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Recommended Paper Anti-Xray settings by stonar96

❗ This has been moved to the official PaperMC docs ❗



Recommended Paper Anti-Xray settings by stonar96


Anti-Xray can be configured per world in the paper.yml configuration file. To understand how per world configuration works please read this first. Note that after changing any settings for Anti-Xray you have to restart your server. Executing the /reload command (you should never do this) won't apply the settings to worlds that are already loaded.

The official documentation for the Anti-Xray settings and what they mean can be found here.

Basically Anti-Xray has two different modes. engine-mode: 1 replaces specified ores by "fake" stone, netherrack or end stone blocks depending on the world type and engine-mode: 2 randomly places specified fake ores when a chunk packet is sent to the client. The following picture[1] shows how this looks like for a player using Xray on your server.

Anti-Xray modes

engine-mode: 1 is less computationally intensive but engine-mode: 2 works better to prevent Xray. As you can see in the picture above, engine-mode: 1 isn't perfect because only ores that are completely covered by solid blocks can be hidden. This means that ores exposed to air in caves, for example, are still visible. In engine-mode: 2 fake ores obstruct the view to these ores and additionally fake air blocks can also be added.

Default settings

These are the default settings for Anti-Xray. As already mentioned above, you should take a look at the official documentation. I've added some additional info in the comments below that isn't currently there.

    # Other default world-settings.
      # enabled controls the on/off state for the Anti-Xray system.
      enabled: false
      # engine-mode is described above.
      engine-mode: 1
      # As of 1.15.2 build #248 chunk-edge-mode doesn't exist anymore.
      # This setting isn't necessary anymore because neighbor chunks are now usually loaded anyway.
      # Sets how the engine handles chunk edges.
      # Where 1 is not to obfuscate the edges of chunks with unloaded neighbors,
      # 2 is to not send the chunk until its neighbors are present (similar to a x-1 view distance),
      # and 3 is to load the neighbor so it can properly obfuscate the current edge (similar to an x+1 view distance).
      chunk-edge-mode: 2
      # As of 1.17 build #1 max-chunk-section-index doesn't exist anymore.
      # This setting is replaced by the max-block-height setting.
      # max-chunk-section-index controls the height the engine should operate to.
      # y = (max-chunk-section-index + 1) * 16
      # A max-chunk-section-index greater than 15 defaults to 15. A max-chunk-section-index smaller than 0 doesn't make sense.
      max-chunk-section-index: 3
      # max-block-height controls the height (y-coordinate) the engine should operate to.
      # Only integer multiples of 16 are possible values.
      # If another value is specified, it is "rounded down" to the nearest multiple of 16.
      # As of 1.18 some ores are generated much higher.
      # Please adjust the max-block-height setting at your own discretion.
      # might be helpful.
      max-block-height: 64
      # update-radius is the radius for block updates, which send the real blocks to the client when a block is broken.
      # There are only 3 valid options: 0, 1 and 2.
      # An update-radius greater than 2 defaults to 2. An update-radius smaller than 0 defaults to 0.
      # Don't use update-radius: 0 in production. This is only a test mode.
      update-radius: 2
      # Whether or not to obfuscate blocks touching lava.
      # Doesn't work well with non-stone-like ore textures.
      lava-obscures: false
      # Whether or not to enable support for the paper.antixray.bypass permission.
      # Depending on your permission plugin, this may cause performance issues.
      use-permission: false
      # In engine-mode: 1 hidden-blocks are replaced by stone, netherrack or end_stone depending on the world type.
      #                   all types of air blocks are ignored in this list.
      # In engine-mode: 2 hidden-blocks are randomly placed.
      #                   tile entities such as chest or spawner are ignored in this list.
      #                   blocks can be added multiple times to this list, those are used accordingly more often.
      #                   an empty or invalid list or a list that only contains ignored blocks results in [diamond_ore].
      #                   the default block states are placed.
      - copper_ore
      - deepslate_copper_ore
      - gold_ore
      - deepslate_gold_ore
      - iron_ore
      - deepslate_iron_ore
      - coal_ore
      - deepslate_coal_ore
      - lapis_ore
      - deepslate_lapis_ore
      - mossy_cobblestone
      - obsidian
      - chest
      - diamond_ore
      - deepslate_diamond_ore
      - redstone_ore
      - deepslate_redstone_ore
      - clay
      - emerald_ore
      - deepslate_emerald_ore
      - ender_chest
      # In engine-mode: 1 replacement-blocks are not used. Changing this list in engine-mode: 1 has no effect.
      # In engine-mode: 2 replacement-blocks and hidden-blocks are randomly replaced by hidden-blocks.
      #                   tile entities such as chest or spawner are ignored in hidden-blocks.
      #                   tile entities can be added to replacement-blocks.
      #                   all types of air blocks aren't be replaced regardless of where they are added.
      - stone
      - oak_planks
      - deepslate
    # Other default world-settings.

Recommended settings

Engine-Mode 1

    # Other default world-settings.
      enabled: true
      engine-mode: 1
      chunk-edge-mode: 2
      max-chunk-section-index: 3
      # As of 1.18 some ores are generated much higher.
      # Please adjust the max-block-height setting at your own discretion.
      # might be helpful.
      max-block-height: 64
      update-radius: 2
      lava-obscures: false
      use-permission: false
      # There's no chance to hide dungeon chests but buried treasures will be hidden.
      - chest
      - coal_ore
      - deepslate_coal_ore
      - copper_ore
      - deepslate_copper_ore
      - raw_copper_block
      - diamond_ore
      - deepslate_diamond_ore
      - emerald_ore
      - deepslate_emerald_ore
      - gold_ore
      - deepslate_gold_ore
      - iron_ore
      - deepslate_iron_ore
      - raw_iron_block
      - lapis_ore
      - deepslate_lapis_ore
      - redstone_ore
      - deepslate_redstone_ore
      - stone
      - oak_planks
      - deepslate
    # Other default world-settings.
  # world_nether: needs to be changed if your world is named differently.
      max-chunk-section-index: 7
      max-block-height: 128
      - ancient_debris
      - nether_gold_ore
      - nether_quartz_ore
  # world_the_end: needs to be changed if your world is named differently.
      enabled: false

Engine-Mode 2

    # Other default world-settings.
      enabled: true
      engine-mode: 2
      chunk-edge-mode: 2
      max-chunk-section-index: 3
      # As of 1.18 some ores are generated much higher.
      # Please adjust the max-block-height setting at your own discretion.
      # might be helpful.
      max-block-height: 64
      update-radius: 2
      lava-obscures: false
      use-permission: false
      # You can add air here such that many holes are generated.
      # This works well against cave finders but may cause client FPS drops for all players.
      - air
      - copper_ore
      - deepslate_copper_ore
      - raw_copper_block
      - diamond_ore
      - deepslate_diamond_ore
      - gold_ore
      - deepslate_gold_ore
      - iron_ore
      - deepslate_iron_ore
      - raw_iron_block
      - lapis_ore
      - deepslate_lapis_ore
      - redstone_ore
      - deepslate_redstone_ore
      # Chest is a tile entity and can't be added to hidden-blocks in engine-mode: 2.
      # But adding chest here will hide buried treasures, if max-chunk-section-index is increased.
      - chest
      - amethyst_block
      - andesite
      - budding_amethyst
      - calcite
      - coal_ore
      - deepslate_coal_ore
      - deepslate
      - diorite
      - dirt
      - emerald_ore
      - deepslate_emerald_ore
      - granite
      - gravel
      - oak_planks
      - smooth_basalt
      - stone
      - tuff
    # Other default world-settings.
  # world_nether: needs to be changed if your world is named differently.
      max-chunk-section-index: 7
      max-block-height: 128
      # See note about air above.
      - air
      - ancient_debris
      - bone_block
      - glowstone
      - magma_block
      - nether_bricks
      - nether_gold_ore
      - nether_quartz_ore
      - polished_blackstone_bricks
      - basalt
      - blackstone
      - gravel
      - netherrack
      - soul_sand
      - soul_soil
  # world_the_end: needs to be changed if your world is named differently.
      enabled: false


[1] This picture was made by the user Oberfail#2096 on the PaperMC Discord.

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Can we get a version of engine 2 that is slightly less effective but offers better performance and ping for players?

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@LucidAPs thats basically engine 1.

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