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Last active January 3, 2016 20:39
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Save stephenyeargin/8516096 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Description:
# Integrate with GitHub deployment API
# Dependencies:
# "githubot": "0.4.x"
# Configuration:
# HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN - GitHub API token. Required to perform authenticated actions.
# HUBOT_GITHUB_API - (optional) The base API URL. This is useful for Enterprise Github installations. Omit if not used.
# HUBOT_GITHUB_USER - Default GitHub username to use if one is not given.
# HUBOT_GITHUB_DEPLOY_TARGETS - comma separated keys for your deployment environments.
# HUBOT_GITHUB_REPO - GitHub repository to use for deployments
# Commands:
# hubot deploy status - List the status of most recent deployments
# hubot deploy status <id> - List the statuses a particular deployment
# hubot deploy list targets - List available deployment targets
# hubot deploy list branches <search> - List available branches, filtered by optional search term
# hubot deploy <branch or SHA> to <server> - Creates a Github deployment of a branch/SHA to a server
# Notes:
# HUBOT_GITHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TARGETS defines what is sent along with the payload for your third-party tool
# Author:
# stephenyeargin
module.exports = (robot) ->
github = require('githubot')(robot, apiVersion: 'cannonball-preview')
deployTargets = process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_DEPLOY_TARGETS.split(",") || []
# Status
robot.respond /deploy status( [0-9]+)?$/i, (msg) ->
unless checkConfiguration(msg)
app = process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_REPO
status_id = msg.match[1]
if status_id?
status_id = status_id.trim()
github.deployments(app).status status_id, (statuses) ->
if statuses.length is 0
msg.send "No status updates available."
for status in statuses
do (status) ->
msg.send "#{status.description} (#{status.state}) at #{status.created_at}"
github.deployments app, (deployments) ->
if deployments.length is 0
msg.send "No recent deployments."
for deployment in deployments
do (deployment) ->
payload = deployment.payload
msg.send "#{}: #{payload.deploy_user} deployed #{payload.ref} to #{payload.environment} at #{deployment.created_at}"
# List Deployment Targets
robot.respond /deploy list targets$/i, (msg) ->
unless checkConfiguration(msg)
if deployTargets.length is 0
msg.send "No deployment targets defined. Set HUBOT_GITHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TARGETS first."
msg.send "Available Deployment Targets"
msg.send " #{target}" for target in deployTargets
# List Available Branches
robot.respond /deploy list branches(.*)$/i, (msg) ->
unless checkConfiguration(msg)
filter = msg.match[1].toLowerCase().trim()
app = process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_REPO
github.branches app, (branches) ->
if branches.length is 0
msg.send "No branches in repository."
msg.send "Available Deployment Branches"
branch_count = 0
for branch in branches
do (branch) ->
# Filtered list
if filter
branch_name =
if ~branch_name.indexOf filter
msg.send " #{}: #{branch.commit.sha}"
# Unfiltered list
msg.send " #{}: #{branch.commit.sha}"
# Create Deployment
robot.respond /deploy ([-_\.0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)? to ([-_\.0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)$/i, (msg) ->
unless checkConfiguration(msg)
app = process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_REPO
ref = msg.match[1]
target = msg.match[2]
if target in deployTargets
username =
room =
options = {
payload: {env: target, deploy_user: username, room: room, ref: ref}
description: "#{username} deployed #{ref} to #{target}"
github.deployments(app).create ref, options, (response) ->
msg.send response.description
msg.send "\"#{target}\" not in available deploy targets. Use `deploy list targets`"
# Help
robot.respond /deploy$/i, (msg) ->
unless checkConfiguration(msg)
cmds = robot.helpCommands()
cmds = cmds.filter (cmd) ->
cmd.match new RegExp('deploy', 'i')
emit = cmds.join "\n"
unless is 'hubot'
emit = emit.replace /hubot/ig,
msg.send emit
# Check Config
checkConfiguration = (msg) ->
unless process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN
msg.send "Missing configuration: HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN"
return false
unless process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_USER
msg.send "Missing configuration: HUBOT_GITHUB_USER"
return false
msg.send "Missing configuration: HUBOT_GITHUB_DEPLOY_TARGETS"
return false
unless process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_REPO
msg.send "Missing configuration: HUBOT_GITHUB_REPO"
return false
return true;
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