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hacking intensifies

Tim Strazzere strazzere

hacking intensifies
View GitHub Profile
[54%]diff@rocksteady:[repo] $ git clone --verbose
Cloning into 'veracrypt'...
POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1440 to 623 bytes)
remote: Counting objects: 8996, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6843/6843), done.
remote: Total 8996 (delta 7179), reused 2812 (delta 2010)
Receiving objects: 100% (8996/8996), 43.16 MiB | 1.46 MiB/s, done.
error: RPC failed; curl 56 SSLRead() return error -9806
Resolving deltas: 100% (7179/7179), done.
strazzere / CheckSourceFileName.1sc
Created October 24, 2013 19:54
Run after using -- too slow to include in every template run, but can be used after running it if wanted
// Post template completion checks and functions
int CheckSourceFileName(int source_file_index) {
local string temp_str = StringIdRead(source_file_index);
if(sizeof(temp_str) <= 6) {
return -1;
temp_str = SubStr(temp_str, sizeof(temp_str) - 7, -1);
strazzere /
Created October 16, 2013 22:38
Automatically find the path of an apk, perform a pull and rename without the number increments
adb shell pm path $1 |\
sed 's/package://' |\
tr -d '\r' |\
xargs -I % adb pull % $1.apk
.class public final Lcom/google/grandcentral/api2/Api2$ApiPhoneCall;
.super Lcom/google/protobuf/GeneratedMessageLite;
.source ""
# annotations
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass;
value = Lcom/google/grandcentral/api2/Api2;
.end annotation
strazzere / Makefile
Created October 2, 2015 22:30
UREE toy
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_C_INCLUDE := ${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include/
LOCAL_MODULE := uree_toy
strazzere /
Created September 29, 2015 22:42
woof, that unit test
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mockReader = mock(IntReader.class);
// Mock the string section data
7 * 4, // size
0x02, // string count
0x00, // style count
0x00, // string chunk flags
rule Signed_APK_with_dex
author = "Tim Strazzere"
twitter = "@timstrazz"
date = "10/25/2012"
version = "1.0"
tag = "Android"
comment = "Attempted to detect an APK file with a classes.dex that is signed"
diff --git a/pfp/ b/pfp/
index cf4ee31..77da4eb 100644
--- a/pfp/
+++ b/pfp/
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ class String(Field):
:returns: TODO
- if isinstance(other, String):
+ if isinstance(other, str):
strazzere / mms
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
I/DEBUG ( 465): pid: 21163, tid: 21163, name: mediaserver >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
I/DEBUG ( 465): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
W/NativeCrashListener( 1076): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 1530015793
D/sensors_hal_LP2( 1076): processInd: X: -3.476501 Y: 5.804092 Z: 7.075302
I/DEBUG ( 465): r0 00000094 r1 00000000 r2 ffb5d810 r3 ffb5d818
E/DEBUG ( 465): AM write failure (32 / Broken pipe)
I/DEBUG ( 465): r4 ffb5d828 r5 ffb5d818 r6 f242da80 r7 ffb5d7b8
I/DEBUG ( 465): r8 74783367 r9 f28c8c94 sl ffb5dd90 fp 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 465): ip f289d1d1 sp ffb5d7a8 lr f70d4e75 pc f28a3b04 cpsr 60070030
I/DEBUG ( 465):
strazzere / random.c
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
crw-rw---- system camera u:object_r:CAM_CAL_DRV_device:s0 CAM_CAL_DRV
crw-rw---- system camera u:object_r:LC898212AF_device:s0 LC898212AF
crw-rw---- system media u:object_r:MJC_device:s0 MJC
crw-rw---- system media u:object_r:MTK_SMI_device:s0 MTK_SMI
crw------- system system u:object_r:RT_Monitor_device:s0 RT_Monitor
crw-rw---- system media u:object_r:Vcodec_device:s0 Vcodec
crw-rw-r-- system radio u:object_r:alarm_device:s0 alarm
crw-rw---- system audio u:object_r:device:s0 aud_hs_amp
crw-rw---- system camera u:object_r:camera_fdvt_device:s0 camera-fdvt
crw-rw---- system camera u:object_r:camera_isp_device:s0 camera-isp