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Last active May 5, 2023 19:53
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Resources for my Penn State 2022 MacAdmins Campfire presentation on June 2

Speed Dating for Mac Admins

Terminal Login Banner

Last login: Wed Jun  1 23:03:39 on ttys000

                        'c.            Logged in as: bill.smith
                     ,xNMM.            ---------------------------------
                   .0MMMMo             Operating System: macOS 12.4
                   0MMM0,              Computer Name: MooseBook Pro II
         .;loddo:' loolloddol;.        Model Name: MacBook Pro
       cKMMMMMMMMMMNWMMMMMMMMMM0:      Model Identifier: MacBookPro18,3
     .KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWd.     Serial Number (system): JP24RE9XNRY
     :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:        FileVault is On.
     .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX.       Activation Lock Status: Disabled
      kMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWd.     Uptime: 1 day, 21:47
      .XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMk    Battery Cycle Count: 35
       .XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK.    Shell: /bin/zsh
          ;KMMMMMMMWXXWMMMMMMMMk.      Today is Thursday, June 02, 2022
            .cooc,.    .,coo:.         On this day: First issue of Computerworld, 1967

.zlogin script

Create a .zlogin file in your home folder and paste the contents into the new file.

Oh My Zsh

The theme

The fonts

Instructions I followed for customization

Useful information about formatting colors

Color themes for macOS Terminal

Terminal customizations

Silence the “Last login” message
/usr/bin/touch .hushlogin

Restore the “Last login” message
/bin/rm .hushlogin


View formatted calendars in Terminal

     June 2022        
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  
          1  2  3  4  
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11  
12 13 14 15 16 17 18  
19 20 21 22 23 24 25  
26 27 28 29 30       

View a different month
cal sep 2022

View a month in a different year
cal apr 2030

View the full calendar for a different year
cal 2030

Invoke ncal mode
cal -N


View formatted calendar in Terminal (vertical)

    June 2022         
Mo     6 13 20 27   
Tu     7 14 21 28   
We  1  8 15 22 29   
Th  2  9 16 23 30   
Fr  3 10 17 24      
Sa  4 11 18 25      
Su  5 12 19 26     

Get all the Fridays of a month
ncal | grep -E 'Fr'

Get all the Fridays of a year
ncal 2022 | grep -E 'Fr'

Include year and months
ncal 2022 | grep -E '^[[:blank:]]|Fr'

Display week numbers
ncal -w or cal -Nw

Display week numbers for entire year
ncal -w 2022 or cal -Nw 2022

Get all the Fridays of a month
ncal -w | grep -E 'Fr'

Get all the Fridays of a year
ncal -w 2022 | grep -E 'Fr'

Include year and months
ncal -w 2022 | grep -E '^[[:blank:]]|Fr'


Earliest version of “calendar” command

New commands added to Unix Seventh Edition include Bourne shell, awk and calendar

Lord of the Rings first appears in 4.4BSD in .history

Lord of the Rings first appears February 15, 2003

Bug 57623 - One LOTR calendar event still in calendar.history

View calendar.lotr

Note: Calendar relies on the cpp library. Your first run may ask you to install cpp as part of the Xcode command line utilities.

View the Lord of the Rings calendar
/bin/cat /usr/share/calendar/calendar.lotr

List more calendars
ls /usr/share/calendar/

Read a specific calendar for events today and tomorrow

/usr/bin/calendar -f /usr/share/calendar/  
Jun  3 	Georges Bizet dies in Bougival, Paris, France, 1875

Creating your own calendar

File ‘calendar’ in your home directory

 * Bill's calendar

*/03	Pay mortgage
Friday	Family game night
05/MonLast	Memorial Day

/* Birthdays and Anniversaries */

01/16	Kirsten's birthday, 1969
02/14	Anniversary, 2000
05/27	Dean's birthday, 1966
06/03	Lori's birthday, 1958

/* Backups */

Monday	Incremental backups, set 1
Tuesday	Incremental backups, set 2
Wednesday	Incremental backups, set 3
Thursday	Incremental backups, set 4
Friday+1	Full backups
Friday+2	Incremental backups, set 5
Friday+3	Incremental backups, set 5
Friday+4	Incremental backups, set 5
Friday+5	Incremental backups, set 5

/* Other calendars */

#include <>
#include <calendar.lotr>% 

06/02 + tab + description

Asterisk ( * ) can mean any month

Friday means every Friday of the year

MonLast means last Monday of the month

Friday+3 means third Friday of the month

Include other calendars from /usr/share/calendars
#include <calendar.lotr>


Time a command
time + any command (including sudo)

There are two “times”

  • shell built-in
  • /usr/bin/time

View the time man page man time

Print times on separate lines
/usr/bin/time -p + any command

To get just the time

(/usr/bin/time -p sudo jamf recon) 2>&1 | /usr/bin/awk '/real/{print $2}'


How long has your computer been running?

Depending on the number of days, minutes and seconds your Mac has been running, uptime may return one of five formats

17:00 up 5 days, 51 mins, 2 users…
17.10 up 5 days, 1:01, 2 users…
17:00 up 51 secs, 2 users…
17:00 up 2 mins, 2 users…
17:00 up 1:01, 2 users…

Parse for a computer’s up time

/usr/bin/uptime | /usr/bin/awk -F 'up |, [0-9]+ users' '{ print $2 }'
1 day, 21:34


String formatter for time

View the man page for list of conversion characters
man strftime

View current date and time in this format: 2022-06-02 09:55:01
strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

View specific date and time in this format: 2014-10-31 07:40:18
strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' 1414759218

View epoch date and time in this format: 1969-12-31 18:00:00
strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' 0

View epoch date and tiime (adjust for Central time -06:00) in this format: 1970-01-01 00:00:0
strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' 21600

Example conversion characters

Target date: 2022-06-02 13:27:01

Full day of the week
%A — Thursday

Abbreviated day of the week
%a — Thu

Full month
%B — June

Abbreviated month
%b — Jun

Minutes not month
%M — 27

Numerical month
%m — 06

Hour as two-digit 24-hour
%H — 13

Hour as two-digit 12-hour
%I — 01

Hour as padded 12-hour
%l — _1

Hour as unpadded 12-hour
%-l — 1


Print default view of date and time for right now

Set the clock to a specific date and time
07 = month
01 = day
00 = hour
00 = minute
22 = year
date 0701000022

Set the clock to a specific time (e.g. 5 o'clock p.m.)
17 = hour
00 = minute
date 1700

Resync with time server by turning time sync off and on
sudo /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setusingnetworktime off; sudo /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setusingnetworktime on

Epoch time

Print epoch time for right now
date +'%s' same as strftime %s

Subtract one epoch time from another to display elapsed time
echo $((1654194332-1654194325))

Script snippet for a timer


# start the timer
startTime=$( /bin/date '+%s' )

# do a whole lotta stuff here
# that takes a little while

sleep 5

# stop the timer
stopTime=$( /bin/date '+%s' )

# calculate elapsed time

# report running time
echo "The script took $timeDiff seconds to run."

exit 0

Convert one date format to another
Original format date: 2022-06-02
Reformatted date: Thursday, June, 2, 2022
date -j -f '%Y-%m-%d' 2022-06-02 +'%A, %B, %-d, %Y'

Adjust date and time properties when a specific day or date is unknown
Each adjustment begins with -v

Set a specific property to a specific value
-vMonday = Set the weekday of a date string to Monday
-v2023y = Set the year of a date string to 2023
-v3m = Set the month of a date strig to March -v13h = Set the hour of a date string to 13 or 1 p.m. -v26d = Set the date of a date string to 26

Adjust backward a specific property
-v-Monday = Adjust the weekday to the previous Monday
-v-2y = Adjust the year of a date string to two years ago
-v-3m = Adjust the month of a date strig to three months ago
-v-1h = Adjust the hour of a date string to one hour ago
-v-7d = Adjust the date of a date string to seven days ago

Adjust forward a specific property
-v+Monday = Adjust the weekday to the next Monday
-v+2y = Adjust the year of a date string to two years from now
-v+3m = Adjust the month of a date strig to three months from now
-v+1h = Adjust the hour of a date string to one hour from now
-v+7d = Adjust the date of a date string to seven days from now

Determine whether 2023 is a Leap Year (i.e., includes February 29)

Starting from June 2, 2022
date -v+1y -v3m -v1d -v-1d or
date -v2023y -v3m -v1d -v-1d
Tue Feb 28 10:42:29 CST 2023 is not a Leap Year

Starting from June 2, 2022
date -v+2y -v3m -v1d -v-1d or
date -v2024y -v3m -v1d -v-1d
Thu Feb 29 10:43:00 CST 2024 is a Leap Year

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