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Last active July 8, 2021 07:34
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Rough port of my grammar combinator thing to k3.
/ grammar combinators in K
/ for longer description (in python), see:
/ -- misc helper functions ------------------------------------
join:{[sep;strs] / join strs with 'sep' as delimiter
(#sep) _ ,/ sep,' strs}
split:{[sep;str] / split str on sep character
s:sep,str; 1 _' (&s=sep) _ s}
/ -- combinator constructors ----------------------------------
/ (for our purposes, a combinator is just a function that takes
/ some arguments and converts them into a dict with an extra `KIND key)
T:{[sym; doc; args];
/ This macro creates a new function, which in turn creates a dict.
/ The fields of the tuple are passed in the 'args' parameter.
/ The `KIND entry in the dictionary will be the given `sym[bol]
/ Additionally, a variable whose name matches `sym will be bound to the function in the current scope.
a2s:{1 _ ,/ " `",/: split[";";x]} / arg string to symbol string: a;b -> `a `b
src: "{[", args, "] / ",doc, "\n" / source code for a function
src:src, " .+((`KIND ", (a2s args), ")\n" / returning a dict with these keys
src:src, " (`", ($sym),";", args, "))}" / and these values
.[sym; (); :; .(src)]} / compile, assign, and return the function
TI:{[sym;doc] T[sym;doc;"item"]} / define a tuple with a single 'item' parameter
TL:{[sym;doc] T[sym;doc;"list"]} / define a tuple with a single 'list' parameter
/ -- cursor data type -----------------------------------------
T[`CURSOR; "cursor for a sequence"; "seq;pos;val"];
cursor:{CURSOR[x; 0; *x]}
fwd:{[cur] / create a new cursor, 1 step ahead in the sequence
newpos: cur.pos+1; ch: :[newpos<#cur.seq; cur.seq@newpos; _ci 0]
CURSOR[cur.seq; newpos; ch]}
/ -- (somewhat :/) generic dispatch system --------------------
/ the `self` here probably needs to be a k namespace path... not sure yet.
/ these should all be in a private in a namespace somewhere...
find_handler:{[mr; prefix; node]
want: `$ join["_"; (prefix; $node.KIND)] / `prefix_KIND
res: . want; if[ _n ~ res; res: unhandled] / if no such function, use 'unhandled' instead
/ not quite so generic because the arguments are specific to this parser thing.
dispatch:{[mr; prefix; node; cur; env]
h: find_handler[self; prefix; node]
h[self; node; cur; env]}
unhandled:{[mr; node; cur; env]
`0: "!! UNHANDLED NODE KIND: ", ($node.KIND), "\n"
M[ `FAIL; cur; env]}
/ data types for match state / match results
T[`Match; "result type for matches"; "txt;pos"];
T[`M; "Internal match state"; "val;cur;env"];
matched: {[m] ~m.val~`FAIL}
do_match:{[mr; node; cur; env] / internal match helper, returns an M
dispatch[mr; "match"; node; cur; env]}
match:{[mr; node; str] / returns `FAIL or a Match
do_match[mr; node; cursor[str]; .()][`val]}
mjoin:{[mr; matches] / join a bunch of Match values, or fail if no matches
if[0=#matches; :`FAIL]
Match[,/(matches .' `txt); matches[0].pos]}
/-- grammar combinators, and match handlers -------------------
TI[`Emp; "Empty pattern. Always matches, consumes nothing."];
Emp: Emp[] / singleton
match_Emp:{[mr; node; cur; env]
:M[Match[""; cur.pos]; cur; env]}
TL[`Not; "Fail if the pattern matches. Consumes nothing."];
/ TODO: match_Not
TL[`Any; "Match anything. (Same as Not[Emp])"];
/ TODO: match_Any
TI[`Lit; "Match a single, specified item."];
match_Lit:{[mr; node; cur; env]
:[cur.val ~ node.item
:M[Match[cur.val; cur.pos]; fwd[cur]; env]
:M[`FAIL; cur.pos; env]]}
TL[`Alt; "Match any of the given alternatives."];
match_Alt:{[mr; node; cur; env]
res:M[`FAIL; cur; env]
i:0; nodes: node.list
while[(i<#nodes) & (res.val~`FAIL)
res: do_match[mr; nodes[i]; cur; env]
if[matched[res]; :res]
TL[`Seq; "Match a sequence of patterns."];
match_Seq:{[mr; node; cur; env]
i:0; nodes:node.list; cur0:cur; matches:()
m: do_match[mr; nodes[i]; cur; env]
if[~matched[m]; :M[`FAIL; cur0; env]]
matches,: m.val; cur:m.cur; env: m.env
M[mjoin[mr;matches]; cur; env]}
TI[`Rep; "Match 1 or more repetitions."];
match_Rep:{[mr; node; cur; env]
matches:(); m.val:`start
m: do_match[mr; node.item; cur; env]
if[matched[m]; matches,:m.val; cur:m.cur; env:m.env]]
if[m.val=`start; :M[`FAIL; cur; env]]
M[mjoin[mr; matches]; cur; env]}
TI[`Opt; "Match 0 or 1 repetitions."];
match_Opt:{[mr; node; cur; env]
do_match[mr; Alt(node.item; Emp); cur; env]}
TI[`Orp; "Match 0 or more repetitions."];
match_Orp:{[mr; node; cur; env]
do_match[mr; Opt(Rep node.item); cur; env]}
/ -- grammar to string helper ---------------------------------
g2s:{[g] k:g.KIND / convert grammar to string
:[k=`Emp; :"^"
k=`Not; :"~(",(g2s g.item),")"
k=`Lit; :g.item
k=`Alt; :"(",join["|"; g2s'g.list],")"
k=`Seq; :,/g2s'g.list
k=`Rep; :(g2s g.item),"+"
k=`Opt; :(g2s g.item),"?"
k=`Orp; :(g2s g.item),"*"
' "{UNKNOWN KIND: ",($k),"}"]}
/ -- test framework -------------------------------------------
echo: {`0: ($x),"\n"}; nt:0; np:0;
assert:{[t;msg] nt::nt+1; if[t; `0:"."; np::np+1]; if[~t; echo "ERROR: ", msg]}
shM:{[pat;str] assert[~`FAIL~match[`mr;pat;str]; "'",(g2s pat),"' should match '",str,"'"]}
shF:{[pat;str] assert[`FAIL~match[`mr;pat;str]; "'",(g2s pat),"' should fail on '",str,"'"]}
cheq:{[a;b] assert[a~b;"(",($a),") != (",($b),")"]} / CHeck EQuality
report:{ echo "\nRan ",($nt)," tests. ",($np)," tests passed."}
/ -- unit tests -----------------------------------------------
a:Lit "A"; b:Lit "B"; c: Lit "C"
cheq["A"; g2s a]
cheq["(A|B)"; g2s Alt(a;b)]
cheq["AB"; g2s Seq(a;b)]
shM[Emp; "anything"]
shM[a; "ABC"]; shF[b; "ABC"]
shM[Alt(a;b); "ABC"]; shM[Alt(b;a); "ABC"]; shF[Alt(c;b); "ABC"]
shM[Seq(a;b); "ABC"]; shF[Seq(b;a); "ABC"]; shM[Seq(a;Alt(a;b)); "AB"]
shM[Seq(Rep a;b); "AAAB"]; shF[Rep a; ""]
shM[Seq(Opt a;b); "AB"]; shM[Seq(Opt a;b); "BA"]; shF[Seq(Opt a;c); "BA"];
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