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Last active May 28, 2020 08:41
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ADR out of the box for Brandon
| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested.
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Connection;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory;
* Resolve an action out of the container and call it, injecting method dependencies.
function marshal($action)
return App::call([App::make($action), 'handle']);
* A repository...
class PostRepository
protected $connection;
public function __construct(Connection $connection)
$this->connection = $connection;
public function all()
return $this->connection->table('posts')->get();
* The responder...
class ListPostsResponder
protected $response;
public function __construct(ResponseFactory $response)
$this->response = $response;
public function handle(Collection $data)
if (count($data) === 0) {
return $this->response->make('Not found.', 404);
} else {
return $this->response->view('posts.index', ['posts' => $data->all()]);
* The action...
class ListPosts
public function handle(Request $request,
ListPostsResponder $responder,
PostRepository $posts)
return $responder->handle(
* The route...
$router->get('/posts', function () {
return marshal(ListPosts::class);
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joshbrw commented Jun 3, 2016

(As an aside, you don't need an else if you return in the first half of the conditional:

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For what it's worth, I extended Laravel's router to support an invoke parameter in the route definition, so that I could define invokable Action classes without needing to specify the @__invoke method suffix on every item.

$router->get('posts', [
    'as' => 'posts.list',
    'invoke' => ListPosts::class,

It would be nice if the router could determine if an item passed is callable rather than looking for only \Closure so extending is not needed, however I understand some of the holes or gotchas that come with doing so.

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@pmjones your link was broken:

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pmjones commented Jun 4, 2016

@jacobhenke fixed; thanks!

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pmoust commented Jun 4, 2016

I got prompted to visit this gist without much context.
Was there any doubt that Laravel could not conform to ADR?

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@cryode Any chance you could share this code?

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I'm working on the same thing.

I read somewhere that callables were fixed in 5.3 but they definitely don't work in 5.7.

ADR makes you create a separate route for everything, route config becomes a mess.

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