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stevecj / computes_recursively.rb
Last active November 27, 2015 03:13
Fake tail recursion in Ruby without relying on tail optimization support in the Ruby VM
# This is a mixin module that adds support for tail-recursive
# style programming in Ruby without relying on any true tail
# recursion optimization in the Ruby virtual machine.
# Since tail recursion calls are actually deferred until after
# returning from the method that invoked #tail, recursions can
# be "nested" to an unlimited depth without overflowing the
# stack.
# The including module can define tail-recursive methods within
stevecj / sleep_request.rb
Last active December 11, 2015 08:58
Cleanly stoppable beaneater/beanstalkd agent. Waits for currently executing task to complete before stopping for INT (Ctrl+c) or TERM (kill) signals or receipt of an enqueued stop job.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'beaneater'
beanstalk =['localhost:11300'])
sleep_tube = beanstalk.tubes['sleeper-take-a-nap']
sleep_tube.put '-'
stevecj / fiber_demo.rb
Created February 4, 2013 05:53
A demonstration of transfer of control to/from a Fiber in Ruby 1.9.x.
fib = do |val|
puts ' -- 2 --'
puts 'fiber started & got: ' + val
puts 'now yield with "1st yield"'
val = Fiber.yield('fiber yield 1')
puts ' -- 4 --'
puts '1st yield got: ' + val
puts 'now yield with "2nd yield"'
stevecj / deferred_uniqueness_validations.rb
Created March 7, 2013 21:32
Allow any ActiveRecord uniqueness validation(s) to be deferred, and only check after a failed save due to uniqueness violation error from the database.
# ./config/initializers/deferred_uniqueness_validations.rb
# This initializer adds support for deferred processing of
# ActiveRecord uniqueness validations. When a uniqueness
# validation is deferred using the :deferred => true option, it is
# not checked before save. Instead, if there is a uniqueness
# constraint defined for the column in the database, and if the
# save operation raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
# exception, then the validation is performed so that the precise
# cause can be determined and the appropriate error information
stevecj / flatten-it.rb
Last active March 30, 2016 08:49
Coding exercise: Flatten an array in Ruby w/o using `Array#flatten`
module ArrayUtils
def self.flatten(array, result=[])
array = Array(array)
array.each do |entry|
case entry
when Array
flatten entry, result
result << entry
stevecj / ruby_nesting_unmuddling.rb
Created March 16, 2012 18:31
Understanding and unscrambling Ruby's weird module nesting behavior
# Get ourselves a clean, top-level binding.
def main_binding
module ModuleUtils
module ModuleMethods ; end
self.extend ModuleMethods
module ModuleMethods
stevecj / gist:9ace6a70370f6d1a1511
Last active December 2, 2019 06:34
Ruby will destructure objects that are not arrays, but respond to #to_ary,:b)
ss = [,2),,4)]
p{|a,b| "#{a} #{b}" }
# => ["#<struct S a=1, b=2> ", "#<struct S a=3, b=4> "]
class S ; def to_ary ; to_a ; end ; end
p{|a,b| "#{a} #{b}" }
# => ["1 2", "3 4"]