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Anton Tayanovskyy t0yv0

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t0yv0 / ParWithLog.fs
Created February 6, 2014 15:16
Par monad extended with deterministic available-as-soon-as-possible logging.
namespace Examples
type Future<'T>
module Future =
type Proc<'T> =
| P of ('T -> option<Proc<'T>>)
exception Bleep
let def f =
P (fun x -> try Some (f x) with Bleep | MatchFailureException _ -> None)
let rec ( <||> ) (P a) (P b) =
let f x =
t0yv0 / Kombinators.v
Created October 5, 2013 00:02
Kombinators for scaling simple trait and/or combinators to n-way product/sum combinators.
Inductive choice a b :=
| C1 : a -> choice a b
| C2 : b -> choice a b.
Notation " a ++ b " := (choice a b).
Module Type TRAIT.
Parameter t : Type -> Type.
Parameter and : forall {a b}, t a -> t b -> t (a * b).
Parameter or : forall {a b}, t a -> t b -> t (a ++ b).
type Person =
Address : string
Age : int
Name : string
let makePerson name age address =
Address = address
module GenericsExperiment
/// Generic property interface. Since F# lacks higher kinds,
/// we cannot write code parametric in `P`, so instead write code with casts
/// in terms of an open type `P<'T>`.
type P<'T> =
/// Implements derivation rules for a certain generic property.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Mono log profiler data
Profiler version: 0.4
Data version: 4
Mean timer overhead: 5844 nanoseconds
Program startup: Tue Apr 2 17:00:45 2013
Program ID: 3508
Server listening on: 55256
JIT summary
// Example 1: `any` allows unsafe casts
var x : any = 1;
// Example 2: subtyping on functions allows unsafe casts
interface I1 { x: number; }
interface I2 { x: number; y: number; }
function f(g: (x: I1) => void) { g({x: 1}); }
t0yv0 / Opt.v
Created March 23, 2013 15:35
A simple example of how to use Coq as a programming language - how to compute more efficient programs out of declarative programs, and then extract the efficient programs to ML. This facility is very obvious to serious users of Coq, but it took me a while as a beginner to realize this is practical and how can it be done. Compilers like Haskell d…
Require Import String.
Definition Parser (a : Type) :=
string -> option (a * string).
Definition Return {a} (x: a) : Parser a :=
fun s => Some (x, s).
Definition Bind {a b} (x: Parser a) (f: a -> Parser b) : Parser b :=
fun s =>
t0yv0 / PKGBUILD
Created March 23, 2013 13:44
Corrections to the fsharp-git Arch Linux PKGBUILD to make it work (downgrading to a previous tag of F# open source repo)
# Maintainer: Joris Putcuyps <Joris.Putcuyps at gmail dot com>
pkgdesc="An ML based functional language integrated with the .NET platform."
// Capture:
module Capture {
interface ConfigurationData {
type: string;
height: number;
width: number;