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Created February 5, 2014 22:37
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%div{ng: {controller: 'planner.coverImageController', init: @plan.to_json}}
%img{ng: {src: 'getCoverImageUrl()'}}
// The cloudinary directive communicates with the cover image controller through `done`.
// When the fileuploaddone
%div{cloudinary: 'true', done: 'fileDidUpload(url)', timestamp: cloudinary_info.timestamp, corscallback: cloudinary_info.cors_callback, signature: cloudinary_info.signature, apikey: cloudinary_info.api_key}
app.controller 'planner.coverImageController', ['$scope', 'plan.common.planResource', ($scope, planResource) ->
$scope.plan = undefined
$scope.init = (props) ->
$scope.plan = new planResource(props)
$scope.getCoverImageUrl = ->
plan.image_url or 'http://...default.png'
$scope.fileDidUpload = (url) ->
plan.image_url = url
app.directive 'cloudinary', ->
done: '&' # We take an expression in the done attribute which is excuted in the context of the parent (That is, a callback).
timestamp: '@' # Make this attribute available in the template (Through the scope)
corscallback: '@' # " "
apikey: '@' # " "
replace: true # Replace this element with the template below. `el` in the link function becomes the root element in the template.
template: """
<input name="file" type="file" multiple="multiple"
data-form-data="{{ formData | json }}"></input>
controller: ->
this.formData = ->
timestamp: this.timestamp
api_key: this.apikey
signature: this.signature
callback: this.corscallback
link: (scope, el, attrs, ctrl) ->
el.on 'fileuploaddone', (event, data) ->
scope.done data.response().result.secure_url
module CloudinaryHelper
def cloudinary_info
unless defined?(@cloudinary_info)
current = Time.current.to_i
info =
timestamp: current,
cors_callback: '/cloudinary_cors.html',
signature: Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("callback=/cloudinary_cors.html&timestamp=#{current}#{Env.fetch('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET')}"),
api_key: ENV.fetch('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY')
@cloudinary_info = info
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