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Last active September 5, 2016 07:33
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class HandlerSessionManager
      private $dbCollection;
      private $dbSession;
      private $dbName;
      private $expire;
      private $token;
      private $clean;

      private $key;

      public function __construct($options = false)

          // define name of colection (set session_name() or default session_name())
          $this->dbCollection = $options['collection'] ?? session_name();

          // define database name
          $this->dbName       = ( $options[ 'databasename' ] ?? 'SessionManager' );
          // define database for connection in MongoDB (if no have.. create.)
          $this->dbSession    = (new MongoDB\Client)->{$this->dbName};
          // define expiration time session (get default or choose (options or default 1 hour))
          $this->expire       = get_cfg_var( "session.gc_maxlifetime" ) ?? ( $options['expire'] ?? 3600 );
          // define token (for request session values in another fonts e.g: in nodejs)
          $this->token        = $options[ 'token' ] ?? false;
          // define if use auto_garbage function for clean old sessions (default false)
          $this->clean        = $options[ 'force_garbage' ] ? true : false;

          // define name of session
          // set save handler
               [ $this, 'open'    ],
               [ $this, 'close'   ],
               [ $this, 'read'    ],
               [ $this, 'write'   ],
               [ $this, 'destroy' ],
               [ $this, 'gc'      ]
          // shutdown
          // check if session already started
          // auto call

      public function open()
          $this->key = $this->getKey('KEY_' . session_name());

             return true;
             return false;

      public function close()
          $this->dbSession = null;
          return true;
      public function read($id)
          $doc = $this->dbSession->{$this->dbCollection}->findOne( ["_id" => $id] );

          return is_object($doc) ? $this->decrypt($doc->sessionData, $this->key) : "";
      public function write($id, $data)

             $encdata = $this->encrypt($data, $this->key);
             $create = $this->dbSession->{$this->dbCollection}->updateOne( ["_id" => $id], ['$set' => ["_id" => $id, "token" => $this->token, "sessionData" => $encdata, "expire" => ( time() + $this->expire )] ], ["upsert" => true] );

             return true;
          }catch(Exception $e){
      public function destroy($id)
          $result = $this->dbSession->{$this->dbCollection}->findOneAndDelete( ["_id" => $id] );

             return true;
             return false;
      public function gc()
          $result = $this->dbSession->{$this->dbCollection}->findOneAndDelete( ["expire" => ['$lt' => time()]] );

          return true;

      public function auto_garbage()
          	 $this->dbSession->{$this->dbCollection}->findOneAndDelete( ["expire" => ['$lt' => time()]] );

       * Encrypt and authenticate
       * @param string $data
       * @param string $key
       * @return string
      protected function encrypt($data, $key)
          $iv = random_bytes(16); // AES block size in CBC mode
          // Encryption
          $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt(
              mb_substr($key, 0, 32, '8bit'),
          // Authentication
          $hmac = hash_hmac(
              $iv . $ciphertext,
              mb_substr($key, 32, null, '8bit'),
          return $hmac . $iv . $ciphertext;

       * Authenticate and decrypt
       * @param string $data
       * @param string $key
       * @return string
      protected function decrypt($data, $key)
          $hmac       = mb_substr($data, 0, 32, '8bit');
          $iv         = mb_substr($data, 32, 16, '8bit');
          $ciphertext = mb_substr($data, 48, null, '8bit');
          // Authentication
          $hmacNew = hash_hmac(
              $iv . $ciphertext,
              mb_substr($key, 32, null, '8bit'),
          if (! $this->hash_equals($hmac, $hmacNew)) {
              throw new \RuntimeException('Authentication failed');
          // Decrypt
          return openssl_decrypt(
              mb_substr($key, 0, 32, '8bit'),

       * Get the encryption and authentication keys from cookie
       * @param string $name
       * @return string
      protected function getKey($name)
          if (empty($_COOKIE[$name])) {
              $key = random_bytes(64); // 32 for encryption and 32 for authentication
              $cookieParam = session_get_cookie_params();
                  // if session cookie lifetime > 0 then add to current time
                  // otherwise leave it as zero, honoring zero's special meaning
                  // expire at browser close.
                  ($cookieParam['lifetime'] > 0) ? time() + $cookieParam['lifetime'] : 0,
          } else {
              $key = base64_decode($_COOKIE[$name]);
          return $key;

       * Hash equals function for PHP 5.5+
       * @param string $expected
       * @param string $actual
       * @return bool
      protected function hash_equals($expected, $actual)
          $expected     = (string) $expected;
          $actual       = (string) $actual;
          if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
              return hash_equals($expected, $actual);
          $lenExpected  = mb_strlen($expected, '8bit');
          $lenActual    = mb_strlen($actual, '8bit');
          $len          = min($lenExpected, $lenActual);
          $result = 0;
          for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
              $result |= ord($expected[$i]) ^ ord($actual[$i]);
          $result |= $lenExpected ^ $lenActual;
          return ($result === 0);

      public function __destruct()

/** USAGE:

$options = [
   'databasename'  => 'PHPSESSIONS',
   'collection'    => 'PHPSESSID',
   'expire'        =>  1440,  // it's don't is majority set. It is optional case php.ini no have value set
   'token'         =>  'new', // 'YOUR_SUPER_ENCRYPTED_TOKEN'
   'force_garbage' =>  true
// init class
new HandlerSessionManager($options);

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