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Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
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import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import datetime
import cifar10
import cifar10_sub150823 as cifar10_sub
import convnet150821 as convnet
# computing the recognition rate
def recograte( cnn, X, label, batchsize, dstshape ):
N = X.shape[0]
nbatch = int( np.ceil( float( N ) / batchsize ) )
LL = 0.0
cnt = 0
for ib in range( nbatch - 1 ):
ii = np.arange( ib*batchsize, (ib+1)*batchsize )
XX = cifar10_sub.clipcenter( X[ii], dstshape )
Y, Z = cnn.output( XX )
LL += np.sum( cnn.cost( Z, label[ii] ) )
cnt += np.sum( label[ii] == np.argmax( Z, axis = 1 ) )
ib = nbatch - 1
ii = np.arange( ib*batchsize, N )
XX = cifar10_sub.clipcenter( X[ii], dstshape )
Y, Z = cnn.output( XX )
LL += np.sum( cnn.cost( Z, label[ii] ) )
cnt += np.sum( label[ii] == np.argmax( Z, axis = 1 ) )
return LL / N, float( cnt ) / N
# Conv-Pool-ReLu-Softmax
def CPRS( Xnch, Xrow, Xcol, K ):
Xdim = ( Xnch, Xrow, Xcol )
W1dim = ( 64, 5, 5 )
ds1 = ( 4, 4 )
#ds1 = ( 2, 2 )
st1 = None
#border_mode = 'valid'
border_mode = 'full'
L1conv = convnet.ConvLayer( Xdim, W1dim, 'linear', withBias = False, border_mode = border_mode )
L1pool = convnet.PoolLayer( L1conv.Yshape, ds1, 'ReLu', withBias = True, st = st1 )
H1 = L1pool.Dout
H2 = 1000
L2 = convnet.FullLayer( H1, H2, 'ReLu', withBias = True, T4toMat = True )
L3 = convnet.FullLayer( H2, K, 'softmax', withBias = True, T4toMat = False )
cnn = convnet.CNN( [ L1conv, L1pool, L2, L3 ] )
print '### Conv-Pool-ReLu-Softmax Xdim:', Xdim
print '# W1dim:', W1dim, ' border_mode:', L1conv.border_mode, ' ds1:', ds1, ' st1:', st1, ' H1:', H1
print '# H2:', H2
return cnn
if __name__ == "__main__":
idstr ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
print '### ID: ', idstr
dirCIFAR10 = './cifar10/cifar-10-batches-py'
cifar = cifar10.CIFAR10( dirCIFAR10 )
ZCAwhitening = True
tfunc = cifar10_sub.translate2
dstshape = ( 24, 24 )
#dstshape = ( 28, 28 )
#dstshape = ( 32, 32 )
##### setting the training data & the validation data
Xraw, label, t = cifar.loadData( 'L' )
Xraw /= 255
xm = np.mean( Xraw, axis = 0 )
Xraw -= xm
if ZCAwhitening:
X, Uzca = cifar10_sub.ZCAtrans( Xraw, Uzca = None )
X = Xraw
X = np.asarray( X, dtype = np.float32 )
label = np.asarray( label, dtype = np.int32 )
idxL, idxV = cifar.genIndexLV( label )
XL, labelL = X[idxL], label[idxL]
XV, labelV = X[idxV], label[idxV]
NL, Xnch = XL.shape[0], XL.shape[1]
Xrow, Xcol = dstshape[0], dstshape[1]
NV = XV.shape[0]
K = cifar.nclass
Xdim = ( Xrow, Xcol )
np.random.seed( 0 )
batchsize = 100
idxB = cifar10_sub.makebatchindex( NL, batchsize )
nbatch = idxB.shape[0]
##### training
cnn = CPRS( Xnch, Xrow, Xcol, K )
eta, mu, lam = 0.01, 0.9, 0.0001
nepoch = 50
print '# eta = ', eta, ' mu = ', mu, ' lam = ', lam
print '# ZCAwhitening = ', ZCAwhitening, ' tfunc = ', tfunc.__name__, ' dstshape = ', dstshape
print '### training: NL = ', NL, ' NV = ', NV, ' K = ', K, ' batchsize = ', batchsize
for i in range( nepoch ):
# printing error rates etc.
if (i <= 5 ) or ( i % 10 == 0 ):
mnLLL, rrL = recograte( cnn, XL, labelL, batchsize, dstshape )
mnLLV, rrV = recograte( cnn, XV, labelV, batchsize, dstshape )
print '%d | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f' % ( i, mnLLL, rrL * 100, mnLLV, rrV * 100 )
# training (selecting each batch in random order)
for ib in np.random.permutation( nbatch ):
ii = idxB[ib, :]
XX = tfunc( XL[ii], dstshape )
cnn.train( XX, labelL[ii], eta, mu, lam )
i = nepoch
mnLLL, rrL = recograte( cnn, XL, labelL, batchsize, dstshape )
mnLLV, rrV = recograte( cnn, XV, labelV, batchsize, dstshape )
print '%d | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f' % ( i, mnLLL, rrL * 100, mnLLV, rrV * 100 )
##### setting the test data
XTraw, labelT, tT = cifar.loadData( 'T' )
XTraw /= 255
XTraw -= xm
if ZCAwhitening:
XT = cifar10_sub.ZCAtrans( XTraw, Uzca = Uzca )
XT = XTraw
XT = np.asarray( XT, dtype = np.float32 )
labelT = np.asarray( labelT, dtype = np.int32 )
NT, Nstack, Xrow, Xcol = XT.shape
print '# NT = ', NT
mnLLT, rrT = recograte( cnn, XT, labelT, batchsize, dstshape )
print '%d | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f' % ( i, mnLLL, rrL * 100, mnLLV, rrV * 100, mnLLT, rrT * 100 )
print '### ID: ', idstr
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import datetime
import cifar10
import cifar10_sub150823 as cifar10_sub
import convnet150821 as convnet
# computing the recognition rate
def recograte( cnn, X, label, batchsize, dstshape ):
N = X.shape[0]
nbatch = int( np.ceil( float( N ) / batchsize ) )
LL = 0.0
cnt = 0
for ib in range( nbatch - 1 ):
ii = np.arange( ib*batchsize, (ib+1)*batchsize )
XX = cifar10_sub.clipcenter( X[ii], dstshape )
Y, Z = cnn.output( XX )
LL += np.sum( cnn.cost( Z, label[ii] ) )
cnt += np.sum( label[ii] == np.argmax( Z, axis = 1 ) )
ib = nbatch - 1
ii = np.arange( ib*batchsize, N )
XX = cifar10_sub.clipcenter( X[ii], dstshape )
Y, Z = cnn.output( XX )
LL += np.sum( cnn.cost( Z, label[ii] ) )
cnt += np.sum( label[ii] == np.argmax( Z, axis = 1 ) )
return LL / N, float( cnt ) / N
# Conv-Pool-Conv-Pool-ReLu-Softmax
def CPCPRS( Xnch, Xrow, Xcol, K ):
# 1st Layer
Xdim = ( Xnch, Xrow, Xcol )
W1dim = ( 64, 5, 5 )
b1 = 'full'
L1conv = convnet.ConvLayer( Xdim, W1dim, 'linear', withBias = False, border_mode = b1 )
#ds1 = ( 4, 4 )
#ds1 = ( 3, 3 )
ds1 = ( 2, 2 )
st1 = None
L1pool = convnet.PoolLayer( L1conv.Yshape, ds1, 'ReLu', withBias = True, st = st1 )
H1 = L1pool.Dout
# 2nd Layer
W2dim = ( 64, 5, 5 )
#W2dim = ( 64, 3, 3 )
b2 = 'full'
L2conv = convnet.ConvLayer( L1pool.Yshape, W2dim, 'linear', withBias = False, border_mode = b2 )
#ds2 = ( 4, 4 )
#ds2 = ( 3, 3 )
ds2 = ( 2, 2 )
st2 = None
L2pool = convnet.PoolLayer( L2conv.Yshape, ds2, 'ReLu', withBias = True, st = st2 )
H2 = L2pool.Dout
# 3rd Layer
H3 = 1000
L3 = convnet.FullLayer( H2, H3, 'ReLu', withBias = True, T4toMat = True )
# 4th Layer
L4 = convnet.FullLayer( H3, K, 'softmax', withBias = True, T4toMat = False )
cnn = convnet.CNN( [ L1conv, L1pool, L2conv, L2pool, L3, L4 ] )
print '### Conv-Pool-Conv-Pool-ReLu-Softmax Xdim:', Xdim
print '# W1dim:', W1dim, ' ds1:', ds1, ' st1:', st1, ' border_mode:', L1conv.border_mode, ' H1:', H1
print '# W2dim:', W2dim, ' ds2:', ds2, ' st2:', st2, ' border_mode:', L2conv.border_mode, ' H2:', H2
print '# H3:', H3
return cnn
if __name__ == "__main__":
idstr ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
print '### ID: ', idstr
dirCIFAR10 = './cifar10/cifar-10-batches-py'
cifar = cifar10.CIFAR10( dirCIFAR10 )
ZCAwhitening = True
tfunc = cifar10_sub.translate2
#tfunc = cifar10_sub.clipcenter
dstshape = ( 24, 24 )
#dstshape = ( 32, 32 )
##### setting the training data & the validation data
Xraw, label, t = cifar.loadData( 'L' )
Xraw /= 255
xm = np.mean( Xraw, axis = 0 )
Xraw -= xm
if ZCAwhitening:
X, Uzca = cifar10_sub.ZCAtrans( Xraw, Uzca = None )
X = Xraw
X = np.asarray( X, dtype = np.float32 )
label = np.asarray( label, dtype = np.int32 )
idxL, idxV = cifar.genIndexLV( label )
XL, labelL = X[idxL], label[idxL]
XV, labelV = X[idxV], label[idxV]
NL, Xnch = XL.shape[0], XL.shape[1]
Xrow, Xcol = dstshape[0], dstshape[1]
NV = XV.shape[0]
K = cifar.nclass
Xdim = ( Xrow, Xcol )
np.random.seed( 0 )
batchsize = 100
idxB = cifar10_sub.makebatchindex( NL, batchsize )
nbatch = idxB.shape[0]
##### training
cnn = CPCPRS( Xnch, Xrow, Xcol, K )
eta, mu, lam = 0.01, 0.9, 0.0001
nepoch = 50
print '# eta = ', eta, ' mu = ', mu, ' lam = ', lam
print '# ZCAwhitening = ', ZCAwhitening, ' tfunc = ', tfunc.__name__, ' dstshape = ', dstshape
print '### training: NL = ', NL, ' NV = ', NV, ' K = ', K, ' batchsize = ', batchsize
for i in range( nepoch ):
# printing error rates etc.
if (i <= 5 ) or ( i % 10 == 0 ):
mnLLL, rrL = recograte( cnn, XL, labelL, batchsize, dstshape )
mnLLV, rrV = recograte( cnn, XV, labelV, batchsize, dstshape )
print '%d | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f' % ( i, mnLLL, rrL * 100, mnLLV, rrV * 100 )
# training (selecting each batch in random order)
for ib in np.random.permutation( nbatch ):
ii = idxB[ib, :]
XX = tfunc( XL[ii], dstshape )
cnn.train( XX, labelL[ii], eta, mu, lam )
i = nepoch
mnLLL, rrL = recograte( cnn, XL, labelL, batchsize, dstshape )
mnLLV, rrV = recograte( cnn, XV, labelV, batchsize, dstshape )
print '%d | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f' % ( i, mnLLL, rrL * 100, mnLLV, rrV * 100 )
##### setting the test data
XTraw, labelT, tT = cifar.loadData( 'T' )
XTraw /= 255
XTraw -= xm
if ZCAwhitening:
XT = cifar10_sub.ZCAtrans( XTraw, Uzca = Uzca )
XT = XTraw
XT = np.asarray( XT, dtype = np.float32 )
labelT = np.asarray( labelT, dtype = np.int32 )
NT, Nstack, Xrow, Xcol = XT.shape
print '# NT = ', NT
mnLLT, rrT = recograte( cnn, XT, labelT, batchsize, dstshape )
print '%d | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f | %.4f %.2f' % ( i, mnLLL, rrL * 100, mnLLV, rrV * 100, mnLLT, rrT * 100 )
print '### ID: ', idstr
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