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Created April 15, 2017 22:26
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module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Pull defaults (including username and password) from .screeps.json
var config = require('./.screeps.json')
if(!config.branch) {
config.branch = 'sim'
if(!config.ptr) {
config.ptr = false
// Allow grunt options to override default configuration
var branch = grunt.option('branch') || config.branch;
var email = grunt.option('email') ||;
var password = grunt.option('password') || config.password;
var ptr = grunt.option('ptr') ? true : config.ptr
var intel_user = grunt.option('intel_user') || config.intel_user;
var intel_password = grunt.option('intel_password') || config.intel_password;
var currentdate = new Date();
grunt.log.subhead('Task Start: ' + currentdate.toLocaleString())
grunt.log.writeln('Branch: ' + branch)
// Load needed tasks
// Push all files in the dist folder to screeps. What is in the dist folder
// and gets sent will depend on the tasks used.
screeps: {
options: {
email: email,
password: password,
branch: branch,
ptr: ptr
dist: {
src: ['dist/*.js']
// Combine groups of files to reduce the calls to 'require'.
concat: {
// Merge together additions to the default game objects into one file
extends: {
src: ['dist/extend_*.js'],
dest: 'dist/_extensions_packaged.js',
// Merge ScreepsOS into a single file in the specified order
sos: {
options: {
banner: "var skip_includes = true\n\n",
separator: "\n\n\n",
// Do not include console! It has to be redefined each tick
src: [
dest: 'dist/_sos_packaged.js',
// Download intel packages from control server.
http: {
// A module that just exports an object containing portal destinations
// and time outs by room.
portals: {
options: {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'x-api-key': intel_password
dest: 'dist/lib_portals.js'
// A module that exposes user and alliance data, such as what alliance a
// user is a member of, their gcl, and their rooms.
intel: {
options: {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'x-api-key': intel_password
dest: 'dist/lib_roomintel.js'
// Copy all source files into the dist folder, flattening the folder
// structure by converting path delimiters to underscores
copy: {
// Pushes the game code to the dist folder so it can be modified before
// being send to the screeps server.
screeps: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'src/',
src: '**',
dest: 'dist/',
filter: 'isFile',
rename: function (dest, src) {
// Change the path name utilize underscores for folders
return dest + src.replace(/\//g,'_');
// Prepares to push the "recovery console" up to screeps. It runs no code,
// basically pausing the program, but has tools for correcting issues.
recovery: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'recovery/',
src: '**',
dest: 'dist/',
filter: 'isFile',
rename: function (dest, src) {
// Change the path name utilize underscores for folders
return dest + src.replace(/\//g,'_');
// Copy files to the folder the client uses to sink to the private server.
// Use rsync so the client only uploads the changed files.
rsync: {
options: {
args: ["--verbose", "--checksum"],
exclude: [".git*"],
recursive: true
private: {
options: {
src: './dist/',
dest: '/Users/tedivm/Library/Application Support/Screeps/scripts/screeps_tedivm_com___21025/default',
// Add variable to mark this as packaged.
file_append: {
default_options: {
files: [
prepend: "'use strict';\nglobal.GRUNT_PACKAGE=true\n",
input: 'dist/main.js',
versioning: {
files: [
append: "\nglobal.SCRIPT_VERSION = "+ currentdate.getTime() + "\n",
input: 'dist/sos_bootstrap.js',
// Remove all files from the dist folder.
clean: {
'dist': ['dist']
// Apply code styling
jsbeautifier: {
modify: {
src: ["src/**/*.js"],
options: {
config: '.jsbeautifyrc'
verify: {
src: ["src/**/*.js"],
options: {
mode: 'VERIFY_ONLY',
config: '.jsbeautifyrc'
// Combine the above into a default task
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'copy:screeps', 'file_append:versioning', 'http:portals', 'http:intel', 'screeps']);
grunt.registerTask('simple', ['clean', 'copy:screeps', 'file_append:versioning', 'screeps']);
grunt.registerTask('package', ['clean', 'copy:screeps', 'file_append:versioning', 'http:portals', 'http:intel']);
grunt.registerTask('private', ['clean', 'copy:screeps', 'file_append:versioning', 'rsync:private']);
grunt.registerTask('recovery', ['clean', 'copy:recovery', 'screeps']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['jsbeautifier:verify']);
grunt.registerTask('pretty', ['jsbeautifier:modify']);
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