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Last active August 8, 2018 19:33
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bnf_name <-
("Gppe " form "_" product_name_word (" "* (ratio / quantity / modifier / product_name_word))*) /
((product_name_word " "?)+ "_" (" "* (!form product_name_word))* " "* form (" "* (ratio / quantity / modifier))*)
product_name_word <- r'[^\s_]+' ;
ratio <- (quantity / number) ("/" / ";") (ratio / quantity / unit / number);
modifier <-
"e/c"/"E/c"/"E/C"/ //Enteric-coating
"Spec"/ //?
"Sach"/ //Sachet
"s/f"/"S/f"/"S/F"/ //Sugar-free?
"a/f"/"A/f"/"A/F"/ //Additive-free
"m/r"/"M/r"/"M/R"/ //Modified-release
"c/r"/"C/r"/"C/R"/ //Controlled-release
"g/r"/"G/r"/"G/R"/ //Gastro-resistant
"g/f"/"G/f"/"G/F"/ //Gluten-free
"Ud"/ //Ut dictum?
"Vl"/ //?
"Dil"/ //Dilute
"Pf"/"Pfs"/ //Pre-filled, syringe
"Amp"/ //Ampoule
"Cart"/ //Cartridge
"Vl"/ //Vial
"Pfa"/ //Perforated film absorbent
"Eff"/ //Effervescent
("(" r'[^\s_\)]+' ")")/ //Flavours and the like
"SD"/"Sd"/ //Single dose
" In "; //NOT (just) a concentration AFAICT
form <- (form_additional " "?)* form_base (" "? (form_base / form_additional))* ;
form_additional <-
"Aq" / "Viscous" / "Adh" / "Prote" / "Isot" /
"Ethylsuc" /
"Postcoital" /
"Paed" / "Adult" / "Child" / "Children" /
"Foaming" / "Eff" / "Disper" /
"Heat" /
"Ear/Eye" / "Ear/Eye/Nose" / "Ear/Eye/Nsl" / //Or allow "/" to seperate form words
"Oral" / "Orodisper" / "Oramucosal" / "Chble" /
"Ophth" / "Eye" / "Subcon" /
"Ear" /
"Nsl" / "N/" / "Nasule" / "I/Nsl" / "Nose" /
"Skin" / "Cutaneous" / "Top" /
"Transdermal" / "T/Derm" /
"Rectal" / "Blad" / "Vag" /
"I/V" / "I/M" / "Epidural" / "Intrathecal" /
"Subling" / "Sublingual" / "Buccal"/ "Sub" / "Lyophilisate" /
"Resp" / "B/A" / "Mist" /
"Scalp" / "Face" /
"A/" / "P/" / //Aerosol Pump, Pneumatic Pump
"Auto-" /
"Dissolve" / "Absorb" /
"Bath" / "Shower" / "Cleansing" /
"Heavy" / "Light" / "Micro-" /
"Forte" / "Fte" / "Strong" /
"Soft" / "Dilute" /
"Medic" / "Ster" / "Steri-" /
"Retention" /
"Co " /
"Ud" /
"Depot" /
"V/" / //Vegicap
("Size " r'[A-Z]+') /
form_base <-
"Capl" / "Cap" / "Tab" / "Loz" / "Pastil" / "Pulvule" / "Divitab" / "Pills" / "Pill" / "Pellets" / "Wafer" / "Spansule" / "Span" /
"Liq" / "Syr" / "Linct" / "Rinse" / "Mthwsh" / "Susp" / "Inf" / "Fluid" / "Expect" / "Tinct" / "Elixir" / "Elix" / "Gelcap" /
"Conc" / "Soln" /
"Spy" / "spy" / "Aero" /
"Suppos" / "Supp" / "Enem" /
"Pess" /
"Gran" / "Pdrs" / "Pdr" / "Mix" / "Sach" /
"Inha" / "Inh" / "Inhalator" / "Respule" / "Cylinder" / "Neb" / "Reefer" / "Disk" / "Gas" / "Cyclocap" / "Ventodisk" / "Steripoule" / "Respule" / "R/Cap" / "Becodisk" / "Spincap" /
"Autohaler" / "Turbohaler" / "Accuhaler" / "Evohaler" /
"Inj" / "Org" / "Amp" / "Ins" /
"Patch" /
"System" / "Delivery System" / "D/System" / "D/system" / "Implant" /
"Wsh" / "Wash" / "Cleanser" / "Soap" / "Bar" / "Shampoo" /
"Chewing Gum" /
"Dps" /
"Crm" / "Gel" / "Oint" / "Lot" / "Emollient" / "Applic" / "Emuls" / "Emulsif" / "Paste" / "Oil" / "Lin" / "Rub" / "Balm" /
"(S)" / "(s)" / //Solid
"Vac" / //Vaccine
"Foam" /
"Film" /
"Irrig" /
"Strips" / "Strip" /
"Cryst" /
"C/Pk" / "S/Pack" / "T/Pk" / "D/P" / "Pack"
digit <- r'[0-9]';
point <- ".";
float <- digit* point digit+;
integer <- (digit+ ","?)+ ;
number <- float/integer;
quantity <- "("? number " "? unit ")"?;
unit <-
metric_unit /
"%" /
"hr" "s"? /
"u" / "d" / "D";
metric_unit <- metric_prefix ('g'/'l'/'L'/'m'/'mol'/'M');
metric_prefix <- 'mc'/'m'/'';
from arpeggio import PTNodeVisitor, visit_parse_tree, NoMatch
from arpeggio.peg import ParserPEG
from decimal import *
class BNFNameVisitor(PTNodeVisitor):
def visit_bnf_name(self, node, children):
bnfname = {'product_name':' '.join(children.product_name_word), 'roa':children.form[0]['roa']}
# Mass, Volume and D's
mass_quantities = [c for c in children.quantity if c['unit'] == 'g']
if len(mass_quantities) == 1:
bnfname['mass/g'] = mass_quantities[0]['number']
elif children.form[0]['is_solid']:
bnfname['mass/g'] = Decimal(1) #1 g if solid
vol_quantities = [c for c in children.quantity if c['unit'] == 'l']
if len(vol_quantities) == 1:
bnfname['vol/l'] = vol_quantities[0]['number']
elif children.form[0]['is_liquid']:
bnfname['vol/l'] = Decimal('0.001') #1 ml if liquid
d_quantities = [c for c in children.quantity if c['unit'] == 'd']
if len(d_quantities) == 1:
bnfname['d'] = d_quantities[0]['number']
bnfname['d'] = Decimal(1) # 1 tablet/ampoule...
if not ('mass/g' in bnfname):
if ('vol/l' in bnfname):
liq_concentrations = [c for c in children.ratio if c['unit'] == 'g/l']
if len(liq_concentrations) == 1:
bnfname['mass/g'] = children.ratio[0]['number']*bnfname['vol/l']
if 'mass/g' in bnfname: bnfname['mass/g'] *= bnfname['d']
if 'vol/l' in bnfname: bnfname['vol/l'] *= bnfname['d']
return bnfname
def visit_form(self, node, children):
form = {'form':''.join(children), 'roa':'U'}
liq_forms = ['Soln','Syr','Susp','Linct','Liq','Mthwsh','Fluid','Elix','Dps','Mix','Gel','Oil']
sol_forms = ['Crm','Oint','Lot','Emollient','Applic','(S)','Lin','Pdr']
form['is_liquid'] = any(lf in form['form'] for lf in liq_forms)
form['is_solid'] = any(sf in form['form'] for sf in sol_forms)
roa_dict = {
'Oral' : ['Oral', 'Orodisper', 'Oromucosal','Chble'],
'Ocular' : ['Eye'],
'Rectal' : ['Rectal'],
'Parenteral' : ['I/V','Implant','I/M','Intrathecal'],
'Transdermal': ['Transdermal','T/Derm'],
'Topical' : ['Top'],
'Nasal' : ['Nsl', 'Nasule','N/'],
'Inhaled' : ['Inh','Resp','Gas','Neb'],
'Vaginal' : ['Vag'],
'Sublingual' : ['Sub ','Buccal','Subling']
for roa in roa_dict:
if any(f in children for f in roa_dict[roa]): form['roa'] = roa
if form['roa'] == 'U':
# Then we try to guess RoA based on the form of the chemical
roa_dict = {
'Oral' : ['Linct','Cap','Capl','Tab','Susp','Soln','Chewing Gum','Divitab', 'Spansule', 'Span', 'Gelcap',
'Pastil','Pulvule','Pill','Liq','Syr','Tinct', 'Pellets', 'Wafer','Elixir','Elix'],
'Parenteral' : ['Inj','Org'],
'Inhaled' : ['Autohaler', 'Turbohaler', 'Accuhaler', 'Evohaler',
'Respule','Cylinder','Reefer','Disk','B/A','Cyclocap', 'Ventodisk','Steripoule','Respule','R/Cap', 'Spincap'],
'Transdermal': ['Patch'],
'Rectal' : ['Suppos','Supp','Enem'],
'Vaginal' : ['Pess'],
'Topical' : ['Crm','Gel','Oint','Lot','Lin'],
'Sublingual' : ['Lyophilisate']
for roa in roa_dict:
if any(f in children for f in roa_dict[roa]): form['roa'] = roa
return form
def visit_modifier(self, node, children):
return ''.join(children).lower()
def visit_ratio(self, node, children):
qs = [children[0], children[-1]]
def quantify(x): return {'number':x, 'unit':''} if isinstance(x, Decimal) else x
qs = [quantify(q) for q in qs]
#if qs[1]['unit'] == 'g': #Assume it's a combination product and return the total
# total = qs[0]['number'] + qs[1]['number']
# unit = 'g'
# return {'number':total, 'unit': unit, 'quantities':qs}
#Assume it's a concentration or a rate
quotient = qs[0]['number']/qs[1]['number']
unit = "%s/%s" % (qs[0]['unit'], qs[1]['unit'])
return {'number':quotient, 'unit': unit, 'quantities':qs}
def visit_quantity(self, node, children):
number = 1
if len(children.number) > 0:
number *= children.number[0]
number *= children.unit[0]['number']
return {'number':number, 'unit':children.unit[0]['unit']}
def visit_unit(self, node, children):
if len(children.metric_unit) > 0:
return children.metric_unit[0]
return {'number':Decimal(1), 'unit':''.join(children).lower()}
def visit_metric_unit(self, node, children):
return {'number':children[0], 'unit':children[-1].lower()}
def visit_metric_prefix(self, node, children):
lookup = {
'mc' : Decimal('1e-6'),
'm' : Decimal('0.001'),
'' : Decimal(1)
return lookup.get(''.join(children))
def visit_number(self, node, children):
return Decimal(''.join(children))
def visit_float(self, node, children):
return ''.join(children)
def visit_integer(self, node, children):
return ''.join(children.digit)
def visit_digit(self, node, children):
return node.value
def visit_point(self, node, children):
return "."
bnf_name_parser = ParserPEG(open('./data/bnf_codes/bnf_name.peg','r').read(),'bnf_name',skipws=False)
bnf_name_visitor = BNFNameVisitor()
def dict_for_bnf_name(bnf_name):
tree = bnf_name_parser.parse(bnf_name)
return visit_parse_tree(tree, bnf_name_visitor)
except NoMatch:
return None
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