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Created March 9, 2012 23:26
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Shell script to configure Microsoft Lync user name and email address
########################### About this script ##########################
# #
# Purpose: Populates user name and email address settings #
# for Lync for Mac. This script resides #
# in /Library/talkingmoose/Scripts and is launched #
# by launch agent net.talkingmoose.LyncSetup.plist. #
# #
# Created by William Smith #
# Last update May 4, 2012 #
# #
# Version history #
# 1.2 Added keys to not ask Lync to be the conference provider, #
# presence and telephone provider #
# 1.1 Added NetBIOS domain variable for Lion support #
# Removed support for local dscl lookups #
# 1.0 Created script #
# #
# Instructions #
# Locate the NETBIOSDOMAIN line below and enter your company's NetBIOS domain #
# name. Save the script as "" into each computer's #
# /Library/talkingmoose/Scripts folder or any location of your choosing. #
# Modify the net.talkingmoose.LyncSetup.plist launchd item to point to this #
# script and place it into /Library/LaunchAgents. #
# #
# The launchd agent will launch the script at every user login. If it finds #
# ~/Library/Preferences/ then the script will exit. #
# Otherwise, it will do the following: #
# 1. Determine the current Mac OS version #
# 2. Get user's current login name #
# 3. Read Active Directory for the user's email address #
# 4. Populate the user's ~/Library/Preferences/ #
# file with the Lync logon information. #
# 5. Set the preference to not show the license agreement. #
# 6. Write details of the setup to ~/Library/Logs/LyncSetup.log. #
# #
# #
# Running checkSetupDone function to determine if the rest of this script needs to run.
# Yes, if $HOME/Library/Preferences/ file does not exist.
# Otherwise, assume this setup script has already run for this user and does not
# need to run again.
checkSetupDone() {
if [ -f $HOME/Library/Preferences/ ] ; then
exit 0
populateUserInformation() {
# Logfile
# Script version
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S Running Script: $SCRIPTVERSION" >> $LOGFILE
# Enter your company NetBIOS domain name here. Necessary for Mac OS X 10.7 and later.
# Get Mac OS version
MACOSVERSION=$( ( sw_vers -buildVersion ) | awk '{ print substr( $0, 0, 2 ) }' )
if [ $MACOSVERSION -gt 10 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S Mac OS X version is Lion or higher." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S Mac OS X version is either Leopard or Snow Leopard." >> $LOGFILE
# Get current username
USERNAME=$( id -un )
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S User name is $USERNAME." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S ERROR! Unable to read user name." >> $LOGFILE
# Look up user email address
if [ $MACOSVERSION -gt 10 ] ; then
EMAILADDRESS=$( dscl "/Active Directory/$NETBIOSDOMAIN/All Domains/" -read /Users/$USERNAME EMailAddress | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $2}' )
EMAILADDRESS=$( dscl "/Active Directory/All Domains/" -read /Users/$USERNAME EMailAddress | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $2}' )
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S User email address is $EMAILADDRESS." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S ERROR! Unable to read user email address." >> $LOGFILE
# Write user information to Lync preferences file
defaults write $HOME/Library/Preferences/ UserIDMRU '( { LogonName = '$USERNAME'; UserID = '\"$EMAILADDRESS\"'; } )'
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S User logon name set to $USERNAME and user ID set to $EMAILADDRESS." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S ERROR! Unable to set user logon name to $USERNAME and user ID to $EMAILADDRESS." >> $LOGFILE
# Accept license agreement - Prevents initial license agreement from appearing for each user
defaults write $HOME/Library/Preferences/ acceptedSLT140 -bool true
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S License agreement accepted." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S ERROR! Unable to accept license agreement." >> $LOGFILE
# Do not show conference provider alert
defaults write $HOME/Library/Preferences/ DoNotShowConfProviderAlert -bool true
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S Set do not show conference provider alert." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S ERROR! Unable to set do not show conference provider alert." >> $LOGFILE
# Do not show presence provider alert
defaults write $HOME/Library/Preferences/ DoNotShowPresenceProviderAlert -bool true
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S Set do not show presence alert." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S ERROR! Unable to set do not show presence alert." >> $LOGFILE
# Do not show telephone provider alert
defaults write $HOME/Library/Preferences/ DoNotShowTelProviderAlert -bool true
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S Set do not show telephone provider alert." >> $LOGFILE
date "+%A %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S ERROR! Unable to set do not show telephone provider alert." >> $LOGFILE
# Script spacer - adds a couple of blank lines to the end of the log session
awk 'BEGIN { print "\n" }' >> $LOGFILE
exit 0
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Edit the script to include the NetBIOS domain name for your Active Directory domain:


Save the above file as into /Library/talkingmoose/Scripts.

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