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Last active August 14, 2017 20:18
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Arduino Midi Keyboard
#include <Wire.h> //include the library called Wire.h
#include <Adafruit_Trellis.h> //include the library called Adafruit_Trellis.h
#define LED 13 //define LED as a constant interval at 13
Adafruit_Trellis trellis; //create an instance of Adafruit_Trellis and call it trellis
const int CHANNEL = 1; //the interval CHANNEL will always equal 1
unsigned long prevReadTime = 0L; //create an unsigned long called prevReadTime
int autoFilter = 0; //create an interval called autoFilter
int reverb = 0; //create an interval called reverb
int delayPot = 0; //create an interval called delayPot
int vinyl = 0; //create an interval called vinyl
int autoFilterChannel = 1; //create an interval called autoFilterChannel at channel 1
int reverbChannel = 2; //create an interval called reverbChannel at channel 2
int delayPotChannel = 3; //create an interval called delayPotChannel at channel 3
int vinylChannel = 4; //create an interval called vinylChannel at channel 4
int autoFilterChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called autoFilterChangeVal
int reverbChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called reverbChangeVal
int delayPotChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called delayPotChangeVal
int vinylChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called called vinylChangeVal
int lastautoFilterChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called lastautoFilterChangeVal
int lastreverbChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called lastreverbChangeVal
int lastdelayPotChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called lastdelayPotChangeVal
int lastvinylChangeVal = 0; //create an interval called lastvinylChangeVal
int note[] = {
60, 61, 62, 63,
56, 57, 58, 59,
52, 53, 54, 55,
48, 49, 50, 51
}; //assigns the midi notes that will be played by the keypad
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // LED is set to output
trellis.begin(0x70); //begin using the trellis
trellis.clear(); //clear the trellis
trellis.writeDisplay(); //write to and display the trellis
void loop() {
unsigned long t = millis(); //create an unsigned long called 't' and set it equal to millis
if((t - prevReadTime) >= 20L) { //if t minus the prevReadTime is less than or equal to 20L (20 milliseconds)
if(trellis.readSwitches()) { //look at the trellis readSwitches
for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { //for every interval called 'i' where 'i' is less than 16, add 1
if(trellis.justPressed(i)) { //if 'i' has just been pressed on trellis
usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(note[i], 127, CHANNEL); //send the midi value of 'i' at a velocity of 127 to CHANNEL
trellis.setLED(i); //turn on trellis LED at 'i'
} else if(trellis.justReleased(i)) { //if the trellis button has just been released
usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(note[i], 0, CHANNEL); //send the midi value of 'i' at a velocity of 0 to CHANNEL
trellis.clrLED(i); //clear the trellis LED at 'i'
trellis.writeDisplay(); //write to and display the trellis
lastvinylChangeVal = vinylChangeVal; //set lastvinylChangeVal equal to vinylChangeVal
vinyl = analogRead(0); //vinyl's values are taken from analog out 0 (potentiometer 1)
vinylChangeVal = vinyl/8; //vinylChangeVal is set to vinyl divided by 8
if(vinylChangeVal != lastvinylChangeVal) { //i vinylChangeVal does not equal lastvinylChangeVal
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(15, vinylChangeVal, vinylChannel); //send a control change at control 15 at a value equal to vinylChangeVal at the vinylChannel
lastdelayPotChangeVal = delayPotChangeVal; //set lastdelayPotChangeVal equal to delayPotChangeVal
delayPot = analogRead(1); //delayPot's values are taken from analog out 1 (potentiometer 2)
delayPotChangeVal = delayPot/8; //delayPotChangeVal is set to delayPot divided by 8
if(delayPotChangeVal != lastdelayPotChangeVal) { //if delayPotChangeVal does not equal lastdelayPotChangeVal
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(14, delayPotChangeVal, delayPotChannel); //send a control change at control 14 at a value equal to delayPotChangeVal at the delayPotChannel
lastreverbChangeVal = reverbChangeVal; //set lastreverbChangeVal equal to reverbChangeVal
reverb = analogRead(2); //reverb's values are taken from analog out 2 (potentiometer 3)
reverbChangeVal = reverb/8; //reverbChangeVal is set to reverb divided by 8
if(reverbChangeVal != lastreverbChangeVal) { //if reverbChangeCal does not equal lastreverbChangeVal
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(13, reverbChangeVal, reverbChannel); //send a control change at control 13 at a value equal to reverbChangeVal at the reverbChannel
lastautoFilterChangeVal = autoFilterChangeVal; //set lastautoFilterChangeVal equal to autoFilterChangeVal
autoFilter = analogRead(3); //autoFilter's values are taken from analog out 3 (potentiometer 4)
autoFilterChangeVal = autoFilter/8; //autoFilterChangeVal is set to autoFilter divided by 8
if(autoFilterChangeVal != lastautoFilterChangeVal) { //if autoFilterChangeVal does not equal lastautoFilterChangeVal
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(12, autoFilterChangeVal, autoFilterChannel); //send a control change at control 12 at a value equal to autoFilterChangeVal at the autoFilterChannel
prevReadTime = t; //prevReadTime is set to 1
while(; //so long as it is reading MIDI, the loop will continue
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sycko commented Aug 14, 2017

This is a self created midi controller. Simply put this device has 16 buttons that send different MIDI notes to any electronic instrument that reads MIDI. I mainly plan on using it with my Digital Audio Workstation as a makeshift MIDI keyboard, making it easier to play melodies and record certain patterns. In addition to sending MIDI notes, it also has 4 potentiometers that can be mapped to various effects. I currently have the potentiometers set to a vinyl hiss, reverb, delay, and filter.

In terms of the code itself, it is fairly straightforward. I needed to include a new library to make sure everything works. This is due to the fact that I am using a new piece of equipment called an Adafruit Trellis. This is an open source backlight keypad driver that can easily be used by many different devices. In addition to the Trellis, I also have 4 potentiometers that can be programmed to control different effects. At the moment the effects I am using are a filter, a delay, some reverb, and vinyl noise. In the loop of the code I have the teensy constantly checking to see if a button has been pressed. If a button is pressed, its LED will light up and it will send a MIDI note to the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) at full velocity. If a button is not pressed the LED will not be on, and send a signal to the DAW at a velocity of 0.

Each of the potentiometers is set to a certain channel and analog pin. Thus allowing each effect to be have separate controls and values.

Above is my code, commented for better understanding.

Here is a video of my project in action! (The hissing noise you hear during part of the video is intentional, it is one of the effects, the vinyl hiss.)

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