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Created July 13, 2017 19:49
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GraphQL API Server sample. refs
var express = require('express');
var graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');
var { buildSchema } = require('graphql');
var schema = buildSchema(`
type Shop {
id: ID!
name: String!
station: String
score: Int
type Blog {
id: Int!
name: String!
url: String!
title: String!
type Query {
hello: String
game: [String]
shops: [Shop]!
blogs(id:Int, name:String): [Blog]!
// The root provides a resolver function for each API endpoint
var root = {
hello: () => {
return 'Hello world!';
game: () => {
return ['ゲームならIngressをやりましょう!!', 'もしくはPokémon GOでもいいですよ!!'];
shops: () => {
return [
{id: 1, name:'吉村家', station:'横浜駅', score:100 },
{id: 2, name:'武蔵家 日吉店', station:'日吉駅',score:90 },
{id: 3, name:'桂家', station:'方南町駅',score:95 },
{id: 4, name:'ラーメン大桜 向ヶ丘遊園店', station:'向ヶ丘遊園駅',score:90 },
{id: 5, name:'横浜家系 侍 渋谷店', station:'渋谷駅',score:75 },
blogs: (params) => {
var blogs = [
{id:1, name:'info', url:'', title:'Seesaaからのお知らせ' },
{id:2, name:'faq', url:'', title:'Seesaaブログ ヘルプセンター' },
{id:3, name:'customrecipe', url:'', title:'Seesaaブログカスタムレシピ' },
{id:4, name:'ramen-diary', url:'', title:'らーめん日記' },
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
return blogs.filter(function(rec){
if (typeof != 'undefined') return ==;
if (typeof != 'undefined') return ==;
} else {
return blogs;
var app = express();
app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({
schema: schema,
rootValue: root,
graphiql: true,
console.log('Running a GraphQL API server at localhost:4000/graphql');
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