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Last active July 18, 2020 09:39
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「派生型プロパティを Decodable で扱う」 にインスパイヤされたコード。いじってたらPropertyWrapperがなくなってしまった…
// 汎用コード
struct CustomCodingKey: CodingKey, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
let stringValue: String
let intValue: Int? = nil
init?(stringValue: String) { self.stringValue = stringValue }
init?(intValue: Int) { return nil }
init(stringLiteral value: String) { stringValue = value }
init(_ value: String) { stringValue = value }
protocol PolymorphicDecodable: Decodable {
static var hintKeyName: String { get }
init?(hint: String, decoder: Decoder, container: KeyedDecodingContainer<CustomCodingKey>) throws
extension PolymorphicDecodable {
static var hintKeyName: String { "type" }
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CustomCodingKey.self)
let hintKey = CustomCodingKey(Self.hintKeyName)
let hint = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: hintKey)
guard let v = try Self(hint: hint, decoder: decoder, container: container) else {
throw DecodingError.dataCorruptedError(
forKey: hintKey,
in: container,
debugDescription: "unknown type hint: \(hint)"
self = v
// 以下 ドメイン固有コード
struct BoolParameter: Decodable {
let defaultValue: Bool
struct NumberParameter: Decodable {
let defaultValue: CGFloat
let minValue: CGFloat
let maxValue: CGFloat
enum BoolOrNumberParameter: PolymorphicDecodable {
case bool(BoolParameter)
case number(NumberParameter)
init?(hint: String, decoder: Decoder, container: KeyedDecodingContainer<CustomCodingKey>) throws {
switch hint {
case "bool": self = .bool(try BoolParameter(from: decoder))
case "number": self = .number(try NumberParameter(from: decoder))
default: return nil
struct Bird: Decodable {
let eggs: [String]
let destination: URL
enum Animal: PolymorphicDecodable {
case dog(name: String)
case cat(name: String, cuteFactor: Double)
case bird(Bird)
static var hintKeyName: String { "kind" }
init?(hint: String, decoder: Decoder, container: KeyedDecodingContainer<CustomCodingKey>) throws {
switch hint {
case "dog": self = .dog(name: try container.decode(String.self, forKey: "name"))
case "cat": self = .cat(name: try container.decode(String.self, forKey: "name"),
cuteFactor: try container.decode(Double.self, forKey: "cute_factor"))
case "bird": self = .bird(try Bird(from: decoder))
default: return nil
struct Root: Decodable {
let parameter: BoolOrNumberParameter
let pets: [Animal]
let root = try JSONDecoder().decode(Root.self, from: """
"parameter": {
"type": "number",
"defaultValue": 1.5,
"minValue": 0.0,
"maxValue": 2.0
"pets": [
{ "kind": "dog", "name": "pochi" },
{ "kind": "cat", "name": "tama", "cute_factor": 99.99 },
{ "kind": "bird", "eggs": [ "uzura", "温泉", "ホビロン" ], "destination": "" }
""".data(using: .utf8)!)
//▿ __lldb_expr_89.Root
//▿ parameter: __lldb_expr_89.BoolOrNumberParameter.number
// ▿ number: __lldb_expr_89.NumberParameter
// - defaultValue: 1.5
// - minValue: 0.0
// - maxValue: 2.0
//▿ pets: 3 elements
// ▿
// ▿ dog: (1 element)
// - name: "pochi"
// ▿
// ▿ cat: (2 elements)
// - name: "tama"
// - cuteFactor: 99.99
// ▿ __lldb_expr_89.Animal.bird
// ▿ bird: __lldb_expr_89.Bird
// ▿ eggs: 3 elements
// - "uzura"
// - "温泉"
// - "ホビロン"
// ▿ destination:
// - _url: #0
// - super: NSObject
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takasek commented Jul 17, 2020


  • 型情報を失いたくないのでデータの派生はenumで表現
  • CustomDecodedParameter をデータごとにいちいち作らなくていいようドメイン固有の処理を切り出し、共通部分をprotocol extensionに
  • typeが想定外だったときにfatalErrorだと失敗時にアプリごと死ぬので、適切にCodingErrorをthrow
  • 単体でもArrayでも同じように扱えるように工夫していたらPropertyWrapperが消滅してしまいました…

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takasek commented Jul 18, 2020

※ なおJSONはあくまで例であり、

  • 情報に意味はありません
  • そもそもこういうレスポンス設計はおすすめしません
    "pets": [
        { "kind": "dog", "name": "pochi" },
        { "kind": "cat", "name": "tama", "cute_factor": 99.99 },
        { "kind": "bird", "eggs": [ "uzura", "温泉", "ホビロン" ], "destination": "" }


    "pets": [
        { "kind": "dog", "dog": { "name": "pochi" } },
        { "kind": "cat", "cat": { "name": "tama", "cute_factor": 99.99 } },
        { "kind": "bird", "bird": { "eggs": [ "uzura", "温泉", "ホビロン" ], "destination": "" } }


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