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Created August 22, 2014 20:51
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Some kind of exploration of comonads and zippers in Binary, non-empty trees
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Bin where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Test.QuickCheck
Note that there's the concept of the "one-hole context" or data type
derivative which is distinct from the zipper. The type (Non-Empty)
Tree has been designed so that the two align
(D Tree a, a) == ([D (PF (Tree a)) (Tree a)], Tree a)
This occurs because there's a one-to-one correspondance between
"layers" of the Tree pattern functor (PF) and values embedded in the
tree. As a counterexample, consider the slight variation T = a * T^2 + 1
data Tree' a = Tree a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
Here, the zipper must allow us to focus on empty leaves while the
one-hole context cannot focus there. Thus, the zipper is
Z = T + 2aTZ
while the one-hole context and its filler is
Z = Ca
Z = aT^2 + 2aTZ
In other words, they're identical excepting that the left branch is
not a full Tree in the case of the one-hole context.
data Tree a =
Tree a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
arbitrary =
oneof [ Tree <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
, Leaf <$> arbitrary
shrink (Leaf a) = Leaf <$> shrink a
shrink (Tree a l r) =
Tree <$> shrink a <*> shrink l <*> shrink r
data Dir = L | R deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary Dir where
arbitrary = fmap (\b -> if b then L else R) arbitrary
shrink R = [L]
shrink L = []
data Step a = Step Dir a (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Step a) where
arbitrary = Step <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
shrink = T.traverse shrink
-- The zipper "list" formulation is more efficiently able to access
-- the current position.
data Zip a = Zip [Step a] (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Zip a) where
arbitrary = Zip <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
shrink (Zip c t) = Zip <$> shrink c <*> shrink t
-- | This folds in the same order as Tree.
-- fold z = fold (load z)
instance F.Foldable Zip where
foldMap f (Zip cx t) = foldUp cx (F.foldMap f t) where
foldUp (Step d a sib : cx) rest = case d of
L -> foldUp cx (f a <> rest <> F.foldMap f sib)
R -> foldUp cx (f a <> F.foldMap f sib <> rest)
class Functor w => Comonad w where
extract :: w a -> a
extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
extend f = fmap f . duplicate
duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)
duplicate = extend id
instance Comonad Tree where
extract t = case t of
Leaf a -> a
Tree a _ _ -> a
duplicate t = case t of
Leaf _ -> Leaf t
Tree a l r -> Tree t (duplicate l) (duplicate r)
class (Functor f, Functor (Z f)) => Holey f where
type Z f :: * -> *
here :: f a -> Z f a
load :: Z f a -> f a
up :: Z f a -> Either (f a) (Z f a)
ctxs :: f a -> f (Z f a)
down :: Dir -> Zip a -> Zip a
down d (Zip cs (Tree a l r)) =
case d of
L -> Zip (Step L a r : cs) l
R -> Zip (Step R a l : cs) r
ctxs' :: (Holey f, Comonad (Z f)) => f a -> f (Z f a)
ctxs' = load . duplicate . here
instance Holey Tree where
type Z Tree = Zip
-- Tree a -> Zip a
here = extract . ctxs
-- Zip a -> Either (Tree a) (Zip a)
up (Zip [] t) = Left t
up (Zip (Step d a sib : cs) t) =
Right . Zip cs $ case d of
L -> Tree a t sib
R -> Tree a sib t
-- Tree a -> Tree (Zip a)
ctxs t = case t of
Leaf a -> Leaf (here t)
Tree a l r ->
let z = here t
in Tree z (down z L l)
(down z R r)
down z@(Zip cs (Tree a l r)) d t =
case d of
L -> Tree (Zip (Step L a r : cs) l) (down z L l) (down z R r)
R -> Tree (Zip (Step R a l : cs) r) (down z L l) (down z R r)
-- Zip a -> Tree a
load = either id load . up
-- This is pretty ugly, too. Can it be automated?
instance Comonad Zip where
extract (Zip _ (Tree a _ _)) = a
duplicate z@(Zip cx (Tree a l r)) =
Zip (dupCtx z cx) (Tree (id z) (dupT L z l) (dupT R z r))
dupCtx :: Zip a -> [Step a] -> [Step (Zip a)]
dupCtx z [] = []
dupCtx z (Step d a sib : cx) =
case up z of
Left (Tree _ _ _) -> []
Right z' -> Step d (id z') (dupT d z' sib) : dupCtx z' cx
dupT :: Dir -> Zip a -> Tree t -> Tree (Zip a)
dupT d z (Tree a l r) =
let z' = down d z in Tree (id z') (dupT L z' l) (dupT R z' r)
instance Applicative Tree where
pure a = Tree a (pure a) (pure a)
Tree f lf rf <*> Tree a la ra = Tree (f a) (lf <*> la) (rf <*> ra)
-- | This would be a bit like Applicative's (<*>) except we can't
-- write a `pure` in infinite, "zippy" form since we must choose a
-- path backwards in history. If we had `Apply` then we could
-- instantiate this there, however.
-- The other consequence of this is that we can only "look in the
-- past" if we correctly guess the path!
infixl 4 <@>
(<@>) :: Zip (a -> r) -> (Zip a -> Zip r)
Zip cf f <@> Zip ca a = Zip (zipCx cf ca) (f <*> a) where
zipCx (Step df f tf : cf) (Step da a ta : ca)
| df == da = Step df (f a) (tf <*> ta) : zipCx cf ca
| otherwise = []
conv -- monoidish, but with a template
:: a
-> (a -> a -> (a, a) -> b)
-- teaches us a new way to fold zippers
-> (Zip a -> b)
conv d comb z =
case z of
Zip [] (Leaf a) -> comb d a (d, d)
Zip (Step _ p _ : _) (Leaf a) -> comb p a (d, d)
Zip [] (Tree a l r) -> comb d a (extract l, extract r)
Zip (Step _ p _ : _) (Tree a l r) -> comb p a (extract l, extract r)
(&) :: Num a => Zip a -> Zip a -> Sum a
a & b = F.fold ((\a b -> Sum (a * b)) <$> a <@> b)
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