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Created August 12, 2012 05:21
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//Fetch the pinterest front page. Extract all the name elements
//and keep track of the gender of what you find
package main
import (
func main() {
startTime := time.Now()
//Load our name databases
male := loadNames("male.names")
female := loadNames("female.names")
//Fetch the pinterest front page
pageContent, _ := getFrontPage()
//Extract the names of the people pinning and those liking the pins
pinners := getPinners(pageContent)
likers := getPinCommenters(pageContent)
//Put the first names of all into one list.
//Go doesn't seem to have a builtin list concat function.
firstNames := []string{}
for i := range pinners {
firstNames = append(firstNames, strings.Split(pinners[i], " ")[0])
for i := range likers {
firstNames = append(firstNames, strings.Split(likers[i], " ")[0])
//Test the names with our primitive gender guesser
//We will store the names for each match (or lack thereof) in a map of lists
results := map[string][]string{
"Male": []string{},
"Female": []string{},
"Unisex": []string{},
"Undetermined": []string{},
//Test if a name is male, female, both or unknown
for _, name := range firstNames {
isMale := false
isFemale := false
name = strings.ToUpper(name)
if male[name] {
isMale = true
if female[name] {
isFemale = true
switch {
case isMale && isFemale:
results["Unisex"] = append(results["Unisex"], name)
case isMale:
results["Male"] = append(results["Male"], name)
case isFemale:
results["Female"] = append(results["Female"], name)
case true:
results["Undetermined"] = append(results["Undetermined"], name)
//Print out results
endTime := time.Now()
fmt.Println("Results at", time.Now(), "Computed in", endTime.Sub(startTime))
fmt.Println(len(results["Female"]), " Women")
fmt.Println(len(results["Male"]), " Men")
fmt.Println(len(results["Unisex"]), " Unisex names:", results["Unisex"])
fmt.Println(len(results["Undetermined"]), " Undetermined:", results["Undetermined"])
//Loads the names in the file [fp] into a map. It assumes that
//each name is the first token (before a space) on each line.
//This will thus not work on first names with spaces in them
func loadNames(fp string) map[string]bool {
buffer, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(fp)
lines := strings.Split(string(buffer), "\n")
names := map[string]bool{}
for _, line := range lines {
name := strings.Trim(strings.Split(line, " ")[0], " ")
names[name] = true
return names
//Get the names of people who commented on a pin
func getPinCommenters(html string) []string {
doc, _ := transform.NewDoc(html)
selector := transform.NewSelectorQuery("div.comment convo clearfix", "p", "a")
//Find all the dom nodes that match the selector above
nodes := selector.Apply(doc)
names := []string{}
for i := range nodes {
//The first child of the node will be the TextNode (the content)
//of the tag. This contains the name we want so append to our output array
names = append(names, nodes[i].Children[0].String())
return names
//Get the names of people who created a pin
func getPinners(html string) []string {
doc, _ := transform.NewDoc(html)
selector := transform.NewSelectorQuery("div.convo attribution clearfix", "p")
//Find all the dom nodes that match the selector above
nodes := selector.Apply(doc)
names := []string{}
for i := range nodes {
//The name we are looking for is in a different place for the pinner
//than in the above function (this was found by just looking at the source generated
//for the pinterest front page)
names = append(names, nodes[i].Children[1].Children[0].String())
return names
//Load the frontpage of pinterest into a string and return it
func getFrontPage() (string, error) {
//Make an http request for the front page of pinterest
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
//Defer will make sure to close the response body no matter how this function ends
//(I'm not sure why we need to close the response, but its in the docs and
//I guess its some kind of IOStream)
defer resp.Body.Close()
//read the response body into a string (actually its a []byte)
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
//convert the content to a string from []byte and return it
return string(content), err
//So for some reason Go is not able to tell that i will not reach this line
//so I need to return something that satisfies the signature of this function.
return "", nil
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