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Created November 19, 2012 09:32
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JS GCC compile or remove GCC globals
#!/usr/bin/env node
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.error('No enough parameters');
const fs = require('fs')
, path = require('path')
var argv = process.argv
, file = argv[2]
, mode = (argv[3] || "GCC_A").toUpperCase()
, gccMode
, output = argv[4] || file
, i
, k
, str
file = fs.readFileSync(file) + "";
switch(mode) {
case "RG":
file = file.replace(/\/\/\s*\[\[\[\|\|\|---=== GCC DEFINES START ===---\|\|\|\]\]\]([\s\S]*)\/\/\s*\[\[\[\|\|\|---=== GCC DEFINES END ===---\|\|\|\]\]\]/i, function(a, find) {
str = find;
return "";
if(str) {
file = file.replace(/"use strict"\s*;\s*\n/, '"use strict";\n' + str + "\n");
fs.writeFileSync(output, file);
case "GCC_W":
if(!gccMode)gccMode = "WHITESPACE_ONLY";
case "GCC_S":
if(!gccMode)gccMode = "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS";
case "GCC_A":
if(!gccMode)gccMode = "ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS";
i = require('http').request({
host: ''
, port: 80
, method: 'POST'
, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
, path: '/compile'
}, function (res){
var body = '';
res.on('data', function (data){ body += data; });
res.on('end', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(output, body);
js_code: file
, compilation_level: gccMode
//, formatting : 'pretty_print'
, output_format: 'text'
// , output_info: 'errors'
, output_info: 'compiled_code'
node build.js input.js -> GCC Advanced mode, output is 'input.js'
node build.js input.js GCC_A output.js -> GCC Advanced mode, output is 'output.js'
node build.js input.js GCC_S -> GCC Simple mode, output is 'input.js'
node build.js input.js GCC_W -> GCC Whitespace only mode, output is 'input.js'
node build.js input.js RG -> Remove global mode, output is 'input.js'
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