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Created March 5, 2021 12:03
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Example implementation of an EIP-3074 relayer invoker contract.
* Allows a sponsor to send a transaction on behalf of a sponsoree. Assumes
* the sponsorsee has already paid for the transaction (pre-deposit, fiat, etc).
contract EIP3074Relayer {
// Replay protection
mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
// This struct is only provided to make this example be valid Solidity.
// Native Solidity support could expose a type similar to this struct, with additional
// functions like Transaction.send{value: _, gas: _}()
struct Transaction {
address sponsee;
uint256 nextra;
address to;
uint256 mingas;
uint256 value;
bytes data;
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
* @dev Relays an array of sponsored transactions.
* Accepts a payment transaction and a list of transactions to be sponsored.
function relay(Transaction memory sponsoredTx) external {
// Load the next nonce for the sponsee and check the replay protection
address sponsee = sponsoredTx.sponsee;
uint256 nonce = nonces[sponsee];
nonces[sponsee] += 1;
// Signature is checked later for nextra, but it should be the nonce we expect.
require(sponsoredTx.nextra == uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(nonce, 0))), "incorrect nextra");
// Throws if the minimum gas or signature check fails
(bool success, bool calleeSuccess, bytes memory returnedData) = EIP3074(sponsoredTx);
// Do not update replay protection if the call failed due to opcode checks.
// ReturnedData should contain the error message (Some extra work to do; but this can work to return .call() errors).
require(success, string(returnedData));
// No need to check success for true/false. It is OK for the user to send failed transactions. We are still paid.
* @dev Example of how to implement the new OPCODE in solidity.
* Example of execution is when the opcode checks pass (success), but the internal transaction (successCallee) fails.
function EIP3074(Transaction memory sponsoredTx) internal returns (bool, bool, bytes memory) {
// Enforce minimum gas by the sponsee
if(sponsoredTx.mingas > gasleft()) {
return (false, false, "OPCODE Error: Minimum gas required by the sponsee transaction was not allocated.");
// Form and check signature
bytes32 h = keccak256(abi.encode(address(this), block.chainid, sponsoredTx.nextra, sponsoredTx.mingas,,, sponsoredTx.value));
address signer = ecrecover(h, sponsoredTx.v, sponsoredTx.r, sponsoredTx.s);
if(sponsoredTx.sponsee != signer) {
return (false, false, "OPCODE Error: Sponsee specified did not sign this transaction.");
// Prevent breaking already deployed reentrancy guards.
if(signer == tx.origin) {
return (false, false, "OPCODE Error: Sponsee address cannot be the same as the transaction signer.");
// msg.sender = signer
// call(to, data, value, mingas);
// EXAMPLE SCENARIO: The .call() has failed!
// So we need to return a failure to the immediate caller.
bytes memory returnedData = ""; // Data from the .call().
// Success - opcode checks passed,
// CalleeSuccess - failed internal transaction
return (true, false, returnedData);
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