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Created December 4, 2017 02:44
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Coin-flipping game in OCaml with timeouts on players
open Unix
type player_moves = Heads | Tails
type server_moves = Right | Wrong | Timeout
type player = {
name : string;
brain : out_channel -> unit;
pipe : in_channel * out_channel;
fds : file_descr * file_descr;
pid : int;
type victory = Guesses of player | Default of player | Draw | BothTimeout
let guaranteed_random ch =
while true do
output_value ch Heads; (* chosen by fair coin flip *)
flush ch;
let hard_thinker ch =
while true do
Unix.sleepf (Random.float 600. /. 1000.);
let choice = if Random.bool() then Heads else Tails in
output_value ch choice;
flush ch;
let check_guess ch =
(* let's hope the players _never communicate_ *)
let answer = if Random.bool() then Heads else Tails in
if input_value ch = answer then Right else Wrong
let next_moves {fds = (fd1, _); pipe = (ch1, _)} {fds = (fd2, _); pipe = (ch2, _)} =
Unix.sleepf 0.5; (* give players an amount of time to think.
use it or lose it!
no points for answering early *)
let (ready, _, _) = select [fd1; fd2] [] [] 0. in
match ready with
| [_; _] -> (check_guess ch1, check_guess ch2)
| [a] when a = fd1 -> (check_guess ch1, Timeout)
| [a] when a = fd2 -> (Timeout, check_guess ch2)
| [] -> (Timeout, Timeout)
| _ -> failwith "Inexplicable select() result"
let spawn f name =
let (fdr, fdw) = pipe () in
let (chr, chw) = (in_channel_of_descr fdr, out_channel_of_descr fdw) in
let child = fork () in
if child = 0 then (f chw; exit 1) else
{ name = name; brain = f; pipe = (chr, chw); fds = (fdr, fdw); pid = child }
let play_games_to goal p1 p2 =
let rec round n a b =
if n > goal && a > b then (Guesses p1, n) else
if n > goal && b > a then (Guesses p2, n) else
if n > goal then (Draw, n) else
Printf.printf "Round %2d: %s (%d) -- %s (%d)\n"
n a b;
flush_all ();
match next_moves p1 p2 with
| (Timeout, Timeout) -> (BothTimeout, n)
| (Timeout, _) -> (Default p2, n)
| (_, Timeout) -> (Default p1, n)
| (Right, Right) -> round (n + 1) (a + 1) (b + 1)
| (Right, Wrong) -> round (n + 1) (a + 1) b
| (Wrong, Right) -> round (n + 1) a (b + 1)
| (Wrong, Wrong) -> round (n + 1) a b
in round 1 0 0
let punish {name; pipe = (r, w); pid} =
close_in r;
close_out w;
kill pid Sys.sigkill;
Printf.printf "[!] Player ``%s'' (pid: %d) has been ejected due to tardiness.\n"
name pid
let rec competition players =
match players with
| [] -> print_endline "[_] The competition ended with no victors."
| [winner] -> Printf.printf "[=] The final victor is... %s!\n"
| p1 :: p2 :: rest ->
match play_games_to 10 p1 p2 with
| (Guesses winner, _) ->
let loser = if = then p2 else p1 in
Printf.printf "[*] ``%s'' beat ``%s'' through superior play.\n";
competition (winner :: rest)
| (Default winner, n) ->
let loser = if = then p2 else p1 in
punish loser;
Printf.printf "[*] ``%s'' beat ``%s'' through superior responsiveness after %d rounds.\n" n;
competition (winner :: rest)
| (Draw, _) ->
Printf.printf "[*] ``%s'' and ``%s'' managed to BOTH LOSE.\n";
competition rest
| (BothTimeout, n) ->
punish p1; punish p2;
Printf.printf "[*] Neither ``%s'' nor ``%s'' could KEEP UP through %d rounds.\n" n;
competition rest
let () =
Random.self_init ();
let alice = spawn guaranteed_random "Alice" in
let bob = spawn hard_thinker "Bob" in
let eve = spawn hard_thinker "Eve" in
competition [alice; bob; eve];
(* clean up -- could use kill 0 here to check for aliveness
and do something with unejected players.
it would be safer though to remember ejects *)
kill Sys.sigkill;
kill Sys.sigkill;
kill Sys.sigkill;
while true do
ignore (Unix.waitpid [] 0)
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
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techate commented Dec 4, 2017

$ ocaml unix.cma
Round  1: Alice (0) -- Bob (0)
Round  2: Alice (1) -- Bob (0)
[!] Player ``Bob'' (pid: 8204) has been ejected due to tardiness.
[*] ``Alice'' beat ``Bob'' through superior responsiveness after 2 rounds.
Round  1: Alice (0) -- Eve (0)
Round  2: Alice (1) -- Eve (0)
Round  3: Alice (2) -- Eve (1)
Round  4: Alice (2) -- Eve (2)
Round  5: Alice (3) -- Eve (2)
Round  6: Alice (4) -- Eve (2)
Round  7: Alice (4) -- Eve (2)
Round  8: Alice (5) -- Eve (3)
Round  9: Alice (6) -- Eve (4)
Round 10: Alice (6) -- Eve (4)
[*] ``Alice'' beat ``Eve'' through superior play.
[=] The final victor is... Alice!

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