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Created February 3, 2014 09:51
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random string generator written in go
package rand
import (
type RandomStringer struct {
proposal []rune
length *big.Int
func New(runes []rune) *RandomStringer {
rs := &RandomStringer{
proposal: runes,
length: big.NewInt(int64(len(runes))),
return rs
func Alnum() *RandomStringer {
b := make([]rune, 0)
b = append(b, Runes('0', '9')...)
b = append(b, Runes('a', 'z')...)
b = append(b, Runes('A', 'Z')...)
return New(b)
func Runes(from, to rune) []rune {
s := make([]rune, to-from+1)
for i := to - from; -1 < i; i-- {
s[i] = from + i
return s
func (rs *RandomStringer) Next(length int) string {
s := make([]rune, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
r, e := rand.Int(rand.Reader, rs.length)
if e == nil {
s[i] = rs.proposal[uint(r.Uint64())]
} else {
return string(s)
package rand_test
import (
. "."
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("Rand", func() {
Context("Runes", func() {
It("should work normally", func() {
runes := Runes('a', 'd')
Expect(runes).To(Equal([]rune{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}))
Context("Alnum", func() {
var rs *RandomStringer
BeforeEach(func() {
// fix seed
rand.Reader = strings.NewReader("abcABCxyz123")
rs = Alnum()
It("should work normally", func() {
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