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Summary of #Rstats posts on bluesky from 2024-12-18 to 2024-12-24 using claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022


Produced with claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022

Here's a summary of the top #rstats posts on Bluesky from the past week:

Key Announcements and News:

  • Posit (formerly RStudio) joined the Open Source Pledge, committing $2000/year per developer to support open source software
  • The RStudio IDE and Posit Workbench received a major update with Positron Pro support
  • useR 2025 will be held at Duke University in August 2024
  • Several notable package releases including rms 6.9-0, {chopin} for spatial analysis, and {rayrender} v0.38.0

Popular Topics and Themes:

  1. Package Development & Updates
  2. Data Visualization
  3. Tutorials & Learning Resources
  4. Statistical Methods
  5. Mobile Development
  6. Generative Art

Notable Tutorial Content:

  • Jarrett Byrnes shared a tutorial on Bayesian SEM using brms
  • Danielle Navarro wrote about regular expressions in R
  • Multiple posts about the easystats ecosystem for Bayesian analysis

Innovation & New Tools:

  • Colin announced Rlinguo, a mobile app for running R on phones
  • New developments in web-based R applications using webR and Shinylive
  • Various updates to visualization packages and tools

Community Engagement:

  • Active TidyTuesday participation analyzing D&D spell data
  • Significant discussion around generative art and visualization
  • Strong focus on teaching and learning resources

The overall tone of the R community on Bluesky is overwhelmingly positive and collaborative, with a mix of technical discussion, creative applications, and mutual support. There's a strong emphasis on sharing knowledge and resources, particularly around data visualization and statistical methods.

Common Hashtags: #rstats #dataviz #tidytuesday #pydata #statistics #dataBS #rtistry #bayesian #shiny #ggplot2

Notable Authors:

  • Hadley Wickham
  • Danielle Navarro
  • Frank Harrell
  • Tyler Morgan-Wall
  • Sharon Machlis
  • Colin Fay
  • Nicola Rennie

The community appears to be particularly excited about new developments in mobile and web-based R applications, as well as advances in statistical computing and visualization tools. There's also a strong strain of creativity running through the posts, with many sharing artistic applications of R programming.

Top posts

Top 10 posts:

  • Hadley Wickham: Very proud to announce that has joined the We're committing to spending $2000 / developer / year to support open source software that we use (but don't develop): #rstats #pydata
  • Jarrett Byrnes: OK, here is a very rough draft of a tutorial for #Bayesian #SEM using #brms for #rstats. It needs work, polish, has a lot of questions in it, and I need to add a references section. But, I think a lot of folk will find this useful, so.... (use issues for comments!)
  • Danielle Navarro: Some words on regular expressions in #rstats. In which I finally wrap my head around the fact that there are at least three different regex engines in widespread usage in R, they support different features, and they all hate me
  • Colin 🤘🌱🏃‍♀️: #RStats I'm so, so thrilled to finally share the release of Rlinguo, a mobile app that runs R 📱 This is a fully, native mobile app that uses #webR in the backend to run R functions. Available on the App Store (iPhone) & Play Store (Android)
  • Erik Reinbergs: These bayes tutorials are the first ones i've actually understood. Looking forward to the rest of the being finished. Go teams! #rstats
  • Dave H: Just pushed a Christmas update to {ggblanket}. I decided to support colour blending. It uses {ggblend} under the hood (thanks, which uses graphics features developed by Paul Murrell. Give {ggblanket} and {ggblend} a star, if you find them useful. Oh, and have a merry Christmas #rstats
  • Owen Phillips: I created a thing that puts every player's box score stats from the night before in one interactive table. Ive been using it every morning to quickly check who had a good/bad game instead of looking at 10 different box scores updates nightly #rstats #gt #quarto
  • Hadley Wickham: I discovered that the original plyr website still exists: It's hard to imagine that this used to be a better than average package website #rstats
  • Frank Harrell: 1/2 Major release 6.9-0 of #RStats rms package now available on CRAN w/complete re-write of the binary/ordinal logistic regression function lrm. lrm began in 1980 as SAS PROC LOGIST so it was time for a re-do for iterative calculations. Details are at
  • Joe Chou: As far as I’m concerned, #webr and #shinylive is indistinguishable from magic. I can’t believe that since first installing #quarto-webr a few hours ago till now, I’ve gotten a relatively complicated #shinyapp exported, deployed, and running serverless. This is magic. #rstats
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