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Anton Tayanovskyy t0yv0

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t0yv0 / ParWithLog.fs
Created February 6, 2014 15:16
Par monad extended with deterministic available-as-soon-as-possible logging.
namespace Examples
type Future<'T>
module Future =
module M =
[<PrivateRecordConstructor>] // how about F# had something like this?
type Config =
A: string
B: string
// ...
Towards verifying message-passing protocols.
Protocol typically involves two parties, let us call Client and Server,
a number of states and state transitions involving passing of messages.
Client has agency - non-deterministic process in process calculi.
Server is deterministic, but it should handle all possible clients.
Ideally, we would take a DSL for the protocol, and spit out F# code that
t0yv0 / Clone.fs
Created June 3, 2014 04:52
Generic clone recipe with Infers.
module Main
open Infers
open Infers.Rep
type SimpleRecord = { Name: string; Age: int }
type LotsOfRecords = { People: SimpleRecord [] }
type Cloneable<'T> =
| C of ('T -> 'T)
# Setup.fsx
Adds registry keys for proper F# Web project support.
**Problem**: pure-F# Web projects do not work well in Visual Studio by default,
in particular adding a new item to the project is not possible.
**Solution**: This will hopefully be addressed in future VS versions.
t0yv0 / gist:192353
Created September 23, 2009 22:39
another take on F# monads
module Monad =
type M<'T,'B when 'B :> Sig<'B>> =
interface end
and Sig<'B when 'B :> Sig<'B>> =
abstract member Return<'X> : 'X -> M<'X,'B>
abstract member Bind<'X,'Y> :
M<'X,'B> -> ('X -> M<'Y,'B>) -> M<'Y,'B>
class functional_point y =
val x = y
method get_x = x
method move d = {< x = x + d >}
#let p = new functional_point 7;;
val p : functional_point = <obj>
let MapReduce (map: 'T1 -> 'T2)
(reduce: 'T2 -> 'T2 -> 'T2)
(zero: 'T2)
(inputs: seq<'T1>) =
let ( >>= ) x f = async.Bind(x, f)
Async.FromContinuations <| fun (ok, no, _) ->
let n = Seq.length inputs
let reducer =
MailboxProcessor.Start <| fun inbox ->
let rec loop n s =
type View<'T1,'T2> =
Get : 'T1 -> option<'T2>
Set : 'T2 -> 'T1 -> 'T1
static member Find() =
let t1 = typeof<'T1>
let t2 = typeof<'T2>
if R.IsRecord t1 then
open System.Collections.Generic
type Channel<'T>() =
let sync = obj ()
let readers = Queue<Future<_>>()
let writers = Queue<_>()
member this.CanRead : bool =
lock sync <| fun () -> writers.Count > 0