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Created October 13, 2009 16:39
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package AnyEvent::Twitter::EnableOAuth;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Object::Event/;
use AnyEvent::HTTP;
use Carp 'croak';
use Encode 'encode_utf8';
use Digest::SHA;
use JSON 'decode_json';
sub enable_oauth {
return if AnyEvent::Twitter->VERSION > 0.26;
no warnings 'redefine';
# 引数にusername, password が無くてもOAuth用のtokenがあればnew可能に
*new = sub {
my $this = shift;
my $class = ref ($this) || $this;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
bandwidth => 0.95,
enable_methods => 1,
if ($self->{bandwidth} == 0) {
croak "zero 'bandwidth' is an invalid value!\n";
$self->{state} ||= {};
$self->{base_url} = ''
unless defined $self->{base_url};
# OAuthを使用するか否かを決定
if (defined $self->{consumer_key} &&
defined $self->{access_token}) {
$self->{oauth} = do {
eval "use Net::OAuth 0.16";
croak "Install Net::OAuth for OAuth support" if $@;
die $@ if $@;
} else {
unless (defined $self->{username}) {
croak "no 'username' given to AnyEvent::Twitter\n";
unless (defined $self->{password}) {
croak "no 'password' given to AnyEvent::Twitter\n";
return $self;
# update処理のOAuth対応
*update_status = sub {
my ($self, $status, $done_cb) = @_;
my $url = URI::URL->new ($self->{base_url});
$url->path_segments('statuses', "update.json");
# http_postの引数を認証方法に応じて変更
my ($target_url, $body, %params);
if ($self->{oauth}) {
my $request = $self->_make_oauth_request(
request_url => $url,
request_method => 'POST',
token => $self->{access_token},
token_secret => $self->{access_token_secret},
extra_params => {
status => $status,
$target_url = $request->normalized_request_url();
$body = $request->to_post_body();
} else {
my $status_e = encode_utf8 $status;
$url->query_form(status => $status_e);
$target_url = $url->as_string;
$body = '';
%params = (
headers => { $self->_get_basic_auth },
weaken $self;
$self->{http_posts}->{status} =
http_post $target_url, $body, %params, sub {
my ($data, $hdr) = @_;
delete $self->{http_posts}->{status};
if ($hdr->{Status} =~ /^2/) {
my $js;
eval {
$js = decode_json($data);
if ($@) {
$done_cb->($self, undef, undef,
"error when receiving your status update "
. "and parsing it's JSON: $@");
$done_cb->($self, $status, $js);
} else {
$done_cb->($self, undef, undef,
"error while updating your status: "
. "$hdr->{Status} $hdr->{Reason}");
# timelineをgetする処理のOAuth対応
*_fetch_status_update = sub {
my ($self, $statuses_cat, $next_cb, $task) = @_;
my $category =
$statuses_cat =~ /^(.*?)_timeline$/ ? $1 : $statuses_cat;
my $st = ($self->{state}->{statuses}->{$category} ||= {});
my $url = URI::URL->new($self->{base_url});
$url->path_segments('statuses', $statuses_cat . ".json");
if (defined $st->{id}) {
$url->query_form(since_id => $st->{id});
} else {
$url->query_form(count => 200); # fetch as many as possible
# http_getの引数を認証方法に応じて変更
my ($target_url, %params);
if ($self->{oauth}) {
my $request = $self->_make_oauth_request(
request_url => $url,
request_method => 'GET',
token => $self->{access_token},
token_secret => $self->{access_token_secret},
$target_url = $request->to_url;
} else {
$target_url = $url->as_string;
%params = (
headers => { $self->_get_basic_auth },
weaken $self;
$self->{http_get}->{$category} =
http_get $target_url, %params, sub {
my ($data, $hdr) = @_;
delete $self->{http_get}->{$category};
if ($hdr->{Status} =~ /^2/) {
$self->_analze_statuses($category, $data);
} else {
"error while fetching statuses for $category: "
. "$hdr->{Status} $hdr->{Reason}");
# OAuth用のリクエスト生成
*_make_oauth_request = sub {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $request = $self->{oauth}->request('protected resource')->new(
version => '1.0',
consumer_key => $self->{consumer_key},
consumer_secret => $self->{consumer_secret},
signature_method => 'HMAC-SHA1',
timestamp => time,
nonce => Digest::SHA::sha1_base64(time . $$ . rand),
return $request;
# メソッドの交換
*AnyEvent::Twitter::new = \&new;
*AnyEvent::Twitter::update_status = \&update_status;
*AnyEvent::Twitter::_fetch_status_update = \&_fetch_status_update;
*AnyEvent::Twitter::_make_oauth_request = \&_make_oauth_request;
return 1;
*import = \&enable_oauth;
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