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Last active June 4, 2017 15:18
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hydrogenAppendCell = (editor) ->
scope = editor.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor()
{commentStartString} = editor.getCommentStrings(scope)
[startRow, endRow] = editor.getLastSelection().getBufferRowRange()
pattern = ///\s*#{commentStartString}\s*%%\s*$///
for row in [startRow..endRow]
scanRange = editor.bufferRangeForBufferRow(row)
replaced = false
editor.scanInBufferRange pattern, scanRange, ({range, replace}) ->
unless range.isEmpty()
replaced = true
unless replaced
point = [row, Infinity]
editor.setTextInBufferRange([point, point], " #{commentStartString}%%")
hydrogenRestartKernelAndRunAll = (editorElement) ->
atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'hydrogen:restart-kernel')
setTimeout ->
atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'hydrogen:run-all')
, 1000
atom.commands.add "atom-text-editor:not([mini])",
"user:hydrogen-append-cell": ->
"user:hydrogen-restart-kernel-and-run-all": ->
'cmd-m': 'user:hydrogen-append-cell'
'cmd-h': 'user:hydrogen-restart-kernel-and-run-all'
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