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Created August 8, 2016 21:24
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Exposing boot file watching
(def FileChangeCallbacks (atom []))
(defn on-file-changes
(doseq [callback (seq @FileChangeCallbacks)]
(try (callback changes)
(catch Throwable t
(println "Exception in boot watch callback: " t))))
(reset! last-file-change (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(defn set-user-dirs-with-callback! []
(let [debounce (or (get-env :watcher-debounce) 10)
env-keys [:source-paths :resource-paths :asset-paths :checkout-paths]
dir-paths (set (->> (mapcat get-env env-keys)
(filter #(.isDirectory (io/file %)))))
watcher (watch-dirs on-file-changes dir-paths :debounce debounce)]
(reset! src-watcher watcher)
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