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Created October 9, 2019 12:16
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Simple "algebraic effects" implementation on Kotlin
private val effectsStack = ThreadLocal<EffectsFrame>()
fun <T> perform(effectKey: Any): T {
var frame = effectsStack.get()
while (frame != null) {
val effect = frame.effectsSet.findEffect(effectKey) as EffectsSet.Effect<Any, *>?
if (effect != null) {
return effect(effectKey) as T
frame = frame.previous
throw RuntimeException("Effect not found")
class EffectsSet
abstract class Effect<in K, out R>(private val code: (K) -> R) {
abstract fun match(key: Any): Boolean
operator fun invoke(key: K): R = code(key)
class ValueEffect<K, R>(private val key: Any, code: (K) -> R) : Effect<K, R>(code) {
override fun match(key: Any): Boolean = this.key == key
class ClassEffect<K, R>(private val keyClass: Class<K>, code: (K) -> R) : Effect<K, R>(code) {
override fun match(key: Any): Boolean = keyClass.isInstance(key)
private val list = mutableListOf<Effect<*, *>>()
fun findEffect(key: Any): Effect<*, *>? = list.first { it.match(key) }
fun <R> effect(key: Any, code: (Any) -> R) {
list += ValueEffect(key, code)
fun <K, R> classEffect(keyClass: Class<K>, code: (K) -> R) {
list += ClassEffect(keyClass, code)
inline fun <reified K, R> effect(noinline code: (K) -> R) {
classEffect(, code)
infix fun run(code: () -> Unit) {
val previous = effectsStack.get()
effectsStack.set(EffectsFrame(previous, this))
try {
} finally {
private class EffectsFrame(
val previous: EffectsFrame?,
val effectsSet: EffectsSet
fun withEffects(block: EffectsSet.() -> Unit): EffectsSet {
val frame = EffectsSet()
return frame
data class User(val name: String?)
val friendNames = mutableListOf<String>()
override fun toString(): String = "User: $name, friends: $friendNames"
fun User.getName(): String = name ?: perform(AskName(this))
val arya = User(null)
val gendry = User("Gendry")
fun makeFriends(user1: User, user2: User) {
user1.friendNames += user2.getName()
user2.friendNames += user1.getName()
class AskName(val user: User)
fun main() {
withEffects {
effect("askName") {
"Arya Stark"
effect { eff: AskName ->
if (eff.user === arya) "Arya Stark" else "???"
} run {
makeFriends(arya, gendry)
println("arya = $arya")
println("gendry = $gendry")
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