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Created April 8, 2018 02:55
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const mergeObjects = Object.assign
const removeEmpty = e => e !== ''
const filterRemovingEmpty = list => list.filter(removeEmpty)
const isEqual = (x, y) => (x === y)
const AND = (x, y) => (x && y)
const splitByChar = (str, char) => str.split(char)
const splitAndRemoveEmpty = (str, char) =>
filterRemovingEmpty(splitByChar(str, char))
const createObject = (key, val) => ({ [key]: val})
const createParams = (route, hasParams, url, path) =>
? AND(
isEqual(path, '/'),
isEqual(route.hasParams.length, hasParams.length)
: isEqual(path, url)
const byRoute = req => route =>
isEqual(route.method.toLowerCase(), req.method.toLowerCase())
const byPath = (url, hasParams) => (route) =>
? createParams(route, hasParams, url, getPathData(route, url).path)
: isEqual(getPathData(route, url).path, splitByChar(url, '?')[0])
const filterRoutes = (route, req, params) =>
const findRoute = (routes, req, params) =>
routes.find(byPath(req.url, params))
const getRoute = (router, req, params) =>
findRoute(filterRoutes(router, req, params), req, params)
const getKey = (str) => splitByChar(str, '=')[0]
const getValue = (str) => splitByChar(str, '=')[1]
const getValuesFromURL = (url) => filterRemovingEmpty(splitByChar(url, '/'))
const getPathData = (route, url) => ({
path: route.path,
hasParams: (getValuesFromURL(url).length)
? getValuesFromURL(url)
: false,
const toParams = (hasParams) => (obj, cur, i) =>
mergeObjects( obj, createObject(hasParams[i], cur) )
const toQuery = (obj, q) =>
mergeObjects(obj, createObject(getKey(q), getValue(q)))
const returnParams = (p) => splitAndRemoveEmpty(p, '/')
const returnQuery = (q) => splitAndRemoveEmpty(q, '&')
const getParamsAndQuery = (url) => [
returnParams(splitByChar(url, '?')[0]),
returnQuery(splitByChar(url, '?')[1]),
const getParams = (hasParams, params) => params.reduce(toParams(hasParams), {})
const getQuery = (query) => query.reduce(toQuery, {})
const getRequest = (req, hasParams, [params, query]) => {
req.params = getParams(hasParams, params)
req.query = getQuery(query)
return req
// adicionar res.send e res.json
const getResponse = (res) => res
const getParamsFrom = (url) => getParamsAndQuery(url)[0]
const getHasParams = (router, req) =>
getRoute(router, req, getParamsFrom(req.url)).hasParams
const execute = ({action}) => ({req, res}) => action(req, res)
const getAction = (router, req) => ({
action: getRoute(router, req, getParamsFrom(req.url)).action
const getActionParams = (router, req, res) => ({
req: getRequest(
getHasParams(router, req),
res: getResponse(res)
const success = (router, req, res) =>
execute (getAction(router, req))
(getActionParams(router, req, res))
module.exports = {
use: (router) => async (req, res) =>
? success(router, req, res)
: false
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