidth-$CalcNewWidth)/2, ($NewHeight-$CalcNewHeight)/2, 0, 0,
$CalcNewWidth, $CalcNewHeight, $CurrentWidth, $CurrentHeight);
// Write the image to the file behind $NewFilename
if($MimeType == 'image/jpeg'){
// It's a JPEG
imagejpeg($NewImage, $NewFilename);
}else if($MimeType == 'image/gif'){
// It's a GIF
imagegif($NewImage, $NewFilename);
}else if($MimeType == 'image/png'){
// It's a PNG
imagepng($NewImage, $NewFilename);
// Clean up your stuff
imageResize(400, 300, 'BackDoor_med.jpg', 'BackDoor.jpg');
imageResize(150, 160, 'BackDoor_thmb.jpg', 'BackDoor.jpg');
imageResize(400, 300, 'MyBad_med.gif', 'MyBad.gif');
imageResize(150, 160, 'MyBad_thmb.gif', 'MyBad.gif');
imageResize(400, 300, 'coffee_med.png', 'coffee.png');
imageResize(150, 160, 'coffee_thmb.png', 'coffee.png');
Medium Image: 400x300
Thumbnail: 150x160
<img src="BackDoor.jpg">
<img src="BackDoor_med.jpg">
<img src="BackDoor_thmb.jpg">
<img src="MyBad.gif">
<img src="MyBad_med.gif">
<img src="MyBad_thmb.gif">
<img src="coffee.png">
<img src="coffee_med.png">
<img src="coffee_thmb.png">
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