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Created November 16, 2012 20:32
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#lang racket
;; asymmetric full coroutines from "Revisiting Coroutines"
(provide (contract-out
[create (-> procedure? coroutine?)]
[resume (->* (coroutine?) () #:rest (listof any/c) any)]
[yield (-> any/c any)]
[status (-> coroutine? (or/c 'running 'done 'suspended))]))
(struct coroutine (body status) #:mutable)
(define coroutine-prompt-tag
(make-continuation-prompt-tag 'coroutine))
;; create a new coroutine
(define (create f) (coroutine f 'suspended))
;; convenience function
(define (wrap f)
(define coroutine (create f))
(λ args (apply resume coroutine args)))
;; resume a coroutine
(define (resume coroutine . args)
(λ args
(set-coroutine-status! coroutine 'running)
(define result (apply (coroutine-body coroutine) args))
(set-coroutine-status! coroutine 'done)
(λ (v k)
(set-coroutine-body! coroutine k)
(set-coroutine-status! coroutine 'suspended)
;; yield from inside a coroutine
(define (yield v)
(λ (k)
(abort-current-continuation coroutine-prompt-tag v k))
;; get the status of a coroutine
(define (status coroutine)
(coroutine-status coroutine))
;; in-order traversal
(module+ test
(struct node (key left right))
(define (in-order node)
(when (node? node)
(in-order (node-left node))
(yield (node-key node))
(in-order (node-right node))))
(define (in-order-iterator tree)
(define coroutine (create (λ (x) (in-order tree) #f)))
(λ () (resume coroutine #f)))
(define (merge t1 t2)
(define it1 (in-order-iterator t1))
(define it2 (in-order-iterator t2))
(define v1 (it1))
(define v2 (it2))
(let loop ()
(cond [(or v1 v2)
(cond [(and v1 (or (not v2) (< v1 v2)))
(displayln v1)
(set! v1 (it1))]
(displayln v2)
(set! v2 (it2))])
(define bt-1 (node 5 (node 3 #f #f) (node 7 (node 6 #f #f) #f)))
(define bt-2 (node 8 (node 2 #f (node 4 #f #f)) (node 9 #f #f)))
(merge bt-1 bt-2))
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