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stenio123 / Sign.MD
Last active February 23, 2023 22:16
Signing a base64 string with Vault Transit Secret Engine

This code shows the steps to enable the transit secret engine, configure a key, and use the sign leveraging Vault.

vault secrets enable transit

# Default key type doesn't support signing
vault write -f transit/keys/my-key type=rsa-4096

# Encode a string as base64
echo -n 'This was created by Stenio, you can trust me!' | openssl base64
stenio123 /
Created October 23, 2017 19:31 — forked from zeg-io/
Clean all Docker images older than 4 weeks
oldContainers="$(docker ps -f "status=exited" | grep -E 'Exited \(.*\) [5-9] h|Exited \(.*\) \d\d h' | awk '{ print $1 }')"
echo -e -n "\nRemoving containers older than 4 hours"
if [ "$oldContainers" != "" ]; then
echo ""
docker rm $oldContainers
echo "...none found."
stenio123 /
Last active November 13, 2022 14:25
Vault Examples

Vault Examples

Examples highligthing different Vault features.

To have a list of valid CLI flags, use

vault -h
vault <FEATURE> -h

HA Replication

stenio123 /
Created August 14, 2019 15:05
Vault Kubernetes Webhook Instructions

Vault Kubernetes Mutating Hook

This is an example showing how to use mutating admission hooks in kubernetes to automate the addition of init and sidecar containers to pods. This will allow using only one annotation in the deployment to automate retrieval of secrets from Vault.



  1. Download Vault
  2. Execute
vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root
stenio123 / Big List of Real Estate
Created January 18, 2021 15:23 — forked from patpohler/Big List of Real Estate
Evolving list of Real Estate APIs by Category

Big List of Real Estate APIs

Listings / Property Data

####Rets Rabbit

Rets Rabbit removes the nightmare of importing thousands of real estate listings and photos from RETS or ListHub and gives you an easy to use import and Web API server so you can focus on building your listing search powered website or app.

stenio123 /
Created January 11, 2019 00:06
Example Azure Terraform Enterprise Workflow

Example Azure Terraform Enterprise Workflow

This document describes the steps required to demo an opinionated workflow deploying and managing Azure resources using Terraform Enterprise.


In order to complete this demo, you need to have:

  • a Terraform Enterprise account
  • a git account


stenio123 /
Created July 3, 2018 14:48
Shows the difference between regular token and periodic token
# All tokens within Vault have an associated TTL (Root is the exception, having "infinite" TTL).
# For long running services, Vault allows the creation of "periodic tokens".
# These are special types of tokens created for long running services - for example a Jenkins server.
# We needed to accomodate the fact that every token in Vault needs to have a ttl, however we expect this service to be long
# lived, therefore it allows us to create a special token that can be renewed indefinitely, allowing a Vault admin to have
# different max_ttl strategies without impacting long running services. The "period" parameter will work as the TTL for the
# token, which needs to be renewed within that period. If it doesn't, Vault will not accept requests using that token
# until it is renewed.
# Example, confidering default system max_ttl and default_ttl:
stenio123 /
Created December 9, 2019 19:44 — forked from AmreeshTyagi/
Exclude MySQL Workbench from dark theme with mojave Mac dark theme
defaults write NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
echo "Successfully patched!"
echo "Now restart MySQL Workbench to see the Workbench in light theme."
#Restart MySQL Workbench after executing this.
stenio123 /
Created August 19, 2019 15:45
Vault K8s MutableWebhook
# Checkout the bank-vaults project
 3git clone
 5cd bank-vaults
 7# Install the vault-operator and create a Vault instance
 8# with it, which has the Kubernetes auth method configured
stenio123 / Number of requests Vault
Created May 20, 2019 13:01
Script to list number of requests in a log file from Vault
# Number of requests on Vault
## Author: Ranjit
cat ~/vault.log | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/^/[/' | sed 's/,$/]/' | jq '. | map(select(.type == "request")) | length'
## Author: Ancil
awk '/"type":"request"/{++cnt} END {print "Count = ", cnt}' vaultaudit.log