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tel/AFRP.hs Secret

Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Amsden's Time Flies AFRP
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module AFRP where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Arrow as A
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
infixr 3 ***
infixr 3 &&&
-- | A tool for introducing 'Arr' instances for general 'A.Arrow's
newtype Arrow p a b =
Arrow { arr :: p a b }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, Category, A.Arrow
, A.ArrowLoop, A.ArrowChoice
, A.ArrowPlus, A.ArrowZero
class Category p => Arr p x | p -> x where
first :: p a b -> p (a `x` c) (b `x` c)
second :: p a b -> p (c `x` a) (c `x` b)
assoc :: p ((a `x` b) `x` c) (a `x` (b `x` c))
unassoc :: p (a `x` (b `x` c)) ((a `x` b) `x` c)
(***) :: p a b -> p a' b' -> p (a `x` a') (b `x` b')
f *** g = first f >>> second g
class Arr p x => ArrId p x u | x -> u where
cancelL :: p (u `x` a) a
cancelR :: p (a `x` u) a
uncancelL :: p a (u `x` a)
uncancelR :: p a (a `x` u)
instance Arr (->) (,) where
first f (a, c) = (f a, c)
second f (c, a) = (c, f a)
assoc ((a, b), c) = (a, (b, c))
unassoc (a, (b, c)) = ((a, b), c)
(f *** g) (a, a') = (f a, g a')
instance ArrId (->) (,) () where
cancelL (_, a) = a
cancelR (a, _) = a
uncancelL a = ((), a)
uncancelR a = (a, ())
instance A.Arrow p => Arr (Arrow p) (,) where
first = A.first
second = A.second
assoc = A.arr assoc
unassoc = A.arr unassoc
instance A.Arrow p => ArrId (Arrow p) (,) () where
cancelL = A.arr cancelL
cancelR = A.arr cancelR
uncancelL = A.arr uncancelL
uncancelR = A.arr uncancelR
class ArrId p x u => ArrDrop p x u where
ignore :: p a u
instance ArrDrop (->) (,) () where
ignore _ = ()
instance A.Arrow p => ArrDrop (Arrow p) (,) () where
ignore = A.arr ignore
class Arr p x => ArrSwap p x where
swap :: p (a `x` b) (b `x` a)
instance ArrSwap (->) (,) where
swap (a, b) = (b, a)
instance A.Arrow p => ArrSwap (Arrow p) (,) where
swap = A.arr swap
class Arr p x => ArrCopy p x where
copy :: p a (a `x` a)
(&&&) :: p a b -> p a b' -> p a (b `x` b')
f &&& g = copy >>> f *** g
instance ArrCopy (->) (,) where
copy a = (a, a)
(f &&& g) a = (f a, g a)
instance A.Arrow p => ArrCopy (Arrow p) (,) where
copy = A.arr copy
(&&&) = (A.&&&)
class Arr p x => ArrLoop p x where
loop :: p (a `x` s) (b `x` s) -> p a b
instance ArrLoop (->) (,) where
loop f b = let (c, d) = f (b, d) in c
instance A.ArrowLoop p => ArrLoop (Arrow p) (,) where
loop = A.loop
type Time = Double
infixl 1 ~>
infixl 1 *~>
infixl 2 *
-- A type-level product
data Z
data (*) :: * -> * -> *
-- Terminal classifiers for signals and events
data S a
data E a
-- Signal functions
data i ~> o =
Sf { runSf :: Sample i -> (Sample o, i *~> o) }
instance Category (~>) where
id = Sf (, id)
Sf f2 . Sf f1 =
Sf $ \a -> let (b, f1') = f1 a
(c, f2') = f2 b
in (c, f2' . f1')
-- internal
:: (Time -> Delta i -> (Delta o, [Occ o]))
-> (Occ i -> [Occ o])
-> (i *~> o)
static f g =
z where z = Sfi (\dt del ->
let (del', occ) = f dt del
in (del', occ, z))
(\occ -> (g occ, z))
-- internal
manySfi :: (i *~> o)
-> ([Occ i] -> ([Occ o], i *~> o))
manySfi = foldr go . ([],) where
go occ (occs, f) = first (++ occs) (discrete f occ)
data i *~> o =
Sfi { continuous :: Time -> Delta i -> (Delta o, [Occ o], i *~> o)
, discrete :: Occ i -> ([Occ o], i *~> o)
instance Category (*~>) where
id = static (const (, [])) pure
f2 . f1 = Sfi
{ continuous = \dt a ->
let (b, ob, f1') = continuous f1 dt a
(c, oc, f2') = continuous f2 dt b
(moreOc, f2'') = manySfi f2' ob
in (c, oc ++ moreOc, f2'' . f1')
, discrete = \a ->
let (bs, f1') = discrete f1 a
(cs, f2') = manySfi f2 bs
in (cs, f2' . f1')
constant :: a -> (Z ~> S a)
constant a = Sf $ \_ -> (here a, static (\_ _ -> (here a, [])) (const []))
never :: Z ~> E a
never = Sf $ \_ -> (sampleEvt, neverLive)
neverLive :: Z *~> E a
neverLive = static (\_ _ -> (deltaAny, [])) (const [])
asap :: a -> (Z ~> E a)
asap a = Sf $ \_ -> (sampleEvt, asapLive) where
asapLive = Sfi
{ continuous = \_ _ -> (deltaAny, [end a], neverLive)
, discrete = \_ -> ([], asapLive)
after :: a -> Time -> (Z ~> E a)
after a t0 = Sf $ \_ -> (sampleEvt, afterLive t0) where
afterLive t = Sfi
{ continuous = \dt _ ->
if dt >= t
then (deltaAny, [end a], neverLive)
else (deltaAny, [ ], afterLive (t - dt))
, discrete = \_ -> ([], afterLive t)
pureS :: (a -> b) -> (S a ~> S b)
pureS f = Sf (\s -> (mapTree f coerceSampleF s, pureSLive)) where
pureSLive = static (\_ d -> (mapTree f coerceDeltaF d, []))
(\_ -> [])
pureE :: (a -> b) -> (E a ~> E b)
pureE f = Sf (\_ -> (sampleEvt, pureELive)) where
pureELive = static (\_ _ -> (deltaAny, []))
(\e -> [mapPath f e])
instance Arr (~>) (*) where
first f = Sf $ \s ->
let (l, r) = splitSample s
(o, f') = runSf f l
in (o & r, first f')
second f = Sf $ \s ->
let (l, r) = splitSample s
(o, f') = runSf f r
in (l & o, second f')
assoc = Sf $ \s ->
let ((a, b), c) = first splitSample (splitSample s)
in (a & (b & c), assoc)
unassoc = Sf $ \s ->
let (a, (b, c)) = second splitSample (splitSample s)
in ((a & b) & c, unassoc)
instance Arr (*~>) (*) where
first f = Sfi
{ continuous = \dt d ->
let (a, c) = splitDelta d
(b, occs, f') = continuous f dt a
in (b & c, map left occs, first f')
, discrete =
(map left *** first <<< discrete f)
(\e -> ([right e], first f))
second f = Sfi
{ continuous = \dt d ->
let (c, a) = splitDelta d
(b, occs, f') = continuous f dt a
in (c & b, map right occs, second f')
, discrete =
(\e -> ([left e], second f))
(map right *** second <<< discrete f)
assoc = Sfi
{ continuous = \_ d ->
let ((a, b), c) = first splitDelta (splitDelta d)
in (a & (b & c), [], assoc)
, discrete = \e -> ([assocPath e], assoc)
unassoc = Sfi
{ continuous = \_ d ->
let (a, (b, c)) = second splitDelta (splitDelta d)
in ((a & b) & c, [], unassoc)
, discrete = \e -> ([unassocPath e], unassoc)
instance ArrId (~>) (*) Z where
cancelL = Sf $ \s -> (snd (splitSample s), cancelL)
cancelR = Sf $ \s -> (fst (splitSample s), cancelR)
uncancelL = Sf $ \s -> (sampleZ & s, uncancelL)
uncancelR = Sf $ \s -> (s & sampleZ, uncancelR)
instance ArrId (*~>) (*) Z where
cancelL =
(\_ d -> (snd (splitDelta d), []))
(\(Rt e) -> [e])
cancelR =
(\_ d -> (fst (splitDelta d), []))
(\(Lt e) -> [e])
uncancelL =
(\_ d -> (deltaAny & d, []))
(\e -> [Rt e])
uncancelR =
(\_ d -> (d & deltaAny, []))
(\e -> [Lt e])
instance ArrCopy (~>) (*) where
copy = Sf $ \a -> (a & a, copy)
fl &&& fr = Sf $ \a ->
let (lb, fl') = runSf fl a
(rb, fr') = runSf fr a
in (lb & rb, fl' &&& fr')
(/\/) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
as /\/ [] = as
[] /\/ bs = bs
(a:as) /\/ (b:bs) = a : b : (as /\/ bs)
instance ArrCopy (*~>) (*) where
copy =
(\_ d -> (d & d, []))
(\e -> [Lt e, Rt e])
fl &&& fr =
Sfi { continuous = \dt d ->
let (lb, loccs, fl') = continuous fl dt d
(rb, roccs, fr') = continuous fr dt d
in (lb & rb, map Lt loccs /\/ map Rt roccs, fl' &&& fr')
, discrete = \e ->
let (loccs, fl') = discrete fl e
(roccs, fr') = discrete fr e
in (map Lt loccs /\/ map Rt roccs, fl' &&& fr')
instance ArrSwap (~>) (*) where
swap = Sf $ \s ->
let (l, r) = splitSample s
in (r & l, swap)
instance ArrSwap (*~>) (*) where
swap =
(\_ d -> let (l, r) = splitDelta d in (r & l, []))
(\e -> [splitPath Rt Lt e])
instance ArrDrop (~>) (*) Z where
ignore = Sf (\_ -> (sampleZ, ignore))
instance ArrDrop (*~>) (*) Z where
ignore = static (\_ _ -> (deltaAny, [])) (\_ -> [])
instance ArrLoop (~>) (*) where
loop f = Sf $ \a -> let (bc, f') = runSf f (a & c)
(b, c) = splitSample bc
in (b, loopLive deltaAny f')
loopLive :: Delta c -> (i * c *~> o * c) -> (i *~> o)
loopLive c f =
Sfi { continuous = \dt i ->
let (oc, os, f') = continuous f dt (i & c)
(osi, osc) = splitPaths os
(osi', osc') = splitPaths folds
(folds, f'') = manySfi f' (map right (osc ++ osc'))
(o, c') = splitDelta oc
in (o, osi ++ osi', loopLive c' f'')
, discrete = \i ->
let (ocs, f') = discrete f (left i)
(os, cs) = splitPaths ocs
(os', cs') = splitPaths folds
(folds, f'') = manySfi f' (map right (cs ++ cs'))
in (os ++ os', loopLive c f'')
switch :: (i ~> o * E (i ~> o)) -> (i ~> o)
switch f = Sf $ \s ->
let (oe, f') = runSf f s
(o, _e) = splitSample oe
in (o, switchLive s f')
switchLive :: Sample i -> (i *~> o * E (i ~> o)) -> (i *~> o)
switchLive s f =
Sfi { continuous = \dt i ->
let (oe, oevs, f') = continuous f dt i
s' = i |+ s
(o, _) = splitDelta oe
(oev, evs) = splitPaths oevs
in case map pathValue evs of
[] -> (o, oev, switchLive s' f')
newf : _ ->
let (newoe, newf') = runSf newf s'
in (sampleDelta newoe, oev, newf')
, discrete = \e ->
let (oe, f') = discrete f e
(os, es) = splitPaths oe
in case map pathValue es of
[] -> (os, switchLive s f')
newf : _ -> (os, uncurry switchPause (runSf newf s))
switchPause :: Sample o -> (i *~> o) -> (i *~> o)
switchPause o f =
Sfi { continuous = \dt i -> let (o', e, f') = continuous f dt i
in (sampleDelta (o' |+ o), e, f')
, discrete = \e -> let (e', f') = discrete f e
in (e', switchPause o f')
switchGen :: (i ~> (o * E a))
-> (a -> (i ~> o))
-> (i ~> o)
switchGen sf f = switch (sf >>> second (pureE f))
rswitch :: (i ~> o)
-> (i * E (i ~> o) ~> o)
rswitch sf = switch (first sf >>> second (pureE rswitch))
filterA :: Foldable f => (a -> f b) -> E a ~> E b
filterA f = Sf $ \_ -> (sampleEvt, filterALive) where
filterALive =
static (\_ _ -> (deltaAny, [])) (map end . Foldable.toList . f .pathValue)
accumulate :: Foldable f => (a -> b -> (f c, a)) -> a -> (E b ~> E c)
accumulate f = acc where
acc a =
switch $
pureE (f a) >>>
copy >>>
first (pureE fst >>> filterA id) >>>
second (pureE (acc . snd))
split :: E (Either a b) ~> (E a * E b)
split = copy
>>> first (filterA (either Just (const Nothing)))
>>> second (filterA (either (const Nothing) Just))
union :: E a * E a ~> E a
union = Sf (\_ -> (sampleEvt, unionLive)) where
unionLive :: E a * E a *~> E a
unionLive = static (\_ _ -> (deltaAny, [])) (splitPath pure pure)
combineSignals :: (a -> b -> c) -> (S a * S b ~> S c)
combineSignals f = Sf $ \s ->
let (l, r) = (sampleValue *** sampleValue) (splitSample s)
in (here (f l r), combineSignalsLive l r)
combineSignalsLive l0 r0 =
Sfi { continuous = \_ d ->
let (dl, dr) = splitDelta d
l = maybe l0 id (deltaValue dl)
r = maybe r0 id (deltaValue dr)
in (here (f l r), [], combineSignalsLive l r)
, discrete = const ([], combineSignalsLive l0 r0)
capture :: (S a * E b) ~> E (a, b)
capture = Sf $ \s ->
let (sa, _) = splitSample s
a = sampleValue sa
in (sampleEvt, captureLive a)
captureLive :: a -> (S a * E b) *~> E (a, b)
captureLive a0 =
Sfi { continuous = \_ d ->
let (dl, _) = splitDelta d
l = deltaValue dl
in case l of
Just a -> (deltaAny, [], captureLive a)
Nothing -> (deltaAny, [], captureLive a0)
, discrete = \e -> case e of
Rt b -> ([end (a0, pathValue b)], captureLive a0)
time :: Z ~> S Time
time = Sf $ \_ -> (here 0, timeLive 0) where
timeLive t0 =
Sfi { continuous = \dt _ ->
let t1 = t0 + dt
in (here t1, [], timeLive t1)
, discrete = \_ -> ([], timeLive t0)
addIncreasingBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
addIncreasingBy (><) x = go where
go l = case l of
[] -> [x]
a : as -> case x >< a of
LT -> x : a : as
EQ -> a : x : as
GT -> a : go as
delay :: Time -> (E a * E Time) ~> E a
delay d0 = Sf $ \_ -> (sampleEvt, delayLive [] d0 0) where
delayLive :: [(Time, Occ (E a))] -> Time -> Time -> (E a * E Time *~> E a)
delayLive buff del0 now =
Sfi { continuous = \dt _ ->
let now' = now + dt
(goe, nogoe) = break (\(t, _) -> t >= now') buff
in (deltaAny, map snd goe, delayLive nogoe del0 now')
, discrete = \e ->
let f' = case e of
Lt l ->
let buff' = addIncreasingBy (comparing fst)
(now + del0, l)
in delayLive buff' del0 now
Rt r ->
delayLive buff (pathValue r) now
in ([], f')
-- class TimeIntegrate i where
-- The original paper used the above typeclass to generalize
-- integration. The major goal seems to have been that we desire a
-- Time-module instead of a mere numeric type, but we'll restrict it a
-- bit.
integrate :: S Double ~> S Double
integrate = Sf $ \s -> (here 0, integrateLive 0 (sampleValue s)) where
integrateLive :: Double -> Double -> (S Double *~> S Double)
integrateLive s0 v0 =
Sfi { continuous = \dt d ->
let v = maybe v0 id (deltaValue d)
s = s0 + (v * dt)
in (here s, [], integrateLive s v)
, discrete = \_ -> ([], integrateLive s0 v0)
-- How can we generalize Tree, Path, Handler, etc
class HMonoid v where
-- svZero :: v Z
(&) :: v l -> v r -> v (l * r)
data Tree f s x a where
Here :: a -> Tree f s x (s a)
Gone :: f a -> Tree f s x a
Bin :: Tree f s x l -> Tree f s x r -> Tree f s x (l `x` r)
mapTree :: (a -> b) -> (f (s a) -> f (s b))
-> Tree f s x (s a) -> Tree f s x (s b)
mapTree f g t = case t of
Here a -> Here (f a)
Gone fa -> Gone (g fa)
mapTreeGone :: forall f g s x a . (forall t . f t -> g t) -> Tree f s x a -> Tree g s x a
mapTreeGone f = z where
z :: forall t . Tree f s x t -> Tree g s x t
z t = case t of
Here a -> Here a
Gone fa -> Gone (f fa)
Bin l r -> Bin (z l) (z r)
here :: a -> Tree f s x (s a)
here = Here
gone :: f a -> Tree f s x a
gone = Gone
instance HMonoid (Tree f s (*)) where
l & r = Bin l r
data Path s x a where
End :: a -> Path s x (s a)
Lt :: Path s x a -> Path s x (a `x` c)
Rt :: Path s x a -> Path s x (c `x` a)
assocPath :: Path s x ((a `x` b) `x` c) -> Path s x (a `x` (b `x` c))
assocPath p = case p of
Lt (Lt (End a)) -> Lt (End a)
Lt (Rt (End b)) -> Rt (Lt (End b))
Rt (End c) -> Rt (Rt (End c))
unassocPath :: Path s x (a `x` (b `x` c)) -> Path s x ((a `x` b) `x` c)
unassocPath p = case p of
Lt (End a) -> Lt (Lt (End a))
Rt (Lt (End b)) -> Lt (Rt (End b))
Rt (Rt (End c)) -> Rt (End c)
end :: a -> Path s x (s a)
end = End
left :: Path s x a -> Path s x (x a c)
left = Lt
right :: Path s x a -> Path s x (x c a)
right = Rt
mapPath :: (a -> b) -> Path s x (s a) -> Path s x (s b)
mapPath f (End a) = End (f a)
splitPath :: (Path s x l -> c)
-> (Path s x r -> c)
-> (Path s x (l `x` r) -> c)
splitPath l r p = case p of
Lt p' -> l p'
Rt p' -> r p'
splitPaths :: [Path s x (l `x` r)] -> ([Path s x l], [Path s x r])
splitPaths = partitionEithers . map (splitPath Left Right)
pathValue :: Path s x (s a) -> a
pathValue (End a) = a
type Sample = Tree SampleF S (*)
type Delta = Tree DeltaF S (*)
type Occ = Path E (*)
data SampleF a where
SampleFE :: SampleF (E a)
SampleFZ :: SampleF Z
sampleEvt :: Sample (E a)
sampleEvt = Gone SampleFE
sampleZ :: Sample Z
sampleZ = Gone SampleFZ
coerceSampleF :: SampleF (S a) -> SampleF (S b)
coerceSampleF = error "coerceSampleF called!"
sampleValue :: Sample (S a) -> a
sampleValue t = case t of
Here a -> a
splitSample :: Sample (l * r) -> (Sample l, Sample r)
splitSample (Bin l r) = (l, r)
data DeltaF a where
DeltaF_ :: DeltaF a
coerceDeltaF :: DeltaF a -> DeltaF b
coerceDeltaF _ = DeltaF_
deltaAny :: Delta a
deltaAny = Gone DeltaF_
deltaValue :: Delta (S a) -> Maybe a
deltaValue d = case d of
Here a -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
splitDelta :: Delta (l * r) -> (Delta l, Delta r)
splitDelta t = case t of
Bin l r -> (l, r)
Gone _ -> (deltaAny, deltaAny)
sampleDelta :: Sample i -> Delta i
sampleDelta = mapTreeGone (const DeltaF_)
(|+) :: Delta i -> Sample i -> Sample i
d |+ s = case (d, s) of
(Gone DeltaF_, s') -> s'
(Bin ld rd, Bin ls rs) -> Bin (ld |+ ls) (rd |+ rs)
infixl 1 -|
data r -| v where
HandlerZ :: r -| Z
HandlerS :: (a -> r) -> (r -| S a)
HandlerE :: (a -> r) -> (r -| E a)
Handler2 :: (r -| a) -> (r -| b) -> (r -| a * b)
instance HMonoid ((-|) r) where
(&) = Handler2
occurHandler :: (r -| v) -> (Occ v -> r)
occurHandler h o = case h of
HandlerE f -> case o of End a -> f a
Handler2 f g -> case o of
Lt a -> occurHandler f a
Rt a -> occurHandler g a
deltaHandler :: (r -| v) -> (Delta v -> [r])
deltaHandler h d = case d of
Gone DeltaF_ -> []
Here a -> case h of HandlerS f -> [f a]
Bin l r -> case h of Handler2 f g -> deltaHandler f l ++ deltaHandler g r
type EIn = Path E (*)
type SIn = Path S (*)
sinDelta :: SIn v -> Delta v -> Delta v
sinDelta (End v) _ = here v
sinDelta (Lt u) (Bin l r) = Bin (sinDelta u l) r
sinDelta (Rt u) (Bin l r) = Bin l (sinDelta u r)
sinDelta (Lt u) (Gone _) = Bin (sinDelta u deltaAny) deltaAny
sinDelta (Rt u) (Gone _) = Bin deltaAny (sinDelta u deltaAny)
data St m i o =
St { stSf :: i *~> o
, stHandler :: m () -| o
, stNow :: Time
, stDelta :: Delta i
newtype Eval i o m a =
Eval (StateT (St m i o) m a)
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO )
instance MonadTrans (Eval i o) where
lift = Eval . lift
buildSt :: (m () -| o)
-> Sample i -> Time
-> (i ~> o) -> St m i o
buildSt h s0 t0 f =
St { stSf = snd (runSf f s0)
, stHandler = h
, stNow = t0
, stDelta = deltaAny
runEval :: Eval i o m a -> St m i o -> m (a, St m i o)
runEval (Eval st) = runStateT st
push :: Monad m => EIn i -> Eval i o m ()
push i = Eval $ do
st@(St {..}) <- get
let (occs, f') = discrete stSf i
lift $ mapM_ (occurHandler stHandler) occs
put (st { stSf = f' })
update :: Monad m => SIn i -> Eval i o m ()
update i = Eval $ do
st0@(St {..}) <- get
put (st0 { stDelta = sinDelta i stDelta })
step :: Monad m => Time -> Eval i o m ()
step now = Eval $ do
st0@(St {..}) <- get
let dt = now - stNow
(delta, occs, f') = continuous stSf dt stDelta
lift $ do
sequence_ (deltaHandler stHandler delta)
mapM_ (occurHandler stHandler) occs
put (st0 { stSf = f', stDelta = deltaAny, stNow = now })
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