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Created November 27, 2016 12:06
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* @author : Nelmin Jay Magan Anoc
* file handling script to retrieve a simple classlist on a text file
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::string;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;
using std::endl;
const string FILE_NAME = "classlist.txt";
const string CLEAR_SCREEN = "\033[2J"; // ansi escape code for clearing a screen inside a linux terminal
const string CURSOR_UP = "\033[1;1H"; // ansi escape code for getting the cursor up on the screen
int getMenu();
void transaction(int);
void showStudents(ifstream &);
void addStudent(ofstream &);
void searchStudent(ifstream &);
void deleteStudent(ifstream &);
int main()
char repeat ;
cout << CURSOR_UP ;
cout << CLEAR_SCREEN ;
cout << "Return to main menu ? (y/n): ";
cin >> repeat ;
while(repeat == 'Y' || repeat == 'y');
return 0;
void transaction(int menu_choice)
ofstream class_list_of(FILE_NAME.c_str(), std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
ifstream class_list_if(FILE_NAME.c_str());
switch (menu_choice)
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
case 4 :
int getMenu()
int menu_choice = 0;
cout << "**---------------------------------**" << endl ;
cout << "This is a simple class set program \n" ;
cout << "**---------------------------------**" ;
cout << endl << endl ;
cout << "~~choose from the menu below : \n" ;
cout << endl ;
cout << "(1) Add a student \n";
cout << "(2) View student list \n";
cout << "(3) Search student \n";
cout << "(4) Delete student \n";
cin>> menu_choice;
cout << endl << "~~~~end choosing from the menu~~~~" << endl ;
return menu_choice;
void addStudent(ofstream &class_list)
cout << CURSOR_UP ;
cout << CLEAR_SCREEN ;
string name_student , name_instructor ;
cout << "~~~~add student to class list~~~~" << endl << endl ;
cout << "Enter name of the student: ";
getline(cin, name_student , '\n');
cout << "Enter name of the instructor: ";
getline(cin, name_instructor, '\n');
class_list << name_student << " | " << name_instructor <<" \n";
cout << endl << "~~~~end adding student to class list~~~~" << endl ;
void showStudents(ifstream &class_list)
cout << CURSOR_UP ;
cout << CLEAR_SCREEN ;
string get_content ;
string delimiter = "|";
int student_record_counter = 0;
cout << "~~~~showing class list~~~~" << endl << endl ;
while(getline(class_list, get_content))
string name_student = get_content.substr(0, get_content.find(delimiter));
string name_instructor = get_content.substr(name_student.size()+1, get_content.size());
cout << student_record_counter+1 << "). " << name_student << " is under " << name_instructor << endl;
cout << endl << "~~~~end showing class list~~~~" << endl ;
void deleteStudent(ifstream &class_list)
cout << CURSOR_UP ;
cout << CLEAR_SCREEN ;
string name_student = "" ;
string get_content = "";
ofstream temp;"temp.txt");
cout << "~~~~delete a student~~~~" << endl << endl ;
cout << "student name : " ;
getline(cin, name_student, '\n');
while (getline(class_list,get_content))
if (!(get_content.find(name_student) != string::npos))
temp << get_content << endl;
cout << endl << "~~~~end student deletion~~~~" << endl ;
void searchStudent(ifstream &class_list)
cout << CURSOR_UP ;
cout << CLEAR_SCREEN ;
string name_student = "" ;
string name_instructor = "" ;
string get_content = "" ;
cout << "~~~~search a student and check if it is under an instructor~~~~" << endl << endl ;
cout << "Student name : " ;
getline(cin, name_student, '\n');
cout << "Instructor name : " ;
getline(cin, name_instructor, '\n');
while(getline(class_list, get_content))
if(get_content.find(name_student) != string::npos)
string parse_name_student = get_content.substr(0, get_content.find("|"));
string parse_name_instructor = get_content.substr(parse_name_student.size()+1, get_content.size());
if(parse_name_instructor.find(name_instructor) != string::npos)
cout << endl << name_student << " is under " << name_instructor << endl ;
cout << endl << name_student << " is not under " << name_instructor << endl ;
cout << "but under " << parse_name_instructor << endl ;
cout << endl << "~~~~end searching a student~~~~" << endl ;
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