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Last active December 15, 2015 12:48
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LuaDist batteries manifest; all modules which are directly installable. Third field is either 'no', 'yes' or <version> if there exists a higher version in the repo. A start made with annotating these entries with tags.
local f ='info.txt')
local line = f:read()
local Q = '"'
local QC = '",'
--local tags = dofile 'tags.lua'
io.write 'return {\n'
while line do
if line:match '^Finding' then
local package,kind,rest,descript,installed, homepage
local first_kind, first_package, first_description, installed_package
while line do
-- look for package line
while not line:match '^%s+%S' do
line = f:read()
package, kind,rest = line:match '^%s+(%S+)%s+%((.-)%)(.*)'
line = f:read() -- description
descript = line:match '^%s+Description: (.+)'
if not first_kind then
first_kind = kind
first_package = package
first_description = descript
f:read() -- author
line = f:read() -- homepage
homepage = line:match '%s+Homepage: (.+)'
installed = rest:match '%S' and true or false
if installed then
installed_package = package
-- otherwise, check next version
while not line:match '^%s*$' do
line = f:read()
-- blank line; next will either be 'Finding', another vs or nil
line = f:read()
if line and line:match '^Finding' then break end
if first_kind == 'Windows-x86' then
local pack,vs = first_package:match '^(.+)%-(.+)'
local tag = tags and tags[first_package] or ''
first = ' '
if installed then
local _,ivs = installed_package:match '^(.+)%-(.+)'
if ivs == vs then
installed = 'yes'
installed = ivs
first = '*'
installed = 'no'
if vs ~= 'scm' then
descript = first_description
io.write("{",Q,pack,QC,Q,vs,QC,Q,installed,QC,Q,homepage,QC,Q,descript,QC,"\n ",Q,tag,Q,"},\n")
first_kind = nil
line = f:read()
io.write '}\n'
return {
{"30log","0.4.1","no","","30 lines library for object orientation",
{"abelhas","1.1","no","","Particle Swarm Optimization in Lua",
{"alien","0.7.0","0.5.1","","Alien - Pure Lua extensions.",
{"alt-getopt","0.7","no","","Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long",
"command-line parsing"},
{"ansicolors","1.0.2","no","","Ansicolors is a simple Lua function for printing to the console in color.",
{"asklua","0.1","no","","AskLua provides a module that implements a help integrated system for on line use in the interactive interpreter, and for generating documentation in html and printed formats.",
"documentation console"},
{"batteries","0.9.8","yes","","Lua Batteries. A meta package modeled after LuaForWindows distribution.",
{"bencode","2.0.1","no","","Library for encoding and decoding bencoded data.",
"data encoding"},
{"bin2clua","20091010","no","","Lua implementation of bin2c, a utility that converts a binary file to a C char string that can be included in a C program",
"devtool lua"},
{"bit32","5.2.0alpha","no","","Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library for Lua 5.1",
"bitops compat52"},
{"bitlib","26","no","","Tiny library for bitwise operations",
{"busted","1.6","no","","An elegant, extensible, testing framework. Ships with a large amount of useful asserts, plus the ability to write your own. Output in pretty or plain terminal format, JSON, or TAP for CI integration. Great for TDD and unit, integration, and functional tests.",
{"cd","5.5","yes","","CD (Canvas Draw) is a platform-independent graphics library.",
{"cgilua","5.1.4","no","","Tool for creating dynamic Web pages and manipulating data from Web forms.",
"web CGI"},
{"cheese","0.1alpha","no","","Cheese PEG parser generator",
"parsing PEG"},
{"classlib","2.04","no","","A multiple-inheritance class library for Lua.",
{"config","1.0.0","no","","Easy configuration file loading",
{"copas","1.1.6","yes","","Coroutine Oriented Portable Asynchronous Services",
"networking coroutines"},
{"cosmo","10.04.06","no","","Safe templates for Lua",
"text templating"},
{"coxpcall","1.13.0","yes","","Coroutine safe xpcall and pcall",
{"curl","7.21.5","yes","","Curl is a command line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax and provides libcurl interface for other applications",
"networking cprog"},
{"dado","1.5.0","no","","Dado - Database Facilities for LuaSQL.",
"database SQL"},
{"diff","8.06.15","no","","This module provides a small collection of functions for diffing text.",
"text diff"},
{"dkjson","2.2","no","","dkjson is a module for encoding and decoding JSON data. It supports UTF-8.",
"encoding json"},
{"epeg","0.5.7","no","","Epeg is a library to read PEGs from textfiles and apply them to input to create abstract syntax trees.",
"parsing PEG"},
{"etree","0.1.1","no","","Lua Element Tree is a library that enables manipulation of XML documents as simple data structures in Lua.",
{"fcgi","2.4.0","no","","FastCGI is simple because it is actually CGI with only a few extensions.",
{"freeglut","2.6.0","no","","FreeGLUT is a free alternative GLUT library.",
{"freetype","2.4.10","yes","","Freetype library.",
{"genx","0.5.0","no","","A library for safely generating XML.",
{"getopt","0.1.1","no","","getopt - Get command line options Lua module.",
"command-line parsing"},
{"glew","1.5.4","no","","The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library.",
{"gpc","2.32","no","","A new algorithm for calculating the difference, intersection, exclusive-or or union of arbitrary polygon sets.",
{"gzio","1.1.1","yes","","The Lua gzip file I/O module emulates the standard I/O module, but operates on compressed gzip format files.",
"data compressed"},
{"im","3.8","yes","","IM is a toolkit for Digital Imaging.",
{"im-examples","3.8","no","","Examples for IM - a toolkit for Digital Imaging.",
"graphics examples"},
{"iup","3.6","yes","","IUP is a portable toolkit for building graphical user interfaces.",
{"iup-examples","3.6","no","","Examples for IUP - a portable toolkit for building graphical user interfaces.",
"GUI examples"},
{"lanes","3.1.6","yes","","Lanes is a lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library for Lua 5.1.",
{"lascii85","5.1","no","","An ASCII85 library for Lua. Ascii85 is a form of binary-to-text encoding developed by Adobe Systems.",
"encoding data"},
{"lazykit","0.1","no","","lazykit: tools for XML processing",
"encoding xml"},
{"lbase64","5.1","no","","A Base64 library for Lua",
"encoding data"},
{"lbc","5.1","no","","A simple arbitrary precision library for Lua, based on code from GNU bc.",
{"lbci","5.1","no","","A bytecode inspector library for Lua 5.1. It allows you to look inside Lua functions from Lua.",
{"lcms","1.19","no","","LittleCMS is a CMM, a color management engine",
{"lcms2","2.0a","no","","LittleCMS is a CMM, a color management engine",
{"lcomplex","5.1","no","","Provides support for complex numbers in Lua using the functions available in C99.",
{"leg","0.2","no","","Leg offers a complete Lua 5.1 grammar, along with a small API for user manipulation.",
"parsing peg"},
{"lemock","0.6","yes","","Mock creation module intended for use together with a unit test framework such as lunit or lunity.",
{"lgpc","5.1","no","","Polygon library for Lua based on gpc.",
{"libexpat","2.0.1","yes","","Expat is a C library for parsing XML.",
"xml parsing data encoding"},
{"libffi","3.0.9","yes","","FFI stands for Foreign Function Interface. A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language.",
{"libiconv","1.14","yes","","POSIX library, which converts a sequence of characters from one codeset into a sequence of corresponding characters in another codeset.",
{"libjpeg","8.4.0","no","","Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software",
{"libmysql","6.0.2","yes","","libmysql provides C interface to MySQL. Also known as mysql-connector-c.",
"database SQL C"},
{"libpq","9.2.1","yes","","libpq is a connection library for PostgreSQL.",
"database SQL C"},
{"librs232","1.0.3","yes","","Multiplatform library for serial communications over RS-232 (serial port)",
"serial communications"},
{"libsqlite3","","yes","","SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine",
"database SQL C"},
{"libtiff","3.8.2","no","","TIFF library.",
{"libzmq","3.1.0","no","","The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel.",
{"libzzip","0.13.58","yes","","The zziplib provides read access to zipped files in a zip-archive.",
"data compression"},
{"lip","0.1","no","","Lip is a Lisp like mini language written in Lua.",
{"lmapm","5.1","no","","This is a big-number library for Lua 5.1.",
{"lmathx","5.1","no","","This code extends the Lua math library with the functions available in C99.",
{"lmock","0.5","no","","lmock is a mock framework for Lua, a toolkit for unit-test.",
{"loop","2.3beta","yes","","LOOP stands for Lua Object-Oriented Programming and is a set of packages for supporting different models of object-oriented programming in the Lua language",
{"lpack","5.1","no","","A library for packing and unpacking binary data. The library adds two functions to the string library: pack and unpack.",
"data binary"},
{"lpeg","0.10.2","yes","","Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua",
"parsing peg"},
{"lrandom","5.1","no","","A library for generating random numbers based on the Mersenne Twister, a pseudorandom number generating algorithm.",
{"lrexlib","2.7.1","yes","","a Lua 5.1 and 5.2 binding of TRE regex library API",
{"lrexlib-oniguruma","2.7.1","yes","","a Lua 5.1 and 5.2 binding of oniguruma regex library API",
{"lrexlib-pcre","2.7.1","yes","","a Lua 5.1 and 5.2 binding of PCRE regex library API",
{"lrexlib-posix","2.7.1","yes","","a Lua 5.1 and 5.2 binding of posix regex library API",
{"lrexlib-tre","2.7.1","yes","","a Lua 5.1 and 5.2 binding of TRE regex library API",
{"lua","5.2.1","5.1.5","","Lua is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language.",
{"lua-bit-numberlua","0.1.0","no","","'bit.numberlua' Bitwise operators in pure Lua using Lua numbers",
{"lua-cjson","1.0.3","no","","Lua CJSON provides fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua.",
"data json encoding"},
{"lua-coat","0.8.6","no","","Yet Another Lua Object-Oriented Model",
{"lua-coatpersistent","0.1.2","no","","an ORM for lua-Coat",
"class database"},
{"lua-codegen","0.3.0","no","","a template engine",
"text template"},
{"lua-colors","8.05.26","no","","HSL Color Theory Computation in Lua",
{"lua-compress-deflatelua","0.1.0","no","","compress.deflatelua - DEFLATE (RFC1951)/gunzip implemented in pure Lua",
"data compression"},
{"lua-digest-crc32lua","0.1.0","no","","digest.crc32lua - CRC-32 checksum implemented in pure Lua",
{"lua-discount","","no","","A binding to Discount, a fast C implementation of the Markdown text to HTML markup system.",
"text markdown"},
{"lua-git","0.4","yes","","A library to access Git repositories and its objects (files, commits) in Lua",
"communications git"},
{"lua-iconv","7","yes","","Lua-iconv is POSIX iconv binding for the Lua Programming Language. The iconv library converts a sequence of characters from one codeset into a sequence of corresponding characters in another codeset.",
{"lua-matrix","0.2.8","no","","LuaMatrix - provides a good selection of matrix functions.",
{"lua-matrix","0.2.8","no","","LuaMatrix - provides a good selection of matrix functions.",
{"lua-memoryfile","1.1","no","","Lua-MemoryFile - Lua 5.1 module for in-memory simulated file I/O",
{"lua-pythonic-optparse","0.1","no","","pythonic.optparse - Command-line argument parsing similar to Python's optparse library",
"command-line parsing"},
{"lua-signal","1.000","no","","Lua support for ANSI C signals.",
"system C"},
{"lua-stdlib","29","yes","","General Lua libraries",
{"lua-testlongstring","0.2.0","no","","an extension for testing long string",
{"lua-uri","1.0","no","","Lua module for manipulating URIs",
{"lua-zlib","0.2","no","","Lua 5.1 interface to zlib",
"data compression"},
{"lua-zmq","1.1","no","","Lua bindings for the 0MQ library.",
"data communications"},
{"lua_cliargs","2.1","no","","This module adds support for accepting CLI arguments easily using multiple notations and argument types.",
"command-line parsing"},
{"luabitop","1.0.2","yes","","Lua Bit Operations Module by Mile Pall",
"bitops luajit-compat"},
{"luacontractor","0.6","no","","LuaContractor is a lightweight Design by Contract (DbC) framework for the Lua scripting language.",
{"luacov","0.2","no","","LuaCov is a simple coverage analysis tool for Lua scripts.",
"testing coverage"},
{"luacrypto","0.3.0","no","","LuaCrypto provides a Lua frontend to the OpenSSL cryptographic library.",
{"luacurl","1.2.1","yes","","LuaCURL is Lua 5.x compatible module providing Internet browsing capabilities based on the cURL library.",
{"luadate","2.0.1","yes","","LuaDate is a Lua module for date and time calculation and retrieval using the Gregorian Calendar system.",
{"luadist-git","0.2.4","0.2.3","","Git based deployment of LuaDist modules.",
"data communications"},
{"luadoc","3.0.1","yes","","LuaDoc is a documentation tool for Lua source code",
{"luaex","20091019","yes","","Implementation of 'ex' API - portable os and io extension functions",
{"luaexpat","1.2.0","yes","","LuaExpat is a SAX (Simple API for XML) XML parser based on the Expat library.",
"xml encoding"},
{"luafilesystem","1.6.2","yes","","File System Library for the Lua Programming Language",
{"luafish","0.7","no","","LuaFish is module for parsing Lua 5.1 source code.",
"parser PEG lua"},
{"luagl","1.3","yes","","A library that provides access to all of the OpenGL functionality from Lua.",
{"luaglut","0.5","no","","GLUT and OpenGL bindings for Lua",
{"luaidl","1.0.5","yes","","LuaIDL is an OMG IDL (Interface Definition Language) compiler front end, written in the Lua programming language.",
"data communications CORBA"},
{"luajit-2.0.0","beta10","no","","LuaJIT is JIT compiler for the Lua language.",
{"luajson","1.2.1","no","","JSON Parser/Constructor for Lua.",
"encoding JSON"},
{"lualogging","1.3.0","1.2.0","","A simple API to use logging features",
{"luametrics","0.1","no","","LuaMetrics is a Lua source code metrics analyzer",
"coverage analysis code"},
{"luanativeobjects","0.1","no","","This is a bindings generator for Lua & LuaJIT2. It can be used to generator both standard Lua C API & LuaJIT2 FFI based bindings for C libraries.",
{"luapi","1.0","no","","LuaPi: Concurrent programming made simple.",
{"luapod","0.1","no","","Plain Old Documentation, or just POD, is a simple documentation format used mainly among users of the Perl programming language.",
{"luapretty","0.1","no","","LuaPretty is a Lua source code formater and pretty printer",
"analysis code"},
{"luaprofiler","2.0.2","yes","","LuaProfiler is a time profiler designed to help finding bottlenecks on your Lua program.",
"testing profiling"},
{"luarocks","2.0.10","yes","","LuaRocks is a deployment and management system for Lua modules.",
{"luasec","0.4","yes","","LuaSec is a binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication. It takes an already established TCP connection and creates a secure session between the peers.",
{"luasoap","1.0b","no","","LuaSOAP - a library of functions to deal with SOAP.",
"data communications RPC"},
{"luasocket","2.0.2","yes","","Network support for the Lua language",
{"luasql","2.3.0","yes","","Database connectivity for Lua",
"database SQL"},
{"luasql-mysql","2.3.0","yes","","Database connectivity for Lua - MySQL driver",
"database MySQL SQL"},
{"luasql-postgresql","2.3.0","yes","","Database connectivity for Lua - PostgreSQL driver",
"database PostreSQL SQL"},
{"luasql-sqlite3","2.3.0","yes","","Database connectivity for Lua - SQLite3 driver",
"database sqlite SQL"},
{"luasrcdiet","0.11.2","no","","LuaSrcDiet - Compresses Lua source code by removing unnecessary characters.",
"code analysis compression"},
{"luassert","1.6","no","","Adds a framework that allows registering new assertions without compromising builtin assertion functionality.",
{"luatask","1.6.4","yes","","LuaTask - Multitasking support Library",
{"luaunit","1.4","yes","","A xUnit tests module for Lua.",
{"luaxml","1.7.3","yes","","A minimal set of XML processing function in Lua, with simple mapping between XML and Lua tables",
"xml encoding"},
{"luazip","1.2.3","yes","","LuaZip is a lightweight Lua extension library used to read files stored inside zip files.",
"data compression"},
{"luma","0.1","no","","Luma is a macro system for Lua that allows you to define macros with arbitrary syntax, but clearly delimited when surrounded by Lua code. Luma is inspired by Scheme's syntax-rules/syntax duo, and uses Lpeg for grammars and Cosmo for templates.",
"template code"},
{"lunit","0.5","no","","Lunit is a unit testing framework for lua, written in Lua.",
{"lv3","20041203","no","","This is a 3d-vector library for Lua 5.0. It is meant for learning.",
{"lzlib","0.4work2","yes","","Lua bindings to the ZLib compression library",
"data compression"},
{"mapm","4.9.5","no","","Mike's Arbitrary Precision Math Library",
"math clib"},
{"markdown","0.32","no","","A pure-lua implementation of the Markdown text-to-html markup system.",
{"md5","1.1.2","yes","","MD5 offers basic cryptographic facilities for Lua 5.1: a hash (digest) function, and a pair crypt/decrypt.",
{"metalua","0.5","yes","","Metalua is a static metaprogramming system for Lua: a set of tools that let you alter the compilation process in arbitrary, powerful and maintainable ways.",
{"mixlua","0.2.7","no","","A preprocessor for files including embedded Lua code",
"template code"},
{"mobdebug","0.51","yes","","MobDebug allows you control the execution of another Lua program remotely, set breakpoints, and inspect the current state of the program.",
{"moonscript","0.2.2","no","","A little language that compiles to Lua",
{"objectlua","0.4.12","no","","This is an implementation of a class-oriented Lua module, coded entirely in Lua.",
{"oil","0.5","yes","","An Object Request Broker in The Lua Language",
"data communications RPC CORBA"},
{"onig","5.9.1","yes","","Oniguruma is a regular expressions library.",
"regexp clib"},
{"openssl","1.0.0d","yes","","Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a general purpose cryptography library.",
"crypto networking clib"},
{"orbit","2.2","no","","Orbit is a library for developing web applications according to the Model-View-Controller paradigm in Lua.",
"networking web"},
{"pcre","7.6","yes","","Perl-compatible regular expression library",
"regexp clib"},
{"penlight","1.1","1.0.2","","A portable, pure-Lua standard library covering common patterns.",
"libraries command-line parsing xml"},
{"pluto","2.4","no","","Heavy duty persistence for Lua",
{"regex","3.8a","yes","","Henry Spencer's regular expressions library",
"regexp clib"},
{"rings","1.2.3","yes","","Create new Lua states from within Lua",
{"saci","9.03.16","no","","Saci is a document-oriented hierarchical storage system",
{"say","1.2","no","","Lua String Hashing/Indexing Library",
{"shake","1.0.1","no","","A Simple Lua Test Engine",
{"sigar","1.6.4","no","","System Information Gatherer And Reporter",
{"simulua","0.1","no","","Simulua - Discrete-event simulation in Lua.",
{"slncrypto","1.1","no","","A cryptography support library for Lua, developed for the Selene database project.",
{"slnunicode","1.1a","yes","","A Unicode support library for Lua, developed for the Selene database project.",
{"sool","10beta1","no","","SOOL - Simple Object Oriented lib for Lua.",
{"sputnik_markitup","9.03.16","no","","A markitup plugin for Sputnik",
{"squish","0.2.0","no","","Squish Lua libraries and apps into a single compact file.",
"compression code"},
{"srlua","5.2","5.1","","A tool for building self-running Lua programs.",
{"tcc","0.9.25","no","","Small but fast C compiler. Supports ANSI C, most of the new ISO C99 standard, and many GNUC extensions, including inline assembly.",
"cprog C"},
{"toluapp","1.0.93","no","","tolua++ is an extension of toLua, a tool to integrate C/Cpp code with Lua.",
{"tre","0.8.0","yes","","TRE is a lightweight, robust, and efficient POSIX compliant regexp matching library with some exciting features such as approximate (fuzzy) matching.",
"regexp clib"},
{"unzip","6.0","yes","","Info-ZIP unzip utility",
"compression cprog"},
{"venv","1.1","no","","Lua Virtual Environment library",
{"versium","9.02.15","no","","A versioned storage API for Lua",
{"vstruct","1.1","yes","","Packing and unpacking binary data in pure Lua",
"data binary"},
{"winapi","1.4.2","yes","","A useful Windows API subset for Lua",
"system Windows"},
{"wxlua","","yes","","wxLua is a lua scripting language wrapper around the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library. It consists of an executable for running standalone wxLua scripts and a library for extending C++ programs with a fast, small, fully embeddable scripting language.",
{"wxwidgets","2.8.12","yes","","wxWidgets is a multiplatform C++ GUI library.",
"GUI clib"},
{"xssfilter","9.02.15","no","","A filter to prevernt cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks",
{"xstring","1.1","no","","xtring - External String Module",
{"zerobranestudio","0.34","yes","","A lightweight Lua-based IDE for Lua with code completion, syntax highlighting, live coding, remote debugger, and code analyzer.",
"editor IDE"},
{"zip","3.0","yes","","Info-ZIP zip utility",
"compression cprog"},
{"zlib","1.2.6","yes","","zlib is a general purpose data compression library.",
"compression clib"},
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