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Created August 30, 2015 12:53
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Generic recursive types. Related blog post:
Related blog post:
// ==============================================
// PART 3 - Generic recursive types
// ==============================================
// ==============================================
// LinkedList
// ==============================================
type LinkedList<'a> =
| Empty
| Cons of head:'a * tail:LinkedList<'a>
let linkedList = Cons (1, Cons (2, Cons(3, Empty)))
// same as 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []
// or [1; 2; 3]
module LinkedList =
let rec cata fCons fEmpty list :'r=
let recurse = cata fCons fEmpty
match list with
| Empty ->
| Cons (element,list) ->
fCons element (recurse list)
val cata :
fCons:('a -> 'r -> 'r) ->
fEmpty:'r ->
-> 'r
let rec foldWithEmpty fCons fEmpty acc list :'r=
let recurse = foldWithEmpty fCons fEmpty
match list with
| Empty ->
fEmpty acc
| Cons (element,list) ->
let newAcc = fCons acc element
recurse newAcc list
let rec fold fCons acc list :'r =
let recurse = fold fCons
match list with
| Empty ->
| Cons (element,list) ->
let newAcc = fCons acc element
recurse newAcc list
val fold :
fCons:('State -> 'a -> 'State) ->
acc:'State ->
list:LinkedList<'a> ->
// comparing fold with List version
LinkedList.fold' : ('r -> 'a -> 'r ) -> 'r -> LinkedList<'a> -> 'r
List.fold : ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> 'State -> 'T list -> 'State
let foldBack fCons list acc :'r=
let fEmpty' generator =
generator acc
let fCons' generator element=
fun innerResult ->
let newResult = fCons element innerResult
generator newResult
let initialGenerator = id
foldWithEmpty fCons' fEmpty' initialGenerator list
// comparing foldBack with List version
LinkedList.foldBack : ('a -> 'r -> 'r ) -> LinkedList<'a> -> 'r -> 'r
List.foldBack : ('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> 'T list -> 'State -> 'State
let toList linkedList =
let fCons head tail = head::tail
let initialState = []
foldBack fCons linkedList initialState
let ofList list =
let fCons head tail = Cons(head,tail)
let initialState = Empty
List.foldBack fCons list initialState
// ---------------------------------
// Using fold to implement other functions
// ---------------------------------
/// map a function "f" over all elements
let map f list =
// helper function
let folder head tail =
Cons(f head,tail)
foldBack folder list Empty
/// return a new list of elements for which "pred" is true
let filter pred list =
// helper function
let folder head tail =
if pred head then
foldBack folder list Empty
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let sumExample =
let linkedList = Cons (1, Cons (2, Cons(3, Empty)))
linkedList |> LinkedList.foldWithEmpty (+) id 0
let sumExample2 =
let linkedList = Cons (1, Cons (2, Cons(3, Empty)))
linkedList |> LinkedList.fold (+) 0
// Result => 6
let toListExample =
let linkedList = Cons (1, Cons (2, Cons(3, Empty)))
linkedList |> LinkedList.toList
// Result => [1; 2; 3]
let ofListExample =
let list = [1;2;3]
list |> LinkedList.ofList
// Result => Cons (1,Cons (2,Cons (3,Empty)))
let mapExample =
let linkedList = Cons (1, Cons (2, Cons(3, Empty)))
linkedList |> (fun i -> i+10)
// Result => Cons (11,Cons (12,Cons (13,Empty)))
let filterExample =
let isOdd n = (n%2=1)
let linkedList = Cons (1, Cons (2, Cons(3, Empty)))
linkedList |> LinkedList.filter isOdd
// Result => Cons (1,Cons (3,Empty))
// ==============================================
// LazyLinkedList
// ==============================================
// this version doesn't work
// type LazyLinkedList<'a> =
// | Empty
// | Cons of head:'a * tail:(unit -> LazyLinkedList<'a>)
type LazyLinkedNode<'a> =
| LEmpty
| LCons of head:'a * tail:LazyLinkedList<'a>
and LazyLinkedList<'a> =
(unit -> LazyLinkedNode<'a>)
let lazyLinkedList = fun () -> LCons (1, fun () -> LCons (2, fun () -> LCons(3, fun () -> LEmpty)))
// same as 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []
// or [1; 2; 3]
module LazyLinkedList =
let rec cata fCons fEmpty (list:'a LazyLinkedList) :'r=
let recurse = cata fCons fEmpty
match list() with
| LEmpty ->
| LCons (element,list) ->
fCons element (recurse list)
val cata :
fCons:('a -> 'r -> 'r) ->
fEmpty:'r ->
-> 'r
let rec foldWithEmpty fCons fEmpty acc (list:'b LazyLinkedList) :'r=
let recurse = foldWithEmpty fCons fEmpty
match list() with
| LEmpty ->
fEmpty acc
| LCons (element,list) ->
let newAcc = fCons acc element
recurse newAcc list
val foldWithEmpty :
fCons:('a -> 'b -> 'a) ->
fEmpty:('a -> 'r) ->
acc:'a ->
list:LazyLinkedList<'b> ->
let rec fold fCons acc (list:'a LazyLinkedList) :'r =
let recurse = fold fCons
match list() with
| LEmpty ->
| LCons (element,list) ->
let newAcc = fCons acc element
recurse newAcc list
val fold :
fCons:('r -> 'a -> 'r) ->
acc:'r ->
list:LazyLinkedList<'a> ->
// comparing fold with List version
LazyLinkedList.fold' : ('r -> 'a -> 'r ) -> 'r -> LazyLinkedList<'a> -> 'r
List.fold : ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> 'State -> 'T list -> 'State
let foldBack fCons list acc :'r=
let fEmpty' generator =
generator acc
let fCons' generator element=
fun innerResult ->
let newResult = fCons element innerResult
generator newResult
let initialGenerator = id
foldWithEmpty fCons' fEmpty' initialGenerator list
val foldBack :
fCons:('a -> 'r -> 'r) ->
list:LazyLinkedList<'a> ->
acc:'r ->
// comparing foldBack with List version
LazyLinkedList.foldBack : ('a -> 'r -> 'r ) -> LazyLinkedList<'a> -> 'r -> 'r
List.foldBack : ('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> 'T list -> 'State -> 'State
let toList linkedList =
let fCons head tail = head::tail
let initialState = []
foldBack fCons linkedList initialState
let ofList list =
let fCons head tail = fun () -> LCons(head,tail)
let initialState = fun () -> LEmpty
List.foldBack fCons list initialState
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let lazyOfListExample =
let list = [1;2;3]
|> LazyLinkedList.ofList
|> LazyLinkedList.toList
// Result => [1; 2; 3]
let lazySumExample =
let list = [1;2;3]
|> LazyLinkedList.ofList
|> LazyLinkedList.fold (+) 0
// Result => 6
// ==============================================
// Three ways to refactor the gift type
// ==============================================
module GiftOriginal =
type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}
type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}
type WrappingPaperStyle =
| HappyBirthday
| HappyHolidays
| SolidColor
type Gift =
| Book of Book
| Chocolate of Chocolate
| Wrapped of Gift * WrappingPaperStyle
| Boxed of Gift
| WithACard of Gift * message:string
// ==============================================
// refactoring to a structure wih only ONE recursive reference
// ==============================================
module GiftRefactored_V1 =
type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}
type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}
type WrappingPaperStyle =
| HappyBirthday
| HappyHolidays
| SolidColor
// unified data for non-recursive cases
type GiftContents =
| Book of Book
| Chocolate of Chocolate
// unified data for recursive cases
type GiftDecoration =
| Wrapped of WrappingPaperStyle
| Boxed
| WithACard of string
type Gift =
// non-recursive case
| Contents of GiftContents
// recursive case
| Decoration of Gift * GiftDecoration
// ---------------------------------
// Helper constructor functions
// ---------------------------------
let fromBook book =
Contents (Book book)
let fromChoc choc =
Contents (Chocolate choc)
let wrapInPaper paperStyle innerGift =
let decoration = Wrapped paperStyle
Decoration (innerGift, decoration)
let putInBox innerGift =
let decoration = Boxed
Decoration (innerGift, decoration)
let withCard message innerGift =
let decoration = WithACard message
Decoration (innerGift, decoration)
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let wolfHall = {title="Wolf Hall"; price=20m}
let yummyChoc = {chocType=SeventyPercent; price=5m}
let birthdayPresent =
let gift0 = Contents (Book wolfHall)
let decoration0 = Wrapped HappyBirthday
let gift1 = Decoration (gift0, decoration0)
let decoration1 = WithACard "Happy Birthday"
let gift2 = Decoration (gift1, decoration1)
let birthdayPresent2 =
|> fromBook
|> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
|> withCard "Happy Birthday"
let christmasPresent =
|> fromChoc
|> putInBox
|> wrapInPaper HappyHolidays
// ==============================================
// refactoring to a generic Container structure
// ==============================================
type Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData> =
| Contents of 'ContentData
| Decoration of 'DecorationData * Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData>
module Container =
let rec cata fContents fDecoration (container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData>) :'r =
let recurse = cata fContents fDecoration
match container with
| Contents contentData ->
fContents contentData
| Decoration (decorationData,subContainer) ->
fDecoration decorationData (recurse subContainer)
val cata :
// function parameters
fContents:('ContentData -> 'r) ->
fDecoration:('DecorationData -> 'r -> 'r) ->
// input
container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData> ->
// return value
let rec fold fContents fDecoration acc (container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData>) :'r =
let recurse = fold fContents fDecoration
match container with
| Contents contentData ->
fContents acc contentData
| Decoration (decorationData,subContainer) ->
let newAcc = fDecoration acc decorationData
recurse newAcc subContainer
val fold :
// function parameters
fContents:('a -> 'ContentData -> 'r) ->
fDecoration:('a -> 'DecorationData -> 'a) ->
// accumulator
acc:'a ->
// input
container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData> ->
// return value
let foldBack fContents fDecoration (container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData>) :'r =
let fContents' generator contentData =
generator (fContents contentData)
let fDecoration' generator decorationData =
let newGenerator innerValue =
let newInnerValue = fDecoration decorationData innerValue
generator newInnerValue
fold fContents' fDecoration' id container
val foldBack :
// function parameters
fContents:('ContentData -> 'r) ->
fDecoration:('DecorationData -> 'r -> 'r) ->
// input
container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData> ->
// return value
let rec map fMapContents fMapDecoration (container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData>) =
let recurse = map fMapContents fMapDecoration
match container with
| Contents contentData ->
Contents (fMapContents contentData)
| Decoration (decorationData,subContainer) ->
Decoration (fMapDecoration decorationData, recurse subContainer)
val map :
fMapContents:('ContentData -> 'a) ->
fMapDecoration:('DecorationData -> 'b) ->
// input
container:Container<'ContentData,'DecorationData> ->
// return value
module GiftUsingContainer =
type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}
type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}
type WrappingPaperStyle =
| HappyBirthday
| HappyHolidays
| SolidColor
// unified data for non-recursive cases
type GiftContents =
| Book of Book
| Chocolate of Chocolate
// unified data for recursive cases
type GiftDecoration =
| Wrapped of WrappingPaperStyle
| Boxed
| WithACard of string
type Gift = Container<GiftContents,GiftDecoration>
// ---------------------------------
// Helper constructor functions
// ---------------------------------
let fromBook book =
Contents (Book book)
let fromChoc choc =
Contents (Chocolate choc)
let wrapInPaper paperStyle innerGift =
let container = Wrapped paperStyle
Decoration (container, innerGift)
let putInBox innerGift =
let container = Boxed
Decoration (container, innerGift)
let withCard message innerGift =
let container = WithACard message
Decoration (container, innerGift)
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let wolfHall = {title="Wolf Hall"; price=20m}
let yummyChoc = {chocType=SeventyPercent; price=5m}
let birthdayPresent =
|> fromBook
|> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
|> withCard "Happy Birthday"
let christmasPresent =
|> fromChoc
|> putInBox
|> wrapInPaper HappyHolidays
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "totalCost"
// ---------------------------------
let totalCost gift =
let fContents costSoFar contentData =
match contentData with
| Book book ->
costSoFar + book.price
| Chocolate choc ->
costSoFar + choc.price
let fDecoration costSoFar decorationInfo =
match decorationInfo with
| Wrapped style ->
costSoFar + 0.5m
| Boxed ->
costSoFar + 1.0m
| WithACard message ->
costSoFar + 2.0m
// initial accumulator
let initialAcc = 0m
// call the fold
Container.fold fContents fDecoration initialAcc gift
birthdayPresent |> totalCost
// 22.5m
christmasPresent |> totalCost
// 6.5m
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "description"
// ---------------------------------
let description gift =
let fContents contentData =
match contentData with
| Book book ->
sprintf "'%s'" book.title
| Chocolate choc ->
sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType
let fDecoration decorationInfo innerText =
match decorationInfo with
| Wrapped style ->
sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
| Boxed ->
sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
| WithACard message ->
sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
// main call
Container.foldBack fContents fDecoration gift
birthdayPresent |> description
// CORRECT "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> description
// CORRECT "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
// ==============================================
// Refactoring gift to a record
// ==============================================
// refactoring types
module GiftRefactored_Record =
type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}
type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}
type WrappingPaperStyle =
| HappyBirthday
| HappyHolidays
| SolidColor
type GiftContents =
| Book of Book
| Chocolate of Chocolate
type GiftDecoration =
| Wrapped of WrappingPaperStyle
| Boxed
| WithACard of string
type Gift = {contents: GiftContents; decorations: GiftDecoration list}
// ---------------------------------
// Helper constructor functions
// ---------------------------------
let fromBook book =
{ contents = (Book book); decorations = [] }
let fromChoc choc =
{ contents = (Chocolate choc); decorations = [] }
let wrapInPaper paperStyle innerGift =
let decoration = Wrapped paperStyle
{ innerGift with decorations = decoration::innerGift.decorations }
let putInBox innerGift =
let decoration = Boxed
{ innerGift with decorations = decoration::innerGift.decorations }
let withCard message innerGift =
let decoration = WithACard message
{ innerGift with decorations = decoration::innerGift.decorations }
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let wolfHall = {title="Wolf Hall"; price=20m}
let yummyChoc = {chocType=SeventyPercent; price=5m}
let birthdayPresent =
|> fromBook
|> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
|> withCard "Happy Birthday"
let christmasPresent =
|> fromChoc
|> putInBox
|> wrapInPaper HappyHolidays
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "totalCost"
// ---------------------------------
let totalCost gift =
let contentCost =
match gift.contents with
| Book book ->
| Chocolate choc ->
let decorationFolder costSoFar decorationInfo =
match decorationInfo with
| Wrapped style ->
costSoFar + 0.5m
| Boxed ->
costSoFar + 1.0m
| WithACard message ->
costSoFar + 2.0m
let decorationCost =
gift.decorations |> List.fold decorationFolder 0m
// total cost
contentCost + decorationCost
birthdayPresent |> totalCost
// 22.5m
christmasPresent |> totalCost
// 6.5m
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "description"
// ---------------------------------
let description gift =
let contentDescription =
match gift.contents with
| Book book ->
sprintf "'%s'" book.title
| Chocolate choc ->
sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType
let decorationFolder decorationInfo innerText =
match decorationInfo with
| Wrapped style ->
sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
| Boxed ->
sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
| WithACard message ->
sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
List.foldBack decorationFolder gift.decorations contentDescription
birthdayPresent |> description
// CORRECT "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> description
// CORRECT "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
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