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tasmo /
Last active November 17, 2023 14:20 — forked from matthewpi/
Nix on Fedora

NixOS on Fedora

Please note that these instructions are not offically supported or condoned by Nix and are not guaranteed to always work, but from my testing everything seems to work perfectly fine.

These steps may not be required if NixOS/nix#2374 is resolved.


These commands are required for both Fedora Workstation and Fedora Silverblue

tasmo / ec
Created April 25, 2017 15:25 — forked from alexmurray/ec
Start Emacs Client in GUI (and launch Emacs server if not already running)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Shamelessly taken from
# This script starts emacs daemon if it is not running, opens whatever file
# you pass in and changes the focus to emacs. Without any arguments, it just
# opens the current buffer or *scratch* if nothing else is open. The following
# example will open ~/.bashrc
# ec ~/.bashrc