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benny@benny-Lenovo-Y50-70:~$ sudo lldb -p 14996 [67/67]
[sudo] password for benny:
(lldb) process attach --pid 14996
Process 14996 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 14996, 0x00007f8d70b243a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
frame #0: 0x00007f8d70b243a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192`__pthread_cond_wait:
-> 0x7f8d70b243a0 <+192>: movl (%rsp), %edi
0x7f8d70b243a3 <+195>: callq 0x7f8d70b27200 ; __pthread_disable_asynccancel
0x7f8d70b243a8 <+200>: movq 0x8(%rsp), %rdi
(lldb) thr info
thread #1: tid = 11617, 0x00007fdee9dde3a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
(lldb) thr list
Process 11617 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 11617, 0x00007fdee9dde3a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #2: tid = 11624, 0x00007fdee9dde3a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #3: tid = 11625, 0x00007fdee90f88dd`__GI_nanosleep + 45 at syscall-template.S:84, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #4: tid = 11626, 0x00007fdee9de155d`__libc_read + 45, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #5: tid = 11627, 0x00007fdee9dde3a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
benny@benny-Lenovo-Y50-70:~/dev/onlim/adapter$ be rspec
..*..The Rubinius process is aborting with signal: SIGSEGV
--- begin system info ---
node info: benny-Lenovo-Y50-70 #40-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 12 22:03:46 UTC 2016
--- end system info ---
--- begin rubinius info ---
process info: benny rbx 11512 3.38 2.2.2 2016-06-09 93fd04dd 3.8.0 JIT disabled
--- end rubinius info ---
--- begin system backtrace ---
rbx() [0x527f9f]
(lldb) thr list
Process 9492 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 9492, 0x00007f7fb2d483a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #2: tid = 9497, 0x00007f7fb2d483a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #3: tid = 9498, 0x00007f7fb20628dd`__GI_nanosleep + 45 at syscall-template.S:84, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #4: tid = 9499, 0x00007f7fb2d4b55d`__libc_read + 45, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #5: tid = 9500, 0x00007f7fb2d483a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
(lldb) thr backtrace -c 10 all
* thread #1: tid = 9492, 0x00007f7fb2d483a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
* frame #0: 0x00007f7fb2d483a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192
(lldb) thr list
Process 7669 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 7669, 0x00007fbd749d03a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #2: tid = 7676, 0x00007fbd749d03a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #3: tid = 7677, 0x00007fbd73cea8dd`__GI_nanosleep + 45 at syscall-template.S:84, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #4: tid = 7678, 0x00007fbd749d355d`__libc_read + 45, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
thread #5: tid = 7679, 0x00007fbd749d03a0`__pthread_cond_wait + 192, name = 'rbx', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
(lldb) thr backtrace -c 10 all
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
benny@benny-Lenovo-Y50-70:~/dev/onlim/adapter$ be rspec
..*.The Rubinius process is aborting with signal: SIGSEGV
--- begin system info ---
node info: benny-Lenovo-Y50-70 #40-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 12 22:03:46 UTC 2016
--- end system info ---
--- begin rubinius info ---
process info: benny rbx 5645 3.29.c113 2.2.2 2016-06-07 d49a89ad 3.8.0 JIT disabled
--- end rubinius info ---
--- begin system backtrace ---
rbx() [0x527fef]
benny@benny-Lenovo-Y50-70:~/dev/onlim/adapter$ be rspec
..*..........The Rubinius process is aborting with signal: SIGSEGV
--- begin system info ---
node info: benny-Lenovo-Y50-70 #40-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 12 22:03:46 UTC 2016
--- end system info ---
--- begin rubinius info ---
process info: benny rbx 4832 3.29.c113 2.2.2 2016-06-07 d49a89ad 3.8.0 JIT disabled
--- end rubinius info ---
--- begin system backtrace ---
rbx() [0x527fef]
module Rubinius
config = {}
config[:config_file] = "/home/benny/dev/ruby/rubinius/config.rb"
config[:command_line] = ["--prefix=/home/benny/.rubies/rbx"]
config[:build_make] = "make"
config[:build_rake] = "rake"
config[:build_perl] = "perl"
config[:llvm_path] = nil
config[:llvm_system_name] = nil
config[:llvm_configure] = "/usr/bin/llvm-config"
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] Configuring Rubinius...
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] Command line: "--prefix=/home/benny/.rubies/rbx"
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] ------------------------- WARNING -----------------------
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] The specified prefix '/home/benny/.rubies/rbx' already exists.
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] Installing Rubinius into an existing directory may
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] overwrite existing unrelated files or cause conflicts
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] between different versions of Rubinius files.
[2016-06-08 17:39:00] ---------------------------------------------------------
[2016-06-08 17:39:02] Checking clang:
[2016-06-08 17:39:02] found
tak1n / output.log
Created April 6, 2016 19:00
rake build
benny@benny-Lenovo-Y50-70:~/Dev/ruby/rubinius$ rake build
GEN machine/gen/config_variables.h
/home/benny/.rubies/2.3.0/bin/ruby machine/codegen/config_vars.rb machine/gen/config_variables.h
/home/benny/.rubies/2.3.0/bin/ruby machine/codegen/encoding_extract.rb /home/benny/Dev/ruby/rubinius/vendor/oniguruma machine/gen/encoding_database.cpp
mkdir -p /home/benny/Dev/ruby/rubinius/staging//library/encoding/converter
/home/benny/.rubies/2.3.0/bin/ruby machine/codegen/transcoders_extract.rb /home/benny/Dev/ruby/rubinius/vendor/oniguruma/enc/trans machine/gen/transcoder_database.cpp
/home/benny/.rubies/2.3.0/bin/ruby machine/codegen/field_extract.rb machine/builtin/basic_object.hpp machine/builtin/object.hpp machine/builtin/integer.hpp machine/builtin/fixnum.hpp machine/builtin/array.hpp machine/builtin/bignum.hpp m$
chine/builtin/executable.hpp machine/builtin/access_variable.hpp machine/builtin/alias.hpp machine/builtin/block_environment.hpp machine/builtin/block_as_method.hpp machine/builtin/byte_array.hpp mach