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Created July 3, 2018 17:45
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RAPID-ML Imports
import TaxBlaster.TaxBlasterDataModel from "TaxBlaster.rapid"
import TaxBlaster.TaxBlasterInterface from "TaxBlaster.rapid"
/* This is a RAPID Model template. Customize it to describe your services and data types. */
rapidModel Accountants
resourceAPI AccountantsAPI baseURI ""
collectionResource Accountants type Accountant
URI /accountants
method GET getAccountants
response Accountants statusCode 200
method POST postAccountants
request Accountants
response statusCode 200
response statusCode 400
objectResource AccountantObject type Accountant
URI /accountants/{id}
required templateParam id property employeeID
method GET getAccountantObject
response AccountantObject statusCode 200
method PUT putAccountantObject
request AccountantObject
response statusCode 200
response statusCode 400
dataModel AccountantsDataModel
structure Accountant
employeeID : string
firstName : string
lastName : string
assignments : reference to Assignment*
structure Assignment
accountant : reference to Accountant
taxpayer : reference to Person
startDate : date
endDate : date
taxFilinigs : reference to TaxFiling*
This example shows enumerations, a new data model feature in the
0.5.10 release.
rapidModel TaxBlaster
resourceAPI TaxBlasterInterface baseURI ""
/** The Index Resource is the entry point to the TaxBlaster API.
To minimize coupling, consuming applications should start here,
and follow the links to related resources.
objectResource IndexObject type Index
URI index
method GET getIndex
response IndexObject statusCode 200
response statusCode 404
/** The list of Tax Filings visible to the authorized user. */
default collectionResource TaxFilingCollection type TaxFiling
URI /taxFilings
method GET getTaxFilingCollection
response TaxFilingCollection statusCode 200
method POST updateTaxFilingCollection
request TaxFilingCollection
response statusCode 200
response statusCode 400
/** The list of TaxBlaster users. The results will vary in membership
and level of detail, depending on your access privileges.
default collectionResource PersonCollection type Person
URI /people
method GET getPersonCollection
response PersonCollection statusCode 200
method POST updatePersonCollection
request PersonCollection
response statusCode 200
response statusCode 400
/** An individual Tax Filing record, accessed by its ID */
objectResource TaxFilingObject type TaxFiling
URI taxFilings/{id}
/** filingID of the requested TaxFiling */
required templateParam id property filingID
referenceLink > taxpayer
targetResource PersonObject
method GET getTaxFiling
response TaxFilingObject statusCode 200
response statusCode 404
/** An individual user by ID. */
objectResource PersonObject type Person
URI people/{id}
/** taxpayerID of the requested Person */
required templateParam id property taxpayerID
method GET getPersonObject
response PersonObject statusCode 200
method PUT putPersonObject
request PersonObject
response statusCode 200
response statusCode 400
/** Supporting data types for the TaxBlaster API */
dataModel TaxBlasterDataModel
/** A tax filing record for a given user, in a given tax jurisdiction, in a specified tax year. */
structure TaxFiling
/** A unique, system-assigned identifier for the tax filing. */
filingID : string
/** Reference to the person who owns this filing */
taxpayer : reference to Person
/** Country, province, state or local tax authority
where this is being filed. */
jurisdiction : string
/** Tax year */
year : gYear
/** Period within the year, if any */
period : int
/** Currency code */
currency : CurrencyCodeEnum
/** Total income reported on tax filing. */
grossIncome : decimal
/** Net tax liability */
taxLiability : decimal
/** Tax filing status */
status : TaxFilingStatusEnum
/** A TaxBlaster user. */
structure Person
/** A unique, system-assigned identifier for the user. */
taxpayerID : string
/** Legal family name. */
lastName : string
/** Legal first name. */
firstName : string
/** Names previously used **/
otherNames : string*
/** Net worth, if known */
netWorth : decimal
/** Net worth special value */
netWorthSpecialValue : SpecialValueEnum
/** Preferred language for communications with this person */
preferredLanguage : string
/** Date of birth */
DOB : date
/** The supporting data type for the Index resource. Not meaningful
as a business entity, but required to support a single point of
structure Index
people : reference to Person*
taxFiling : reference to TaxFiling
/** Tax filing status enumeration, using default values */
enum int TaxFilingStatusEnum
/** Special Value Enum, using explicit integer values */
enum int SpecialValueEnum
/** Currency code enum, using explicit string values */
enum string CurrencyCodeEnum
EUR : "Euro"
CAD : "Canadian Dollar"
USD : "US Dollar"
CHF : "Swiss Franc"
JPY : "Japanese Yen"
INR : "Indian Rupee"
BRL : "Brazilian Real"
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This example shows how imports work.

In Accountants.rapid, the first import statement imports the TaxBlaster data model. This makes the data structures, enums, and user-defined simple types available to the AccountantsDataModel. Those imported data types also appear in the generated API documentation for AccountantsAPI.

The second import statement imports the TaxBlaster API. Importing another API makes its resources available as targets for reference links. The imported resources can be used explicitly as the targetResource of a referenceLink, or can be used implicitly by RAPID-ML's automatic linking and embedding rules.

The live documentation view shows that the reference properties Assignment.taxpayer and Assignment.taxFilings are automatically realized as links to the imported PersonObject and TaxFilingCollection resources, respectively.


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