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Created November 15, 2010 22:47
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mirahndroid error typescript
:; mkdir for_jackoway
:; cd for_jackoway/
:; rvm jruby
:; type mirahc
mirahc is /home/dan/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.5.5/bin/mirahc
:; type mirahndroid
mirahndroid is /home/dan/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.5.5/bin/mirahndroid
:; android list
Available Android targets:
id: 1 or "android-5"
Name: Android 2.0
Type: Platform
API level: 5
Revision: 1
Skins: WQVGA432, HVGA (default), QVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WQVGA400
id: 2 or "android-6"
Name: Android 2.0.1
Type: Platform
API level: 6
Revision: 1
Skins: WQVGA432, HVGA (default), QVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WQVGA400
id: 3 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:6"
Name: Google APIs
Type: Add-On
Vendor: Google Inc.
Revision: 1
Description: Android + Google APIs
Based on Android 2.0.1 (API level 6)
* (maps.jar)
API for Google Maps
Skins: WQVGA400, WVGA854, HVGA (default), WQVGA432, WVGA800, QVGA
id: 4 or "android-7"
Name: Android 2.1-update1
Type: Platform
API level: 7
Revision: 2
Skins: WQVGA432, HVGA (default), QVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WQVGA400
id: 5 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:7"
Name: Google APIs
Type: Add-On
Vendor: Google Inc.
Revision: 1
Description: Android + Google APIs
Based on Android 2.1-update1 (API level 7)
* (maps.jar)
API for Google Maps
Skins: WQVGA400, WVGA854, HVGA (default), WQVGA432, WVGA800, QVGA
id: 6 or "android-8"
Name: Android 2.2
Type: Platform
API level: 8
Revision: 2
Skins: WQVGA432, HVGA (default), QVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WQVGA400
id: 7 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:8"
Name: Google APIs
Type: Add-On
Vendor: Google Inc.
Revision: 2
Description: Android + Google APIs
Based on Android 2.2 (API level 8)
* (maps.jar)
API for Google Maps
Skins: WQVGA400, WVGA854, HVGA (default), WQVGA432, WVGA800, QVGA
Available Android Virtual Devices:
Name: froyo
Path: /home/dan/.android/avd/froyo.avd
Target: Google APIs (Google Inc.)
Based on Android 2.2 (API level 8)
Skin: HVGA
Sdcard: 2000M
Name: default
Path: /home/dan/.android/avd/default.avd
Target: Google APIs (Google Inc.)
Based on Android 2.0.1 (API level 6)
Skin: HVGA
Sdcard: 2000M
:; mirahndroid help create
create [options]
Create a project
--activity, -a arg - Activity name [required]
--name, -n arg - Project name
--package, -k arg - Package name [required]
--path, -p arg - Location path of new project [required]
--target, -t arg - Target id of the new project [required]
:; mirahndroid create -a ActivityUnfound -n unfound -k com.example.unfound -p unfound -t 7
Project generated! Edit your starter activity at /home/dan/for_jackoway/unfound/src/com/example/unfound/ActivityUnfound.mirah
:; cd unfound/
:; ant debug
Buildfile: /home/dan/for_jackoway/unfound/build.xml
[setup] Android SDK Tools Revision 6
[setup] Project Target: Google APIs
[setup] Vendor: Google Inc.
[setup] Platform Version: 2.2
[setup] API level: 8
[setup] WARNING: No minSdkVersion value set. Application will install on all Android versions.
[setup] Importing rules file: platforms/android-8/ant/ant_rules_r2.xml
[echo] Creating output directories if needed...
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/dan/for_jackoway/unfound/gen
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/dan/for_jackoway/unfound/bin/classes
[echo] Generating / from the resources...
[echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
[exec] Inference Error:
[exec] ./com/example/unfound/ActivityUnfound.mirah:8: Class '' not found.
[exec] class ActivityUnfound < Activity
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] def onCreate(state:Bundle)
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] super state
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] @outer = self
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] @outer.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] @text_view = self
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] @text_view.setText "What hath Charles wrought?"
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] @outer.addView @text_view
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] ^
[exec] @button = self
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] @button.setText "M-x butterfly"
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] @button.setOnClickListener do |view|
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] TextView(LinearLayout(view.getParent).getChildAt(0)).setText "What hath Matz wrought!"
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] end
[exec] ^^^^^^^^
[exec] @outer.addView @button
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] ^
[exec] setContentView(@outer)
[exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[exec] end
[exec] ^^^^^^
[exec] end
[exec] ^^^
[exec] Result: 1
[echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into /home/dan/for_jackoway/unfound/bin/classes.dex...
[apply] no classfiles specified
/usr/local/lib/android/platforms/android-8/ant/ant_rules_r2.xml:268: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/local/lib/android/platforms/android-8/ant/ant_rules_r2.xml:125: apply returned: 1
Total time: 8 seconds
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