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Brian Corrigan svperfecta

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schedules : [
name: 'logogarden',
content: [
type: 'imageList',
images: [
type: image
svperfecta / gist:f01b7794e755e9a24e3a
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Terminal Stuff
# Automatically create or reattach to an iTerm session
tmux attach -t base || tmux new -s base
# SSH With no profile
ssh -T -i ~/.ssh/somekey user@server -t "bash --noprofile"
# Rsync using an identify file
rsync -avz --partial --progress --rsh="ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/somekey.pem" ~/somefile root@
svperfecta / pclive
Created July 7, 2015 11:21
Poker Central Live Stream Playlist
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=314000,RESOLUTION=256x144,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=564000,RESOLUTION=512x288,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1163000,RESOLUTION=640x360,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=2464000,RESOLUTION=1280x720,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2"
svperfecta / pcvod
Created July 7, 2015 11:24
Poker Central VOD Playlist
"data": {
"type": "view",
"attributes": {
"title": "Home Page",
"updatedAt": "2015-06-19T15:12:43.000Z",
"version": 1
"relationships": {
"featuredPromotion": {
require "rubygems"
require "uri"
require "yajl/http_stream"
require "twitter"
# Campfire Setup
token = 'yourtoken'
room_id = 111111
url = URI.parse("http://#{token}{room_id}/live.json")
# Install nginx and ejabberd
foo@bar$ sudo apt-get install ejabberd nginx curl
# Download strophe.js
foo@bar$ curl -
# Verify you have an entry in your /etc/hosts file for
# localhost, it should look something like this (yes,
# silly, but lately for some reason I keep running into
# people who modify this incorrectly)
# Export a query to CSV
mysql> create table user_video_for_brightcove engine=CSV SELECT user_id, title, description, time_created, file_name, is_private, status_mlg, parent_user_video_id FROM user_video where parent_user_video_id = 0 and status_mlg = 'active';
Query OK, 112176 rows affected (1.73 sec)
Records: 112176 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<a href="" style="display:block !important;width:720px !important;height:480px !important;" id="MLGPlayer"></a>
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