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Created December 8, 2017 23:17
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Some examples of weird Haddock behavior.
import Prelude hiding (id, mod, (+))
import qualified Documentation.Haddock.Parser as Haddock
import qualified Documentation.Haddock.Types as Haddock
main :: IO ()
main = runTests
-- problems
-- annotations steal syntax from code blocks
[ "@since 1\n@" ==> p (s "@")
, "@since a\n@" ==> pre (s "since a\n")
-- inline math steals syntax from ordered lists
, "(1)" ==> ol [p empty]
, "\\(2)" ==> p (s "(2)")
, "(3\\)" ==> p (s "(3)")
, "\\(4\\)" ==> p (mathi "4")
-- display math steals syntax from definition lists
, "[a]" ==> dl [(s "a", empty)]
, "\\[b]" ==> p (s "[b]")
, "[c\\]" ==> dl [(s "c\\", empty)]
, "\\[d\\]" ==> p (mathd "d")
-- markdown links and definition lists share syntax
, "[a] (b)" ==> p (a "b" (Just "a"))
, "[c] ( d )" ==> dl [(s "c", s "( d )")]
-- anchors can have spaces but can't be linked to
, "#a b#" ==> p (anchor "a b")
, "\"A#b c\"" ==> p (s "\"A#b c\"")
, "\"A#b\\ c\"" ==> p (s "\"A#b c\"")
-- syntax
, "" ==> empty
, "haddock" ==> p (s "haddock")
-- paragraphs are separated by two newlines
, "non\n\nstrict" ==> p (s "non") + p (s "strict")
-- identifiers are inside single quotes
, "'id'" ==> p (id quote quote "id")
, "'+'" ==> p (id quote quote "+")
-- operator identifiers cannot be in parentheses
, "'(+)'" ==> p (s "'(+)'")
, "('+')" ==> p (s "(" + id quote quote "+" + s ")")
-- identifiers can also use grave accents instead of single quotes
, "`abs'" ==> p (id grave quote "abs")
, "'pure`" ==> p (id quote grave "pure")
, "`curry`" ==> p (id grave grave "curry")
, "'foldl''" ==> p (id quote quote "foldl'")
-- modules are inside double quotes
, "\"Prelude\"" ==> p (mod "Prelude")
-- modules can include anchors
, "\"Data.Bool#bool\"" ==> p (mod "Data.Bool#bool")
-- italics are inside forward slashes
, "/lazy/" ==> p (i (s "lazy"))
-- inline code is inside at signs
-- there must be an adjacent inline element otherwise it's a code block
, "@ctrl@ after" ==> p (mono (s "ctrl") + s " after")
, "before @shift@" ==> p (s "before " + mono (s "shift"))
, "before @alt@ after" ==> p (s "before " + mono (s "alt") + s " after")
-- bold is inside double underscores
, "__coffee__" ==> p (b (s "coffee"))
-- lists use either asterisks or hyphens
, "* this" ==> ul [p (s "this")]
, "- that" ==> ul [p (s "that")]
-- ordered lists can either use periods or parentheses
, "1. one" ==> ol [p (s "one")]
, "(1) uno" ==> ol [p (s "uno")]
-- definition lists use square brackets and optionally colons
, "[a] first" ==> dl [(s "a", s "first")]
, "[b]: second" ==> dl [(s "b", s "second")]
-- code blocks can use bird tracks
, "> take 1" ==> pre (s "take 1")
-- or at signs
, "@drop 1@" ==> pre (s "drop 1")
-- links are inside angle brackets
, "<web>" ==> p (a "web" Nothing)
-- links can have labels
, "<link here>" ==> p (a "link" (Just "here"))
-- simple markdown style links work too
, "[label](url)" ==> p (a "url" (Just "label"))
-- http, https, and ftp links are automatically detected
, "http://example" ==> p (a "http://example" Nothing)
, "https://invalid" ==> p (a "https://invalid" Nothing)
, "ftp://local" ==> p (a "ftp://local" Nothing)
-- certain characters are ignored at the end
, "ftp://comma," ==> p (a "ftp://comma" Nothing + s ",")
, "ftp://period." ==> p (a "ftp://period" Nothing + s ".")
, "ftp://exclaim!" ==> p (a "ftp://exclaim" Nothing + s "!")
, "ftp://question?" ==> p (a "ftp://question" Nothing + s "?")
-- images are inside double angle brackets
, "<<cat>>" ==> p (img "cat" Nothing)
-- images can have titles
, "<<dog woof>>" ==> p (img "dog" (Just "woof"))
-- simple markdown style images work too
, "![chirp](bird)" ==> p (img "bird" (Just "chirp"))
-- inline math uses "escaped" parentheses
, "\\(x\\)" ==> p (mathi "x")
-- block ("display") math uses "escaped" square brackets
, "\\[y\\]" ==> p (mathd "y")
-- anchors are inside hash signs
, "#anchor#" ==> p (anchor "anchor")
-- properties start with "prop>"
, "prop> 1 + 1 = 2" ==> prop "1 + 1 = 2"
-- examples start with ">>>"
, ">>> 1 + 1" ==> ex [("1 + 1", [])]
, ">>> 1 + 1\n2" ==> ex [("1 + 1", ["2"])]
, ">>> 1 + 1\n2\n3" ==> ex [("1 + 1", ["2", "3"])]
-- blank lines must be given explicitly
, ">>> 1 + 1\n<BLANKLINE>" ==> ex [("1 + 1", [""])]
-- there are six levels of headings
, "= one" ==> h 1 (s "one")
, "== two" ==> h 2 (s "two")
, "=== three" ==> h 3 (s "three")
, "==== four" ==> h 4 (s "four")
, "===== five" ==> h 5 (s "five")
, "====== six" ==> h 6 (s "six")
-- sections and chunks are not handled by this library
, "* not section" ==> ul [p (s "not section")]
, "$notChunk" ==> p (s "$notChunk")
-- annotations are put into the parser state
-- they don't show up in the output document
, "@since 1.2.3" ==> empty
-- annotations with invalid versions end up as strings
, "@since never" ==> p (s "@since never")
-- spaces
, " " ==> empty
, " a " ==> p (s "a ")
, " a b " ==> p (s "a b ")
, " a \n b " ==> p (s "a \n b ")
, " a \n \n b " ==> p (s "a ") + p (s "b ")
-- spaces are not allowed inside identifiers
, " ' a ' " ==> p (s "' a ' ")
, " 'a' " ==> p (id quote quote "a" + s " ")
-- spaces are not allowed inside modules
, " \" A \" " ==> p (s "\" A \" ")
, " \"A\" " ==> p (mod "A" + s " ")
, " \"A# b \" " ==> p (s "\"A# b \" ")
, " / a / " ==> p (i (s " a ") + s " ")
, " / a b / " ==> p (i (s " a b ") + s " ")
-- newlines are not allowed inside italics
, " / a \n b / " ==> p (s "/ a \n b / ")
, " a @ b @ c " ==> p (s "a " + mono (s " b ") + s " c ")
, " a @ b c @ d " ==> p (s "a " + mono (s " b c ") + s " d ")
-- newlines are kept in inline monospaced text
, " a @ b \n c @ d " ==> p (s "a " + mono (s " b \n c ") + s " d ")
, " __ a __ " ==> p (b (s " a ") + s " ")
, " __ a b __ " ==> p (b (s " a b ") + s " ")
-- newlines are not allowed inside bold text
, " __ a \n b __ " ==> p (s "__ a \n b __ ")
, " * a " ==> ul [p (s "a ")]
, " * a b " ==> ul [p (s "a b ")]
, " * a \n b " ==> ul [p (s "a \n b ")]
-- two newlines stop lists
, " * a \n \n b " ==> ul [p (s "a ")] + p (s "b ")
, " 1. a " ==> ol [p (s "a ")]
, " 1. a b " ==> ol [p (s "a b ")]
, " 1. a \n b " ==> ol [p (s "a \n b ")]
-- two newlines stop ordered lists
, " 1. a \n \n b " ==> ol [p (s "a ")] + p (s "b ")
, " [ k ] v " ==> dl [(s " k ", s "v ")]
, " [ k ] \n v " ==> dl [(s " k ", s "v ")]
-- two newlines stop definition lists
, " [ k ] \n \n v " ==> dl [(s " k ", empty)] + p (s "v ")
, " [ k ]: v " ==> dl [(s " k ", s "v ")]
-- newlines are not allowed in definition terms
, " [ k \n l ] v " ==> p (s "[ k \n l ] v ")
-- colons in definition lists can't have spaces
, " [ k ] : v " ==> dl [(s " k ", s ": v ")]
, " > a " ==> pre (s "a ")
, " > a b " ==> pre (s "a b ")
-- a single newline escapes bird tracks
, " > a \n b " ==> pre (s "a ") + p (s "b ")
-- minimum leading spaces are removed
, " > a \n > b " ==> pre (s "a \nb ")
, " > a \n > b " ==> pre (s "a \n b ")
, " > a \n > b " ==> pre (s " a \nb ")
, " @ a @ " ==> pre (s " a")
, " @ a b @ " ==> pre (s " a b")
-- leading spaces are not removed
, " @ a \n b @ " ==> pre (s " a \n b")
, " < a > " ==> p (a "a" Nothing + s " ")
, " < a b > " ==> p (a "a" (Just "b") + s " ")
-- newlines are not allowed inside links
, " < a \n b > " ==> p (s "< a \n b > ")
, " [ a ] (b) " ==> p (a "b" (Just "a"))
-- newlines are allowed inside markdown links
, " [ a ] \n (b) " ==> p (a "b" (Just "a"))
, " [ a \n b ] (c) " ==> p (a "c" (Just "a \n b"))
-- spaces are not allowed inside markdown link urls
-- it turns them into definition lists
, " [ a ] ( b ) " ==> dl [(s " a ", s "( b ) ")]
-- image brackets cannot be spaced out
, " < < a > > " ==> p (a "<" (Just "a") + s " > ")
, " << a >> " ==> p (img "a" Nothing + s " ")
, " << a b >> " ==> p (img "a" (Just "b") + s " ")
-- newlines are not allowed inside images
, " << a \n b >> " ==> p (s "<< a \n b >> ")
-- markdown images cannot be spaced out
, " ! [ a ] (b) " ==> p (s "! " + a "b" (Just "a") + s " ")
, " ![ a ] (b) " ==> p (img "b" (Just "a") + s " ")
-- newlines are allowed inside markdown images
, " ![ a ] \n (b) " ==> p (img "b" (Just "a") + s " ")
, " ![ a \n b ] \n (c) " ==> p (img "c" (Just "a \n b") + s " ")
-- spaces are not allowed inside markdown images
, " ![ a ] ( b ) " ==> p (s "![ a ] ( b ) ")
-- inline math brackets cannot be spaced out
, " \\ ( a \\ ) " ==> p (s " ( a ) ")
, " \\( a \\) " ==> p (mathi " a " + s " ")
-- newlines are not allowed inside inline math brackets
, " \\( a \n b \\) " ==> p (s "( a \n b ) ")
-- block math brackets cannot be spaced out
, " \\ [ a \\ ] " ==> p (s " [ a ] ")
, " \\[ a \\] " ==> p (mathd " a " + s " ")
, " \\[ a \n b \\] " ==> p (mathd " a \n b " + s " ")
-- spaces are allowed within anchors
, " # a # " ==> p (anchor " a " + s " ")
-- newlines are not allowed within anchors
, " # a \n b # " ==> p (s "# a \n b # ")
, " prop> a " ==> prop "a"
-- properties cannot be spaced out
, " prop > a " ==> p (s "prop > a ")
, " >>> a " ==> ex [("a", [])]
-- examples cannot be spaced out
, " > > > a " ==> pre (s "> > a ")
, " = a " ==> h 1 (s "a ")
-- headings cannot be spaced out
, " = = a " ==> h 1 (s "= a ")
, " @since 1.2.3 " ==> empty
-- annotations cannot be spaced out
, " @ since 1.2.3 " ==> p (s "@ since 1.2.3 ")
-- escape sequences
-- single quotes cannot be escaped
, "'a\\''" ==> p (id quote quote "a\\'")
-- identifiers can have all kinds of symbols
, "'-_.!#$%&*+/<=>?@\\|~:^'" ==> p (id quote quote "-_.!#$%&*+/<=>?@\\|~:^")
-- identifiers can be escaped
, "\\'a'" ==> p (s "'a'")
-- modules can be escaped
, "\\\"A\"" ==> p (s "\"A\"")
-- italics can be escaped
, "\\/a/" ==> p (s "/a/")
, "/a\\/" ==> p (s "/a/")
-- slashes can be escaped in italics
, "/a\\/b/" ==> p (i (s "a/b"))
-- at signs can be escaped
, "inline \\@a@" ==> p (s "inline @a@")
, "inline @a\\@" ==> p (s "inline @a@")
-- at signs can be escaped in code
, "inline @a\\@b@" ==> p (s "inline " + mono (s "a@b"))
-- underscores can be escaped
, "\\__a__" ==> p (s "__a__")
, "_\\_a__" ==> p (s "__a__")
, "__a_\\_" ==> p (s "__a__")
-- ... but not at the end
, "__a\\__" ==> p (b (s "a\\"))
-- underscores can be escaped in bold text
, "__a\\__b__" ==> p (b (s "a__b"))
, "__a_\\_b__" ==> p (b (s "a__b"))
-- lists can be escaped
, " \\* a" ==> p (s "* a")
, " \\- a" ==> p (s "- a")
-- ordered lists can be escaped
, "\\1. a" ==> p (s "1. a")
, "1\\. a" ==> p (s "1. a")
-- definition lists can be escaped
, "\\[a] b" ==> p (s "[a] b")
-- ... but only in one place
, "[a\\] b" ==> dl [(s "a\\", s "b")]
, "[a]\\ b" ==> dl [(s "a", s " b")]
-- colons in definition lists can be escaped
, "[a]\\: b" ==> dl [(s "a", s ": b")]
-- bird tracks can be escaped
, "\\> a" ==> p (s "> a")
-- code blocks can be escaped
, "\\@a@" ==> p (s "@a@")
, "@a\\@" ==> p (s "@a@")
-- links can be escaped
, "\\<a>" ==> p (s "<a>")
-- ... but only at the beginning
, "<a\\>" ==> p (a "a" Nothing)
-- links can contain weird characters
, "<<>" ==> p (a "<" Nothing)
, "<\\>" ==> p (a "" Nothing)
, "<\\>>" ==> p (a ">" Nothing)
-- links can be empty
, "< >" ==> p (a "" Nothing)
-- ... but not too empty
, "<>" ==> p (s "<>")
-- markdown links can be escaped
, "\\[a](b)" ==> p (s "[a](b)")
-- ... but things get weird
, "[a\\](b)" ==> dl [(s "a\\", s "(b)")]
, "[a]\\(b)" ==> dl [(s "a", s "(b)")]
, "[a](b\\)" ==> dl [(s "a", s "(b)")]
-- markdown links can be empty
, "[ ](a)" ==> p (a "a" (Just ""))
-- ... but not too empty
, "[](a)" ==> p (s "[](a)")
-- links can be escaped
, "\\ftp://a" ==> p (s "ftp://a")
, "f\\tp://a" ==> p (s "ftp://a")
, "ft\\p://a" ==> p (s "ftp://a")
, "ftp\\://a" ==> p (s "ftp://a")
, "ftp:\\//a" ==> p (s "ftp://a")
, "ftp:/\\/a" ==> p (s "ftp://a")
-- multiple characters are not removed at the end
, "ftp://a.." ==> p (a "ftp://a." Nothing + s ".")
, "ftp://a,," ==> p (a "ftp://a," Nothing + s ",")
, "ftp://a!!" ==> p (a "ftp://a!" Nothing + s "!")
, "ftp://a??" ==> p (a "ftp://a?" Nothing + s "?")
-- ... and they can't be escaped
, "ftp://a\\.." ==> p (a "ftp://a\\." Nothing + s ".")
-- images can be escaped
, "\\<<a>>" ==> p (s "<" + a "a" Nothing + s ">")
, "<\\<a>>" ==> p (a "<a" Nothing + s ">")
, "<<a>\\>" ==> p (a "<a" Nothing + s ">")
-- ... but not at the end
, "<<a\\>>" ==> p (img "a" Nothing)
-- markdown images can be escaped
, "\\![a](b)" ==> p (s "![a](b)")
, "!\\[a](b)" ==> p (s "![a](b)")
, "![a\\](b)" ==> p (s "![a](b)")
, "![a]\\(b)" ==> p (s "![a](b)")
-- ... but not at the end
, "![a](b\\)" ==> p (img "b" (Just "a"))
-- inline math can be escaped
, "\\\\(a\\)" ==> p (s "\\(a)")
-- ... but not at the end
, "\\(a\\\\)" ==> p (mathi "a\\")
-- block math can be escaped
, "\\\\[a\\]" ==> p (s "\\[a]")
-- ... but not at the end
, "\\[a\\\\]" ==> p (mathd "a\\")
-- anchors can be escaped
, "\\#a#" ==> p (s "#a#")
, "#a\\#" ==> p (s "#a#")
-- properties can be escaped
, "\\prop> a" ==> p (s "prop> a")
, "p\\rop> a" ==> p (s "prop> a")
, "pr\\op> a" ==> p (s "prop> a")
, "pro\\p> a" ==> p (s "prop> a")
, "prop\\> a" ==> p (s "prop> a")
-- examples can be escaped
, "\\>>> a" ==> p (s ">>> a")
-- blank lines cannot be escaped
, ">>> a\n\\<BLANKLINE>" ==> ex [("a", ["\\<BLANKLINE>"])]
-- headings can be escaped
, "\\= a" ==> p (s "= a")
, "\\== a" ==> p (s "== a")
, "=\\= a" ==> h 1 (s "= a")
-- annotations can be escaped
, "\\@since 1" ==> p (s "@since 1")
-- back slashes
, "\\" ==> p (s "\\")
, "a\\b" ==> p (s "ab")
, "'\\'" ==> p (id quote quote "\\")
, "'a\\b'" ==> p (id quote quote "a\\b")
, "\"\\\"" ==> p (s "\"\"")
, "\"A\\b\"" ==> p (mod "A\\b")
, "/\\/" ==> p (s "//")
, "/a\\b/" ==> p (i (s "ab"))
, "inline @\\@" ==> p (s "inline @@")
, "inline @a\\b@" ==> p (s "inline " + mono (s "ab"))
, "__\\__" ==> p (b (s "\\"))
, "__a\\b__" ==> p (b (s "ab"))
, "* \\" ==> ul [p (s "\\")]
, "* a\\b" ==> ul [p (s "ab")]
, "1. \\" ==> ol [p (s "\\")]
, "1. a\\b" ==> ol [p (s "ab")]
, "[\\] \\" ==> dl [(s "\\", s "\\")]
, "[a\\b] c\\d" ==> dl [(s "ab", s "cd")]
, "> \\" ==> pre (s "\\")
, "> a\\b" ==> pre (s "a\\b")
, "@\\@" ==> p (s "@@")
, "@a\\b@" ==> pre (s "ab")
, "<\\ \\>" ==> p (a "" (Just ""))
, "<a\\b c\\d>" ==> p (a "ab" (Just "cd"))
, "[\\](\\)" ==> dl [(s "\\", s "()")]
, "[a\\b](c\\d)" ==> p (a "cd" (Just "ab"))
, "ftp://\\" ==> p (a "ftp://\\" Nothing)
, "ftp://a\\b" ==> p (a "ftp://a\\b" Nothing)
, "<<\\ \\>>" ==> p (img "" (Just ""))
, "<<a\\b c\\d>>" ==> p (img "ab" (Just "cd"))
, "![\\](\\)" ==> p (s "![]()")
, "![a\\b](c\\d)" ==> p (img "cd" (Just "ab"))
, "\\(\\\\)" ==> p (mathi "\\")
, "\\(a\\b\\)" ==> p (mathi "a\\b")
, "\\[\\\\]" ==> p (mathd "\\")
, "\\[a\\b\\]" ==> p (mathd "a\\b")
, "#\\#" ==> p (s "##")
, "#a\\b#" ==> p (anchor "a\\b")
, "prop> \\" ==> prop "\\"
, "prop> a\\b" ==> prop "a\\b"
, ">>> \\\nc\\d" ==> ex [("\\", ["c\\d"])]
, ">>> a\\b\nc\\d" ==> ex [("a\\b", ["c\\d"])]
, "= \\" ==> h 1 (s "\\")
, "= a\\b" ==> h 1 (s "ab")
type Test = (String, Doc)
type Doc = Haddock.DocH () Haddock.Identifier
runTests :: [Test] -> IO ()
runTests tests = do
let count = length (tests)
putStrLn ("Running " ++ show count ++ " test(s)...")
results <- mapM runTest tests
let failedCount = length (filter not results)
if failedCount > 0
then do
( show failedCount
++ " test(s) out of "
++ show count
++ " failed."
fail ""
else putStrLn ("All " ++ show count ++ " test(s) passed.")
runTest :: Test -> IO Bool
runTest (input, expected) = do
let actual = parse input
let passed = actual == expected
if passed
then putStrLn ("PASS: " ++ show input)
else putStr (unlines
[ "FAIL: " ++ show input
, " expected: " ++ show expected
, " actual: " ++ show actual
pure passed
(==>) :: String -> Doc -> Test
(==>) = (,)
infix 0 ==>
parse :: String -> Doc
parse = Haddock._doc . Haddock.parseParas
empty :: Doc
empty = Haddock.DocEmpty
(+) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(+) = Haddock.DocAppend
infixr 1 +
s :: String -> Doc
s = Haddock.DocString
p :: Doc -> Doc
p = Haddock.DocParagraph
id :: Char -> Char -> String -> Doc
id l r x = Haddock.DocIdentifier (l, x, r)
quote :: Char
quote = '\''
grave :: Char
grave = '`'
mod :: String -> Doc
mod = Haddock.DocModule
i :: Doc -> Doc
i = Haddock.DocEmphasis
mono :: Doc -> Doc
mono = Haddock.DocMonospaced
b :: Doc -> Doc
b = Haddock.DocBold
ul :: [Doc] -> Doc
ul = Haddock.DocUnorderedList
ol :: [Doc] -> Doc
ol = Haddock.DocOrderedList
dl :: [(Doc, Doc)] -> Doc
dl = Haddock.DocDefList
pre :: Doc -> Doc
pre = Haddock.DocCodeBlock
a :: String -> Maybe String -> Doc
a x = Haddock.DocHyperlink . Haddock.Hyperlink x
img :: String -> Maybe String -> Doc
img x = Haddock.DocPic . Haddock.Picture x
mathi :: String -> Doc
mathi = Haddock.DocMathInline
mathd :: String -> Doc
mathd = Haddock.DocMathDisplay
anchor :: String -> Doc
anchor = Haddock.DocAName
prop :: String -> Doc
prop = Haddock.DocProperty
ex :: [(String, [String])] -> Doc
ex = Haddock.DocExamples . map ex_
ex_ :: (String, [String]) -> Haddock.Example
ex_ = uncurry Haddock.Example
h_ :: Int -> Doc -> Haddock.Header Doc
h_ = Haddock.Header
h :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
h x = Haddock.DocHeader . h_ x
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