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Błażej Kosmowski stevo

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stevo /
Last active August 12, 2021 07:22


Najpierw się pływa, później jedzie na rowerze, a na końcu biegnie.

Dystans Ironman to 3600m pływania, 180km jazdy na rowerze, oraz 42.2km biegu (maraton).


Poniższe zestawienie zebrane zostało z moich osobistych doświadczeń i nie aspiruje w żadnym wypadku do rangi jakiegoś super-hiper poradnika pro-triathlonisty :)

stevo / 1_event.rb
Last active May 9, 2019 14:40
Wisper - Pub/Sub Example
# spec/events/locks/code_generate_event_spec.rb
module Locks
RSpec.describe CodeGeneratedEvent do
it 'validates presence of code, reservation id and room id' do
expect( nil, reservation_id: 1, room_id: 1)).not_to be_valid
expect( '123', reservation_id: nil, room_id: 1)).not_to be_valid
expect( '123', reservation_id: 1, room_id: nil)).not_to be_valid
expect( '123', reservation_id: 1, room_id: 1)).to be_valid
stevo /
Last active July 27, 2022 09:05
OOP/Architecture Verification
stevo /
Last active July 27, 2022 09:05
RubyOnRails skills verification

Provide the list or PR or other contributions that proves understanding of each subject group or ask for tech interview (more time effective), where we will go step by step throught the following list.

Max score: 331

Minimum requirements:

  • Independent: 240 (+ all blue diamonds)
  • Mid: 280 (+ all orange diamonds)
  • Senior: 300 (+ all red triangles)

You will not get a pass if you check more than 5 items that you will not be able to prove being knowledgeable about during verification, so check items only if you are sure about them. Be advised, that questions will be rather general ("what does that return?", "what is it all about?", "what does that mean?", "how does that differ from x?").

stevo /
Last active July 27, 2022 09:05
Ruby skills verification

Be prepared to explain and effectively use following language and ActiveSupport features

Max score: 152

Minimum requirements:

  • Independent: 100 (+ all blue diamonds)
  • Mid: 120 (+ all orange diamonds)
  • Senior: 135 (+ all red triangles)

You will not get a pass if you check more than 5 items that you will not be able to prove being knowledgeable about during verification, so check items only if you are sure about them. Be advised, that questions will be rather general ("what does that return?", "what does it do?", "how does that differ from x?").

stevo /
Last active July 27, 2022 09:05
GIT Skills Verification

Be prepared to show following GIT CLI skills in action. All skills are required to get :

Working with GIT using CLI 🔹

  • can checkout new branch
  • can switch between branches
  • can display and understand git log
  • can add changes (interactive mode, all at once, selected files)
    • can split changesets when adding changes progressively
  • can edit changesets when adding changes progressively
stevo /
Last active July 27, 2022 09:05
Ruby On Rails approval

Ruby (on Rails) backend developer

🚧 This document is being continuously fine-tuned, and thus may change upon consecutive verifications 🚧

Each verification is performed with Tech Lead unless instructed otherwise. Curated list of basic learning resources can be found here


Independent developer

with_enumerated(Poller, :poll) do
$stop = false
poller = Poller.poll(condition: -> { $stop == true })
first_value =
expect(first_value).to eq 1
$stop = true
second_value =
expect(second_value).to eq 2
def with_enumerated(subject, method_name)
subject.define_singleton_method("#{method_name}_with_enum") do |*args, &block|
return enum_for(method_name, *args) unless block.present?
public_send("#{method_name}_without_enum",*args, &block)
subject.singleton_class.alias_method "#{method_name}_without_enum", method_name
subject.singleton_class.alias_method method_name, "#{method_name}_with_enum"
stevo / have_table_row_spec.rb
Created June 27, 2018 13:42
HaveTableRow original specs
require 'rails_helper'
require 'support/matchers/have_table_row'
describe 'have_table_row matcher' do
context 'when columns are described by name' do
context 'when table contains expected data' do
it 'ensures that page have table with given data' do
page = Capybara.string <<-HTML