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Last active May 23, 2018 09:03
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Y
public class AccountService : APIService
public AccountService()
public static Task<User> AutoLogin()
string str = "autosigninwithip/";
string pAddress = App.NativeHelper.GetIPAddress();
if (pAddress.IsEmpty())
return Task.FromResult<User>(null);
return APIService.Post<User>(str, pAddress, false, false);
public static Task<string> ChangeLanguage()
return APIService.Put<string>(string.Concat("setlang/", Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn, "/", APIService.LanguageInfo), null, false, false);
public static Task<string> CheckPaymentStatus(string orderId)
return APIService.Get<string>(string.Concat("trx/paymentstatus/", orderId), false, false);
public static Task<string> CheckSubscriber(string msisdn)
return APIService.Get<string>(string.Concat("subscriberexists/", msisdn), false, false);
public static Task<List<TopupHistory>> GetMonthlyTopupHistory()
string msisdn;
User currentUser = Settings.CurrentUser;
if (currentUser != null)
msisdn = currentUser.Msisdn;
msisdn = null;
return APIService.Get<List<TopupHistory>>(string.Concat("subscriber/monthlytopuphistory/", msisdn), false, false);
public static Task<string> GetNapasHTML(string orderID)
return APIService.Get<string>(string.Concat("pg/executepayment?orderId=", orderID, "&clientAppId=MOBILE_APP"), false, false);
public static Task<GetNotificationResponse> GetNofitication()
return APIService.Get<GetNotificationResponse>(string.Concat("pushedcampaign/get/", Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn), false, false);
public static Task<string> GetOrderId(double amount, string itemCode = null)
if (itemCode.IsEmpty())
int num = (new Random()).Next(1000000, 9999999);
itemCode = num.ToString();
return APIService.Get<string>(string.Concat(new object[] { "trx/initpayment/", Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn, "/", itemCode, "/", amount, "/E_TOPUP" }), false, false);
public static async Task GetOTP(string msisdn)
object[] objArray = new object[] { msisdn, APIService.LanguageInfo };
await APIService.Get(string.Format("getotp/{0}/{1}", objArray));
public static Task<User> GetProfile()
string msisdn;
User currentUser = Settings.CurrentUser;
if (currentUser != null)
msisdn = currentUser.Msisdn;
msisdn = null;
return APIService.Get<User>(string.Concat("subscriber/details/", msisdn), false, false);
public static Task<User> GetProfile(string msisdn)
return APIService.Get<User>(string.Concat("subscriber/details/", msisdn), false, false);
public static Task<List<CallHistory>> GetWeeklyCallHistory()
return APIService.Get<List<CallHistory>>(string.Concat("subscriber/weeklycallhistory/", Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn), false, false);
public static Task<List<SMSHistory>> GetWeeklySMSHistory()
return APIService.Get<List<SMSHistory>>(string.Concat("subscriber/weeklysmshistory/", Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn), false, false);
public static Task<User> Login(string username, string password)
var variable = new { loginId = username, credential = password };
return APIService.Post<User>("login/", variable, false, false);
public static Task<string> Register(string msisdn, string password, string otp)
return APIService.Post<string>(string.Format("register/", new object[0]), new { loginId = msisdn, credential = password, otp = otp }, false, false);
public static Task<string> ResetPassword(string msisdn, string password, string otp)
return APIService.Put<string>("resetpassword/", new { loginId = msisdn, password = password, otp = otp }, false, false);
public static Task<string> TopUp(string msisdn, string voucherCode)
return APIService.Post<string>(string.Format("subscriber/topup/{0}/{1}/{2}", new object[] { Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn, voucherCode, msisdn }), null, false, false);
public static Task TopUpSuccessfulNotification(double amount)
return APIService.Get(string.Concat(new object[] { "subscriber/etopup/", Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn, "/", amount }));
public static Task<UploadImageResponse> UploadImage(string imageBase64)
return APIService.Post<UploadImageResponse>("avatar/upload/", new { msisdn = Settings.CurrentUser.Msisdn, encodedImage = imageBase64, imageFormat = "jpg" }, false, false);
public static Task<ValidateNumberResponse> ValidateNumbers(List<string> numbers)
return APIService.Post<ValidateNumberResponse>("validatenumbers/", new { numbers = numbers }, false, false);
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