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I worked on fixing a backwards compatibility break (yargs/yargs-#797), looked into an edge case where sub-commands for yargs didn't correctly validate their positional arguments on strict mode (yargs/yargs-#795), and checked and approved a bunch of fixes working towards the big 7.x release. (yargs/yargs-#786, yargs/yargs-#787, yargs/yargs-#779)

The pull requests have been merged into the 7.x branch in preparation for release.

Our other team members worked on fixing a few other bugs and also building a slack bot to test correct functionality.

Our mentor Ben Coe worked closely with us and I couldn't have done it without all his help and guidance.

stevezhu / peter
Last active December 6, 2019 23:21
stevezhu / folium
Last active December 5, 2020 03:20
CENTER_US = (39.8333333,-98.585522)
map = folium.Map(location=CENTER_US, zoom_start=4)
for page in pages:
for event in page:
for venue in event.venues:
if venue.latitude == None or venue.longitude == None:
location=[venue.latitude, venue.longitude],