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Last active July 29, 2019 11:52
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Vim/neovim moves a file before saving, and write its content into an another file (backupcopy option). Then, move it to original path. rollup uses for watching events such as changes and renames of a file. When notice an event, immediately rollup try to open a file by using fs.readFileSync(). Due to this behavior, fs.readFileSync() can't find a file when vim/neovim is used for editing it.

Source code:

Some Webpages that mentions a related problem can be found:

There are some possible solutions:

  1. Use of
  2. Repeat trying to open a file until a saved file is moved to an original location.
  3. Sleep a short time to wait for moving a file to original path.
  4. Mix 1 and 2. Like this.

I guess that this problem relates to #1666,

    • This script doesn't work expectedly in my environment.

There in an another problem. When a watching file is renamed by an editor, inotify, a mechanism uses in Linux, still watching a renamed file although the editor saves edited content to an another file. Because inotify watches a inode, not a filename.

Relates to #1619, #1669,

rollup/rollup-watch#16 rollup/rollup-watch#39


It seems that Vim/neovim moves a file before saving, and move it to original path after saving. Due to this behavior, fs.readFileSync() used by rollup can't find a file.


  • Arch Linux 4.14 LTS
  • node 10.1.0
  • rollup 0.57.1
  • Vim 8.0.1838 or neovim 0.2.2

How to reproduce

  1. Execute npx --node-arg="--inspect" rollup --config --watch
  2. In Vim/neovim, open and save a file rollup watches
  3. rollup exits unexpectedly. exit status is 1.

How to get error messages

  1. Execute npx --node-arg="--inspect" rollup --config --watch
  2. Connect a debugger from chrome://inspect
  3. In Vim/neovim, open and save a file rollup watches
  4. Some errors are logged in a Chorme debug console
rollup:3919 Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'filename'
    at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:559:3)
    at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:465:33)
    at FSWatcher.handleWatchEvent (path_to_project/node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:23360:35)

rollup --watch uses I wrote a short script to see what events are emitted by inotify.

When save a file by using a Vim/neovim, output is:

start watching
eventType: rename, file: 4913
ls: cannot access 'test.mjs': No such file or directory
eventType: change, file: 4913
ls: cannot access 'test.mjs': No such file or directory
eventType: rename, file: 4913
ls: cannot access 'test.mjs': No such file or directory
eventType: rename, file: test.mjs
ls: cannot access 'test.mjs': No such file or directory
eventType: rename, file: test.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 syusui syusui 360 May 25 02:10 test.mjs

eventType: change, file: test.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 syusui syusui 360 May 25 02:10 test.mjs

eventType: change, file: test.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 syusui syusui 360 May 25 02:10 test.mjs

When save a file by using nano, output is:

start watching
eventType: change, file: test.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 syusui syusui 360 May 25 02:12 test.mjs

eventType: change, file: test.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 syusui syusui 360 May 25 02:12 test.mjs

A differences is that vim showed eventType: rename, but nano didn't show it.

According to a reference document:

Note that on most platforms, 'rename' is emitted whenever a filename appears or disappears in the directory.

It seems that Vim (or some other editors) moves a file before saving, and move it to original path after saving.

Related issues can be found:


Vim (or some other editors) moves a file before saving, and move it to original path after saving.

How to solve this problem

Short workaround

const fs = require('fs');
/** watch for safe-write
* @param {string} initialFilename
* @param {number} ignoreTime milli-seconds
* @param {function} handler
const watch = (initialFilename, ignoreTime, handler) => {
let lastChange =;
const watcher =, (ev, filename) => {
// console.warn("[DEBUG]", ev, filename);
switch (ev) {
case 'rename':
try {
// Try to open **filename** when renamed
watch(filename, ignoreTime, handler);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
// File is deemed to be overwritten safely (Vim backupcopy)
// if failed, exception will be thrown
watch(initialFilename, ignoreTime, handler);
} else {
// Re-throw error if unknown error
throw err;
case 'change':
const now =;
// console.log("[DEBUG]", lastChange);
if ((now - lastChange) >= ignoreTime) {
lastChange = now;
handler(ev, filename);
const file = 'foobar.js';
watch(file, 400, console.log);
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