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Last active July 27, 2022 09:05
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Ruby On Rails approval

Ruby (on Rails) backend developer

🚧 This document is being continuously fine-tuned, and thus may change upon consecutive verifications 🚧

Each verification is performed with Tech Lead unless instructed otherwise. Curated list of basic learning resources can be found here


Independent developer

To get a pass, you need to make a fork out of each Gist listed below, fill it in and...

  1. Pass basic GIT skills verification
  2. Pass basic HTML/CSS skills verification (not applicable for now)
  3. Get enough points for and pass ruby skills verification (including short pair-programming session)
  4. Get enough points for and pass RoR skills verification
  5. Get required points for and pass OOP skills verification
  • 🔹 indicates skills/knowledge required for independent developer


  • requirements as for independent developer +
  • may require additional pair programming session
  • 🔸 indicates skills/knowledge required for mid developer
  1. You need to be prepared to discuss topics related to OOP and architecture


  • requirements as for mid developer +
  • may require additional pair programming session
  • 🔺 indicates skills/knowledge required by senior developer


What if I do not pass for whatever reason?

You can get another attempts in 2, 4, 8 weeks and then every 8 weeks until you pass. Please be advised that requirements/tasks may evolve during that time and you will need to face the updated ones.

How often will I be re-evaluated?

Re-evaluation happens yearly and should be much quicker than initial evaluation, especially for people working with given technology on daily basis. Some new requirements might be added though (because of framework evolution or changes in Selleo's preffered way-of-doing-things)

What if I do not pass re-evaluation?

This is very unlikely to happen as far as I am concerned. It might happen if you just stop working with given technology for good. In hypothetical situation I believe your approved skill level for given technology can drop from Mid to Independent or from Senior to Mid. In my opinion it cannot drop from Senior to Independent or from Independent to Junior due to accumulation of experience, but being on the edge requires effort so to keep your seniority level, just monitor and adhere to changes in requirements and you should stay on the safe side with little effort.

# !! Work in progress !!
# gem install rb-readline
# gem install vine
# Usage:
# ruby summarizer.rb
require 'open-uri'
require 'active_support'
require 'rb-readline'
require 'pry'
require 'vine'
RAW_URL = "{username}/{uid}/raw"
url_match_data = ARGV[0].match(/gist\.github\.com\/(?<username>\w*)\/(?<uid>\w*)/)
open(RAW_URL.sub('{username}', url_match_data[:username]).sub('{uid}', url_match_data[:uid])) do |report|
labels = []
a = report.to_enum(:each_line).inject({}) do |result, line|
if line.start_with?('##')
nesting_level = line.count('#') - 1
if nesting_level == 1
labels = []
elsif nesting_level <= labels.count
labels = labels[0..nesting_level-2]
labels << line.gsub(/\(http[^\)]*\)/,'').gsub(/[^\w\s]/,'').strip
if line =~ /^\s*.*\[[\sx]\]/
current_stats = result.dig(* || {
total: 0,
checked: 0
line_checked = !!(line =~ /^\s*.*\[x\]/)
classification = line.match(/:(\w*):/)
current_stats[:total] += 1
current_stats[:checked] += 1 if line_checked
if classification
current_stats["#{classification[1]}_total".to_sym] ||= 0
current_stats["#{classification[1]}_total".to_sym] += 1
if line_checked
current_stats["#{classification[1]}_checked".to_sym] ||= 0
current_stats["#{classification[1]}_checked".to_sym] += 1
result.set(labels.join('.'), current_stats)
pp a.inspect
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