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Created October 13, 2018 12:23
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A (small) helper library for handling common tasks when programming in RobotC.
/* vexhelper library version 0.2 */
-variable -> a name which can contain a value (i.e 6, "hello", 3.14)
-constant -> a variable whose value cannot be modified
-function -> a block of reusable code
This library contains a collection of useful constants and functions
to make programming the VEX much more simpler. So far, it supports the
following features:
1. Input Processing
2. Motor Processing (constant values only)
3. Sensor Processing
const int DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 10;
const int X_AXIS = 0;
const int Y_AXIS = 1;
const int P1 = 0;
const int P2 = 1;
const int LEFT = 0;
const int RIGHT = 1;
const int UP = 2;
const int DOWN = 4;
const int FULL_FORWARD = 127;
const int FULL_REVERSE = -127;
const int GYRO_SENSOR = 1000;
const int ACCEL_SENSOR = 1001;
short LeftMotorFront, LeftMotorBack, RightMotorFront, RightMotoBack;
short LeftMotor, RightMotor;
short LeftChannel, RightChannel;
short xAxisChannel, yAxisChannel;
** Config Functions **
void configureFourMotor(short lmf, short lmb, short rmf, short rmb) {
LeftMotorFront = lmf;
LeftMotorBack = lmb;
RightMotorFront = rmf;
RightMotorBack = rmb;
void configureTwoMotor(short lMotor, short rMotor) {
LeftMotor = lMotor;
RightMotor = rMotor;
void configureTank(int player) {
LeftChannel = (player == P1) ? Ch3 : Ch3Xmrt2;
RightChannel = (player == P1) ? Ch2 : Ch2Xmrt2;
void configureArcade(int player, int side) {
if (player == P1) {
if (side == RIGHT) {
xAxisChannel = Ch1;
yAxisChannel = Ch2;
} else {
xAxisChannel = Ch4;
yAxisChannel = Ch3;
} else {
if (side == RIGHT) {
xAxisChannel = Ch1Xmrt2;
yAxisChannel = Ch2Xmrt2;
} else {
xAxisChannel = Ch4Xmrt2;
yAxisChannel = Ch3Xmrt2;
** Utility Functions **
void setThreshold(int value) {
THRESHOLD = value;
void threshify(int value) {
return (abs(value) > THRESHOLD ? value : 0);
** Input Processing **
// Joystick Functions
short getJoystick(int player, int side, int axisType) {
if (player == P1) {
if (side == RIGHT) {
if (axisType == X_AXIS) { //Ch3 - horizontal
return threshify(vexRT[Ch3]);
} else if (axisType == Y_AXIS) { //Ch4 - vertical
return threshify(vexRT[Ch4]);
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (axisType == X_AXIS) { //Ch1 - horizontal
return threshify(vexRT[Ch1]);
} else if (axisType == Y_AXIS) { //Ch2 - vertical
return threshify(vexRT[Ch2]);
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (side == RIGHT) {
if (axisType == X_AXIS) { //Ch3 - horizontal
return threshify(vexRT[Ch3Xmrt2]);
} else if (axisType == Y_AXIS) { //Ch4 - vertical
return threshify(vexRT[Ch4Xmrt2]);
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (axisType == X_AXIS) { //Ch1 - horizontal
return threshify(vexRT[Ch1Xmrt2]);
} else if (axisType == Y_AXIS) { //Ch2 - vertical
return threshify(vexRT[Ch2Xmrt2]);
} else {
return 0;
short getP1Joystick(int side, int axisType) {
return getJoystick(P1, side, axisType);
short getP2Joystick(int side, int axisType) {
return getJoystick(P2, side, axisType);
// Direction Pad Functions
short getDPad(int player, int side, int side) {
if (player == P1) {
if (side == LEFT) { //Ch7
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn7U];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn7D];
} else if (side == LEFT) {
return vexRT[Btn7L];
} else if (side == RIGHT) {
return vexRT[Btn7R];
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn8U];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn8D];
} else if (side == LEFT) {
return vexRT[Btn8L];
} else if (side == RIGHT) {
return vexRT[Btn8R];
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (side == LEFT) { //Ch7
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn7UXmrt2];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn7DXmrt2];
} else if (side == LEFT) {
return vexRT[Btn7LXmrt2];
} else if (side == RIGHT) {
return vexRT[Btn7RXmrt2];
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn8UXmrt2];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn8DXmrt2];
} else if (side == LEFT) {
return vexRT[Btn8LXmrt2];
} else if (side == RIGHT) {
return vexRT[Btn8RXmrt2];
} else {
return 0;
short getDPadP1(int side, int side) {
getDPad(P1, side, side);
short getDPadP2(int side, int side) {
getDPad(P2, side, side);
// Trigger Button Functions
short getTrigger(int player, int side, int side) {
if (player == P1) {
if (side == LEFT) { //Ch5
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn5U];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn5D];
} else {
return 0;
} else { //Ch6
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn6U];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn6D];
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (side == LEFT) { //Ch5
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn5UXmrt2];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn5DXmrt2];
} else {
return 0;
} else { //Ch6
if (side == UP) {
return vexRT[Btn6UXmrt2];
} else if (side == DOWN) {
return vexRT[Btn6DXmrt2];
} else {
return 0;
short getTriggerP1(int side, int side) {
getTrigger(P1, side, side);
short getTriggerP2(int side, int side) {
getTrigger(P2, side, side);
** Motor Processing **
// User Control Functions
void processFourMotorTank() {
motor[LeftMotorFront] = threshify(vexRT[LeftChannel]);
motor[LeftMotorBack] = threshify(vexRT[LeftChannel]);
motor[RightMotorBack] = threshify(vexRT[RightChannel]);
motor[RightMotorFront] = threshify(vexRT[RightChannel]);
void processTwoMotorTank() {
motor[LeftMotor] = threshify(vexRT[LeftChannel]);
motor[RightMotor] = threshify(vexRT[RightChannel]);
void processFourMotorArcade() {
motor[LeftMotorFront] = threshify(vexRT[xAxisChannel]);
motor[RightMotorFront] = threshify(vexRT[yAxisChannel]);
motor[LeftMotorBack] = threshify(vexRT[xAxisChannel]);
motor[RightMotorBack] = threshify(vexRT[yAxisChannel]);
void processTwoMotorArcade() {
motor[LeftMotor] = threshify(vexRT[xAxisChannel]);
motor[RightMotor] = threshify(vexRT[yAxisChannel]);
// Autonomous Control Functions
** Sensor Processing **
tSensors gyroscope, accelerometer;
int xAxis = -1, yAxis = -1, zAxis = -1;
int xBias = 0, yBias = 0, zBias = 0;
// Initialize Sensor Functions
void initGyro(tSensors analogPort) {
gyroscope = analogPort;
SensorType[gyroscope] = sensorNone;
SensorType[gyroscope] = sensorGyro;
void initAccelerometer(tSensors analogPort, short xPlane, short yPlane, short zPlane) {
accelerometer = analogPort;
xAxis = xPlane;
yAxis = yPlane;
zAxis = zPlane;
if (xAxis != -1) xBias = SensorBias[xAxis];
if (yAxis != -1) yBias = SensorBias[yAxis];
if (zAxis != -1) zBias = SensorBias[zAxis];
int getGyro() {
if (SensorValue[gyroscope] < 0) return -SensorValue[gyroscope];
else if (SensorValue[gyroscope] > 0) return 3600-SensorValue[gyroscope];
else return 0;
int getAccel(int axisType) {
if (axisType == X_AXIS && xAxis != -1) {
return SensorValue[xAxis] - xBias;
} else if (axisType == Y_AXIS && yAxis != -1) {
return SensorValue[yAxis] - yBias;
} else if (axisType == Z_AXIS && zAxis != -1) {
return SensorValue[zAxis] - zBias;
} else {
return 0;
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